Top 20 Business Apps Like K2 Workspace - Best Alternatives

K2 Workspace Alternatives

Do you want to find the best K2 Workspace alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to K2 Workspace. Pick one from this list to be your new K2 Workspace app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to K2 Workspace on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like K2 Workspace - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid K2 Workspace alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like K2 Workspace 2025.

K2 mia

K2 mia

This app is thin client of Information system K2 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Notification and BI modules are included so you have control of your business from everywhere

Price: Free Developer: K2 atmitec
K2 mona

K2 mona

Aplikace slouží jako klient Informačního systému K2 pro zařízení iPhone, iPod touch a iPad. Verze obsahuje modul notifikací a analytických služeb, díky kterým máte vždy přehled o aktuálním stavu firmy.

Price: Free Developer: K2 atmitec
K2 move

K2 move

Aplikace slouží jako klient Informačního systému K2 sense pro zařízení iPhone, iPod touch a iPad. Verze obsahuje modul notifikací a analytických služeb, díky kterým máte vždy přehled o aktuálním stavu firmy.

Price: Free Developer: K2 atmitec
K2 Mobile

K2 Mobile

K2 Mobile, a free app available to current K2 blackpearl and K2 Appit for SharePoint customers, provides users with access to the forms, workflow tasks and information they need to work efficiently and make informed decisions, no matter where...

Price: Free Developer: SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc.
K2 Konnect

K2 Konnect

The app for K2’s community of elite enterprise technology professionals. In this version, if you’re a consultant currently working for K2, you can quickly and easily submit your timesheets and expenses at the time and place that suits you. - Fast...

Price: Free Developer: K2 Partnering Solutions Holding Co Limited
K2 Realty

K2 Realty

K2 Realty | Live Lost Tree K2 Realty is led by longtime Lost Tree Village residents James Kenny and Paul Kaneb and was co-founded in 2003. As partners, they have decades of experience in the Lost Tree Village real estate...

Price: Free Developer: K2 Realty, Inc.


K2-EVO 服务平台是由广州 K11 管理团队与云系科技有限公司共同合作,倾心打造而成的高端办公生活服务平台。是 K11 与云系科技对传统写字楼服务的 崭新革命。 K2-EVO 个人版面为所有广州 K11 ATELIER 办公人员所打造轻松上班与生活体验。通过整合珠江新城 CBD 周边资源,为各租户提供便利的饮用水、办公文 具、穿梭巴士及绿化保洁等服务。每时每刻都体现着广州 K11 所提倡的 BESPOKE 精神——贴心打造,致力为您提供更独特、更便利、更细致的服务。 K2-EVO 每时每刻都体现着广州 K11 所提倡的 BESPOKE 精神——贴心打造,我们致力为您提供更独特、更便利、更细致的服务,除了基本的写字楼服务, 通过 K2-EVO,您还可以在线预订专属搭配的工作餐,可以完成 6A 级会议中心的预约,可以尽情选购我们为您精心挑选的商品,同时,我们亦专门为您在 K2-EVO 开通对公服务窗口,极大程度减少您烦心繁琐杂务的时间,令您可以更专注于自身工作。 通过 K2-EVO 平台的不断优化,我们将与您紧密互动,从中吸纳经验,听取意见,从而提供更优质服务。衷心希望您能感受这场由 K2-EVO 带来的创新办公 风潮,享受极致工作体验,体会 K11 艺术、人文、自然三大元素的融合。

Price: Free Developer: 广州云系信息科技有限公司
K2 Business Apps

K2 Business Apps

K2 Business Apps is the tool to perform every K2 task with a nice and handy App. Whether you perform work indoors or outdoors, with K2 Business Apps you share relevant information quickly and easily with your colleagues. So...

Price: Free Developer: Indocs B.V.
K2 Seafood

K2 Seafood

K2 Seafood, Another bright spot located in Charleston, South Carolina. K2 Seafood The App is absolutely free of charge and it comes pre-loaded with outstanding seafood menu. We also added reservation and sign up features to accommodate our guest...

Price: Free Developer: Durisimo Mobile Apps Llc
irth WorkSpace

irth WorkSpace

Irth WorkSpace is software to maximize growth for every business size. Cloud-based and mobile-ready, irth WorkSpace automates workforce management and field operations around custom workflows that integrate into back-end systems. irth WorkSpace empowers the collaborative creation and publishing of unique...

Price: Free Developer: irth Solutions, Inc.
Lenovo Unified Workspace

Lenovo Unified Workspace

The Lenovo Unified Workspace app for iOS lets you access your personal workspace to get single sign-on access to company websites, applications and shared files without a VPN. Enjoy the same experience and features you’re used to in a...

Price: Free Developer: Stoneware, Inc.
PIV-D Manager - Workspace ONE

PIV-D Manager - Workspace ONE

Workspace ONE PIV-D Manager breaks you free from the need to carry awkward authentication hardware to access sensitive corporate resources. By integrating with various Derived Credential solution providers, PIV-D Manager leverages two-factor authentication to give you instant access to...

Price: Free Developer: AirWatch, LLC
Send - Workspace ONE

Send - Workspace ONE

The Workspace ONE Send enables the secure pass back and forth of Microsoft Intune protected Word, Excel, or PowerPoint attachments between the Microsoft Office 365 apps and the Workspace ONE productivity apps. Workspace ONE Send provides seamless editing and...

Price: Free Developer: AirWatch, LLC
Workspace MDM with i-FILTER

Workspace MDM with i-FILTER

Workspace MDM with i-FILTERは、NTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社が提供するアプリです。 業界屈指のWebフィルタリング機能をはじめ、情報漏洩を抑制するセキュアブラウザー機能、Webアクセスを可視化できるログ&レポーティング機能などの多彩な機能で、「私的利用の抑制」「情報漏洩対策」を実現します。 ・URLフィルタリング (ホワイトリスト/ブラックリスト) ・カテゴリフィルタリング ・SNSへの書き込み制限やショッピングサイトの購入制限 ・脅威サイトブロック ・タイマースケジュール設定 ・セキュアブラウザ機能 ・ログ&レポート機能 ※Workspace MDM with i-FILTERは単体では機能しません。別途Workspace MDM i-FILTERオプションの契約が必要です。 ◆Workspace MDM 免責事項 ・故意や正常な操作に関わらず、本サービスをご利用いただいたことにより生じる直接的また間接的な損失に対して当社および関連会社には一切責任を負うものはありません。 ・当社は理由の如何に関わらず、情報の内容および変更により生じるお客様の直接的または関節的な損失に関しても、一切責任を負うものではありません。

Price: Free Developer: NTT Communications Corporation
ZENworks Mobile Workspace

ZENworks Mobile Workspace

ZENworks Mobile Workspace provides access to your GroupWise, Exchange or Office 365 email, calendar and contacts. It also provides access to a corporate document repository hosted on Windows file servers, SharePoint servers or other CMIS complaint systems. Additionally,...

Price: Free Developer: Micro Focus Software Inc.
Verify - Workspace ONE

Verify - Workspace ONE

Verify works with the Workspace ONE two-factor authentication service to make logins more simple and secure across any laptop, tablet or smartphone. The app receives push notifications asking the user to simply swipe to verify possession of the device...

Price: Free Developer: AirWatch, LLC
Workspace Barossa

Workspace Barossa

Workspace Barossa provides a professional office & meeting space combined with supportive business services. Located in the heart of Tanunda, Barossa Valley, we look forward to sharing our space with you.

Price: Free Developer: Workspace Barossa Pty Ltd
Workspace Group

Workspace Group

With our huge range of high-spec, professional meeting rooms across London, suitable for up to 40 people, we have something to suit every requirement. Be it a casual team get-together, or an important boardroom presentation - you can book...

Price: Free Developer: Workspace Group PLC
Content - Workspace ONE

Content - Workspace ONE

Workspace ONE Content brings you secure access to all of your files anytime, anywhere, across your devices. Easily share files, mark files as favorites, access documents offline, edit Office documents and annotate PDF files with built-in editing tools. **Quickly Search...

Price: Free Developer: AirWatch, LLC

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