Do you want to find the best Moo-Quiz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Moo-Quiz. Pick one from this list to be your new Moo-Quiz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Moo-Quiz on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Moo-Quiz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Moo-Quiz 2025.
* Cars and trucks with unique animations and sounds for age 2.0+ * Puzzles, Coloring and an Interactive Vehicle Game! Target Skills and Developmental Milestones *Color recognition *Visual discrimination *Auditory processing *Fine Motor Features Games & Activities: *Interactive Vehicle Game *Coloring *Puzzles with 4 levels of difficulty About Us At Moo...
Moo-O lets children roleplay as story characters to practice reading aloud. They can also listen to stories, practice their spelling and create a video-based book review. Moo-O (say it like “Moo-OH”, it means “puppet” in Mandarin) draws children out to...
Goomiesがアプリになって登場! MooとTinoと一緒にお買い物をしながら、楽しく英語に触れよう! お子さまを対象に作られた、英語を直観的に覚えることができるショッピングゲームです。 アプリ内ではネイティブスピーカーによる音声が使用されているので、正しい英語の発音に慣れることができます。 ●Moo Shoppingの特徴 【楽しく英語に触れられる】 ・Goomiesのアニメーション「Moo&Tino」のふたりが色々なお店でお買い物。 ・日常生活で使う簡単な単語90個をネイティブの音声で聞くことができます。 ・お店やお買い物リストはランダムに登場します。 【お買い物ゲーム】 ・お店は「スーパーマーケット」「お菓子屋さん」「おもちゃ屋さん」の3つ。 ・メモに書かれた商品を見つけてお買い物をします。 ・商品を指でタップしてカゴに入れます。 ・バーコードを通して、お金を払うところまでやってみましょう! ●著作権について 本アプリに掲載される全ての内容(画像・文章・デザイン・写真・ロゴマークなど)に関する著作権等の一切の権利は、株式会社福岡放送/モンブラン・ピクチャーズ株式会社に帰属します。 これらの著作物の全部または一部を著作権者の許諾を得ずに、使用、複製、ダウンロード・転載、改変その他一切の利用をすることは禁じられています。
∗∗∗ "Being a parent, I've had plenty of experience with peek-a-boo apps. This is one of the best I've seen.” // Fun Educational Apps ∗∗∗ “A graphically beautiful app with light educational value that young kids will enjoy playing.” //...
∗∗∗ "Being a parent, I've had plenty of experience with peek-a-boo apps. This is one of the best I've seen.” // Fun Educational Apps ∗∗∗ “A graphically beautiful app with light educational value that young kids will enjoy playing.” //...
Moo Baa Quack is a fantastic, fun and educational rhyming book to quickly teach kids about animals and their associated noises in a really fun, colourful and interactive way. It also teaches them about rhyming. A brilliant thing about this...
*Perfect for age 1.0+: unique animal sounds and animations for all animals! *45 interactive animals, 6 activities If you have sound or other issue, please email us at [email protected] before leaving a bad review so we can help you quickly and...
Simple app for kids to practice mathematics. This app is mainly for kids aged 5 - 9. The easy level lets the kids guess the correct answer. This level introduces the addition and subtraction. The higher levels challenge the kids...
This app helps children to develop different skills while playing games. The App consist of different games for young children: your child can recognise animal sounds, play memory with animals, make puzzles with animals en learn to count and...
La migliore app per fare i quiz della patente! L’app ufficiale del sito, il portale di riferimento italiano per tutte le patenti. SEMPRE AGGIORNATA: continuamente aggiornata con i nuovi quiz ministeriali 5 TIPOLOGIE DI QUIZ per una preparazione davvero personalizzata:...
Quiz App Do you want to create and take quizzes? With the help of Quiz App this becomes all very simple. With this app you can create, take and share quizzes. How it Works? Getting started is simple. You create a quiz...
Chemistry Quiz App has over 300 chemistry questions and answers to prepare you for your AP Chemistry of General college chemistry exam. Chemistry Quiz App Features: - Chemistry Quiz organized by chapters - Carefully crafted rationales for each chemistry quiz question...
Study for free and challenge your friends to a quiz on world history, psychology, filmmaking, biology, chemistry, physics, math, neurobiology, and movie history! New topics every week! Learn by using scientifically proven productive failure technique: – Answer difficult questions and learn...
If you are a fan of animal general knowledge quiz and animal trivia questions and answers apps, this is a right quiz app for you. This is a quiz that everybody can learn about animal kingdom "Animals Quiz" can become...
If you are a fan of animal general knowledge quiz and animal trivia questions and answers apps, this is a right quiz app for you. This is a quiz that everybody can learn about animal kingdom "Animals Quiz" can become...
English is clearly the most widely spoken language in the world and in today’s shrinking world it is increasingly important that you become very fluent with and conversant with the English language. This app will help you do just that...
Quiz your English is a fun new way to practise, improve, and test your English by competing against learners from all around the world. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a...
This app provides to you questions and answers covering Advanced grammar rules and Advanced vocabulary - is great for English as a second language students - or any one who wants to test / review their knowledge of Advanced...
How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...
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