Top 43 Games Apps Like AP World History Exam Success - Best Alternatives

AP World History Exam Success Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AP World History Exam Success alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Games apps that are similar to AP World History Exam Success. Pick one from this list to be your new AP World History Exam Success app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AP World History Exam Success on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Games Like AP World History Exam Success - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AP World History Exam Success alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar games like AP World History Exam Success 2025.

AP Microeconomics Exam Success

AP Microeconomics Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the AP Microeconomics exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
AP Biology Exam Success

AP Biology Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the AP Biology Exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
AP US History Exam Success

AP US History Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the Advanced Placement United States History course and exams there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
Jigsaw Puzzle of the Day!

Jigsaw Puzzle of the Day!

People say it’s one of the best jigsaw puzzles out there! Features: - Daily updates with new awesome puzzles; - High quality beautiful photos; - 3 levels of difficulty; - Minimal clean design; - Simple gameplay; - Best user experience; - Convenient movable deck for jigsaw pieces. Subscription: -...

Price: Free Developer: Sergey Tyo
Jigsaw Puzzles ST

Jigsaw Puzzles ST

- Thousands of amazing jigsaw puzzles made of gorgeous photos; - Absolutely NO ads forever; - Daily updates with new awesome puzzles; - 3 levels of difficulty and it’s all you need; - Simple clean design and gameplay; - Best user experience; - Unlimited one-month...

Price: Free Developer: Sergey Tyo
Byd Cyw

Byd Cyw

Croeso i Ap Byd Cyw - ap llawn hwyl i blant chwilfrydig sy’n dwlu ar gemau, straeon a chaneuon. Welcome to Cyw World - a fun filled app for kids who love games, stories, songs and exploration! Wedi’i seilio ym myd...

Price: Free Developer: S4C
Coloring - Adults' Painting

Coloring - Adults' Painting

Coloring App is not only an E-coloring Book, but also be the connection of your current life to your childhood. The painting game can be a fashion lifestyle that helps you to decompress. Undoubtedly, 【Coloring】 is the chicest coloring app,...

Price: Free Developer: Jingxin Jiang
My Sweet Angel

My Sweet Angel

My sweet angel is a real angel and more! Her angel power has been stolen by an evil scientist! Restore it and set things right! It’s the prequel to Ultimate Kept Man Life, featuring the father from when he was young! Common...

Price: Free Developer: MASUKACHI, K.K.
SRPG 伝説のレギオン Remix

SRPG 伝説のレギオン Remix

◇世界観だけではない!感動のラストを見届けてほしい。 人とは違う真っ赤な髪色の少女アン。ベスティア(魔獣)が住む森に入っていったという幼なじみのエドワードを追いかけて、アンも森に入る。そこからアンの運命の歯車は回り始める…。 これは、運命に翻弄されながらも天真爛漫に生きるアンとその魅力に惹かれた仲間たちとの成長と友情を描いた感動のロールプレイングシミュレーションである! ◇全100ステージの壮大な物語! メインストーリー、サブストーリー合わせて全100ステージ! ストーリーにそって展開される様々な特徴をもったステージが行く手を阻む!多彩なスキルで攻撃を仕掛ける敵ユニットが戦略性とストーリーの臨場感を高め、あなたを夢中にするだろう。 ◇ひと癖もふた癖もある仲間たち! 主人公アンのもつ運命の力に共鳴するように必要な人々がひとりまたひとりと彼女の前に現れる。そんな彼ら彼女らを「説得」し仲間に引き入れろ!そしてアンと共に経験を積ませ成長させるのだ!ステージ攻略のカギは仲間だ! ◇武器強化×スキル習得×クラスチェンジ 敵を倒すことで手に入れた素材を手持ちの武器に埋め込み武器を強化しろ。 ユニットもまた敵を倒すことでレベルアップし様々なスキルを覚える。そして、あるアイテムを手に入れたとき伝説のクラスへと昇格する。 武器を強化し気に入ったユニットをクラスチェンジさせて、あなただけの部隊を作り上げてほしい! ◇達成感がハンパない! ひとりのユニットが倒れても残りのユニットでクリアを目指せるが、その劣勢から全てのユニットが倒れた場合、そのステージで取得した「経験値」「取得アイテム」が全て開始前の状態に戻る。ステージの戦略性と一手の重要性があなたの緊張感を極限まで高める。しかしだからこそ、ステージを攻略したときの達成感は格別なものになるだろう。 ◇これがスマホならではの操作性だ! ユニット操作、ステージ全体を確認するための直感タッチ操作。 片手持ちでラクに操作ができるように配慮した親切設計。 ■「伝説のレギオン」のデータが引き継げる! 「伝説のレギオン Remix」では、「伝説のレギオン」の引き継ぎコードを入力することで下記のデータを引き継いで遊ぶことができるようになっております。 ◇引き継げるデータ ・ユーザー名 ・ユーザーランクとランクのEXP ・所持金塊 ・所持銀貨 ・倉庫の拡張数 ・ユニット枠の拡張数 ・プートの好物 ・獲得したユニット ・ユニットのレベル ◇引き継げないデータ ・ストーリー、及びクエストのクリア状況 ・武器、素材、アイテム(プートの好物以外全部のアイテム) ※「伝説のレギオン」にて購入された金塊は、「伝説のレギオン Remix」では無料分の金塊として引き継がれます。 ※引き継げる、及び引き継げないデータに関しましては変更する場合がございます。 ※「伝説のレギオン」と「伝説のレギオン Remix」との違いにつきましては、弊社ホームページをご覧ください。 ※「伝説のレギオン Remix」から「伝説のレギオン」へ引き継ぐことはできません。予めご了承ください。 ◆推奨端末&対応OS iOS7.0以降。 iPhone5S以降、ipod(第6世代以降)、iPad(第3世代以降)推奨。 ただし、一部の機種ではご利用になれない場合がございます。 ※本アプリのバージョンアップ等に伴って、推奨端末や対応OSのバージョンを変更する場合がございますが予めご了承ください。 ※OSのバージョンアップにより、本アプリに問題が出る場合がございますが予めご了承ください。 ※推奨端末以外のサポート、補償等は致しかねますので予めご了承ください。 ※本アプリのバージョンアップ等に伴って、推奨端末や対応OSのバージョンを変更する場合がございますが予めご了承ください。 ※OSのバージョンアップにより、本アプリに問題が出る場合がございますが予めご了承ください。 ◆その他注意事項 ・セーブについて セーブは自動で行っています。 セーブ中にアプリを終了、または電源を切ると、 セーブデータが破損することがあります。 ゲームを終了するときはワールドマップからその他を選び、その中の「保存して終了」を押してアプリを終了するようにしてください。 またフィールドマップ上のステージ攻略中の場合は、右上のMENUから「中断して終了」を押してアプリを終了するようにしてください。 また、セーブデータ(AP、RP、ユニット、ユニットのレベル、ユニットの経験値、武器、アイテム、銀貨、金塊、スキル等)がいかなる理由又は原因で破損、もしくは喪失したとしても保証は致しません。 予め、ご了承の上、ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 ※電池残量が十分にある状態でのプレイを推奨いたします。 ・通信について 本アプリは、ゲームプレイ中に通信を行っており、通信環境の悪いところでは、ゲームをプレイ出来ません。 通信状況の良い場所でプレイをしてください。 ・時刻設定について 本アプリはサーバーと通信することで時刻を取得しており、お持ちの端末の時刻とサーバーとの時刻が異なりますとプレイすることが出来ません。 日付と時刻は、一般設定より自動設定にされることを推奨いたします。 ・不正行為について 本アプリでは、下記のような不正行為を行ったユーザーに対しては、しかるべき制裁措置をとる場合があります。  不正プログラムを使用する行為  不正プログラムを制作または配布する行為  詐欺行為を行い、不適切な利益を得る行為  不正な方法で、AP、RP、ユニット、ユニットのレベル、ユニットの経験値、武器、アイテム、銀貨、金塊、スキル等を獲得する行為  ゲーム内バグを悪用する行為  事実と異なる情報を入力してアカウントを生成する行為  その他、当社が不正行為と判断する行為 ・その他 本アプリのルール、テキスト、内容等、キャラクターデザイン等、断りなく変更することがあります。 予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 本アプリは、モデルデータや画像データが多いため、複数のアプリを起動されていますとアプリが突然終了することがあります。 他のアプリを完全に終了させてから本アプリを起動するか、またはメモリの解放を行う等、十分なメモリの確保をされてから本アプリを起動するようにお願いいたします。 特に以前の機種などをご使用の方は、予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 【お願い】 不具合に関しましては、ゲーム内の「ワールドマップ」の左下にある「その他」の中にある「問い合わせ」からお問い合わせください。 レビューにアップされましても、情報が足りず対応は致しかねます。 出来る限り、お客様の要望を組み込み、より楽しいゲームを目指したく思っておりますのでご協力頂ければ幸いです。

Price: Free Developer: Sorairo,inc.
World of the Wild

World of the Wild

There is a land that has been devastated by destruction; lifeless and grey, it has been poisoned by toxic oil and waste that corrupt the earth. Poachers have captured the land and are destroying entire animal species, preying on...

Price: Free Developer: My Green World
BINGO! World Tour

BINGO! World Tour

Play the FREE BINGO! WORLD TOUR today, travel and explore the world playing cards in exotic rooms and collecting postcards and collectible souvenirs which can be turned in for rewards and tickets. Use powerful power ups to increase...

Price: Free Developer: Clipwire Games Inc.
Nob's World

Nob's World

Nob's World is the best classic adventure game for you and it has gone prehistoric. Nob’s World is an adventure game that your Hero can jump, run and shoot enemy, platform game in the style of Super Mario Bros, and...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Dang


Download the Store App and wish for more top rated paid apps like POP ROCKS WORLD - MUSIC RPG GAME to become FREE for a day! Become a mega star in Pop Rocks World and make fans scream...

Price: Free Developer: Swag Soft LLP
carsoccer world

carsoccer world

Pure Soccer! The best combination of soccer and cars. Forget about Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo or Manuel Neuer! New Heros will be born on this soccer field. You can choose one out of 8 nations and you will try...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Erdmann
Defend The Bunker - World War

Defend The Bunker - World War

Get ready for an epic journey to defend your base against ruthless enemies. Take down the enemies with powerful weapons from your territory. With groundbreaking new missions & drop-dead gorgeous visuals, exciting upgrades & destructive weapons, Defend the bunker...

Price: Free Developer: AppOn
World of Orblez

World of Orblez

Get now all games of the world of Orblez combined in this extended game collection... Play Fallin' Orblez and try to remove the fast increasing Orblez from the bottom by hitting them with your own Counter-Orblez from the top. Hit...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Rehrl
Danger World

Danger World

In Danger World, you read your way through an adventure, choosing at each point what you would like to do next. Are you feeling lucky? Danger World is a fantasy role-playing game. You take the role of a new adventurer...

Price: Free Developer: Taormina Innovations LLC
Monkey's World Super

Monkey's World Super

Monkey's World Super is one of the best platformer mobile game what you will shouldn't miss. A hundred of levels are waiting for you with a million players join with you in game. We support many characters in game...

Price: Free Developer: phuc pham
Machine World

Machine World

Drive, fly and operate cool machines that behave like the real thing - in Machine World! #1 App in several countries! Machine World is a big sandbox on your iPad, 13 different machines to learn to operate and have...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Trino AB
Black History Quiz

Black History Quiz

Black History Quiz is an excellent fact based trivia game for inspiration about people, movements, and pioneers. The app keeps you in the questions until you select the right answer. You’ll find several hundred questions in the quizzes including...

Price: Free Developer: Quikthinking
United States History Trivia Quiz

United States History Trivia Quiz

A DIFFERENT TRIVIA GAME! The History of the United States TRIVIA GAME. You should respond correctly to 20 questions. But... You will need to take it easy, because you will have to deal with a person ... FEATURES: ========= • 400 questions. •...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: E-Learning Factory, S.L.
True or False: U.S. History

True or False: U.S. History

Learn American history by taking history quiz on this True or False trivia app. Are you ready to take on one of the most informative and enlightening trivia games out there? If yes, you are in for a treat! From...

Price: Free Developer: TradeWeb
History Quiz Trivia – Pro Learning Historical Game

History Quiz Trivia – Pro Learning Historical Game

“History Quiz Trivia – Pro Learning Historical Game” is an educational trivia game that consists of tons of history trivia questions and answers on world history. This free history trivia quiz will provide you with lots of interesting facts...

Price: Free Developer: Milica Vuksanovic
America History Knowledge test

America History Knowledge test

If you think you have too much American History Knowledge then think again, this app is developed for the sole purpose of measuring your America History Knowledge. If you think you could take a challenge then this app is...

Price: Free Developer: Asad Shoaib
American Military: History Challenge

American Military: History Challenge

Think you're an expert on the American Military? Test your knowledge of American Military history in this fun, fast-paced and exciting history quiz written by a college history professor. Die-hard history buffs and those looking to learn more about...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Maple Leaf Soft.
American Military: History Challenge Lite

American Military: History Challenge Lite

Think you're an expert on the American Military? Test your knowledge of American Military history in the lite version of this fun, fast-paced and exciting history quiz written by a college history professor. Die-hard history buffs and those looking to...

Price: Free Developer: Maple Leaf Soft.
Hitler's Germany: History Challenge

Hitler's Germany: History Challenge

Think you're an expert on Hitler’s Germany? Test your knowledge of the history of Nazi Germany, its role in World War II and the Holocaust in this fun, fast-paced and exciting history quiz written by a college history professor. ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Maple Leaf Soft.
Hitler's Germany: History Challenge Lite

Hitler's Germany: History Challenge Lite

Think you're an expert on the Hitler’s Germany? Test your knowledge of the history of Nazi Germany, its role in World War II and the Holocaust in the lite version of this fun, fast-paced and exciting history quiz written by...

Price: Free Developer: Maple Leaf Soft.
India History Knowledge test

India History Knowledge test

If you think you have too much Indian History Knowledge then think again, this app is developed for the sole purpose of measuring your India History Knowledge. If you think you could take a challenge then this app is...

Price: Free Developer: Asad Shoaib
Examia - General Knowledge Exam Kit

Examia - General Knowledge Exam Kit

Examia - Exam Practice Kit app helps you in preparing for competitive exams . This has a learn module with sharing question option and mock test series. Examia - Exam Practice Kit app is an exclusive app for students...

Price: Free Developer: Swaroop S
TOEIC Exam Success

TOEIC Exam Success

Learn the Secret to Success on the on the TOEIC® Exam Ever wonder why learning comes so easily to some people? This remarkable App reveals a system that shows you how to learn faster, easier and without frustration. By mastering...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
CLEP Humanities Exam Success

CLEP Humanities Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the CLEP Humanities Exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
Nurse's Aide Exam Success

Nurse's Aide Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the Nurse’s Aide/ CNA exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
Biology SAT Exam Success

Biology SAT Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why learning a language seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the SAT Biology exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
CLEP Chemistry Exam Success

CLEP Chemistry Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the CLEP Chemistry exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
FTCE Chemistry Exam Success

FTCE Chemistry Exam Success

Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the FTCE Chemistry Exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.


Did you ever wonder why studying seems so natural for some people? You will be surprised to learn that for the GCSE Chemistry Exam there is an ‘insider language’ that is the key to success. Our App is a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Network4Learning, Inc.
Exam Time Hidden Object Games

Exam Time Hidden Object Games

People in search of challenging free hidden object games that features spectacular graphics and delivers hour after hour of fun, no longer have to wait. PlayHOG presents Exam Time, a Free find object game where we have carefully hidden...

Price: Free Developer: Big Leap Studios
Hotel Dash: Suite Success

Hotel Dash: Suite Success

Play 5 levels of Hotel Dash: Suite Success for FREE today! Love it? Upgrade to Hotel Dash: Suite Success Deluxe for access to all 50 levels in the full game! Make a reservation for Hotel Dash: Suite Success on your...

Price: Free Developer: Glu Games Inc
Hotel Dash: Suite Success Deluxe

Hotel Dash: Suite Success Deluxe

Make a reservation for Hotel Dash: Suite Success Deluxe on your iPad! It’s all the fast-paced fun of Diner Dash, Cooking Dash and Wedding Dash with the added bonus of hotel drama and chaos. An addicting combination of time management...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Glu Games Inc
My Success Story business game

My Success Story business game

Is a dollar in your pocket and a room in the dorm all you have for now? Prove that you were born for a better life! Become a successful businessman, earn millions of dollars and run your own company...

Price: Free Developer: Rodan mobile Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
Affirmation Success

Affirmation Success

Experience an affirmation transformation. It’s time for you to direct success into your life. Affirmation success is expertly designed to jumpstart your focus into manifesting the life of your dreams. Affirmation Success contains powerful affirmations designed to inspire, motivate...

Price: Free Developer:

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