Top 30 Education Apps Like Web School ERP - Best Alternatives

Web School ERP Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Web School ERP alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Web School ERP. Pick one from this list to be your new Web School ERP app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Web School ERP on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Web School ERP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Web School ERP alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Web School ERP 2025.

Lightspeed Systems Web Filter

Lightspeed Systems Web Filter

The Web Filter for iOS by Lightspeed Systems gives schools powerful content filtering on mobile devices wherever they go. Filter web activity, ensure CIPA compliance, and report on web traffic without the need for a proxy. Requires Web Filter...

Price: Free Developer: Lightspeed Systems Inc.
Trädet Web

Trädet Web

The app Trädet Web is a service develops good reading and writing skills. Trädet Web is for students in schools that have a school license. To use the app the student must have a login to the school's account....

Price: Free Developer: Lindblå läs & skrivutveckling
Bodacious Web Exam Simulator

Bodacious Web Exam Simulator

Bodacious WEB Exam Simulator provides mock exams for Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, MySQL etc.). It contains lots of questions on various topics. It can be very helpful to gain expertise in web technologies. Features: 1. Standard Exams...

Price: Free Developer: Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd.
Genial Skills Web (IPAD VER)

Genial Skills Web (IPAD VER)

Genial Skills Web es una novedosa aplicación en línea que integra toda la diversión de los videojuegos al aprendizaje, desde un acercamiento vanguardista, a tono con las preferencias de las generaciones emergentes. Con Genial Web, los estudiantes pueden crear...

Price: Free Developer: Require Puertorico
Web Bolts

Web Bolts

Web Bolts is a tool for working with web elements like HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, XML, and WebGL. Design is very subtle, and animations give it a really nice experience to the users. Web Bolts is developed by Saumya...

Price: Free Developer: Saumya Lahera
Web Development by GoLearningBus

Web Development by GoLearningBus

* * * * * GoLearningBus: A complete education journey from school, college to professional life * * * * * More than 4 million paying customers from 175 countries. Get on the GoLearningBus today and take a complete education...

Price: Free Developer: Quizmine.Com
Kids' Web Games

Kids' Web Games

Kids’ Web Games é um aplicativo da 3ª edição da coleção Kids’ Web pensado para dar vida à aprendizagem! Com jogos em realidade aumentada, ambientes 360° e recurso anáglifo, o aplicativo permite que você aprenda inglês vivenciando diferentes experiências...

Price: Free Developer: Editora Moderna


資格の学校TACは、40以上の資格試験対策講座において、最も効果的に「ゴール=合格」に到達できるよう、プロの講師陣が作成した教材と、無駄の無い効率的なカリキュラムを提供しています。 eラーニングシステムであるTAC WEB SCHOOLは、高品質なTACの講義をいつでもどこでもWebで視聴できると評判をいただいており、今回アプリとなって登場しました! ■「TAC WEB SCHOOLアプリ」とは ====================================================================== 資格の学校TACの合格ノウハウが詰まった講義動画をダウンロード再生できます ====================================================================== ・数ある資格試験対策講座の中から、20講座以上の初回講義を配信(随時講義を更新)  ストリーミング再生やダウンロード再生をお試しいただくことができます。 ・動画プレーヤーは0.8倍速から2.0倍速までの速度変更機能を搭載 ・講義録(板書)付きで、講師が黒板に書いた文字をノートに写す作業が必要なく講義に集中できることを体感してください。 ・動画が視聴可能な受講生の方は実際の講義動画をダウンロードすることができます。 【講義動画をダウンロードできるから】 例えば、前日の夜に自宅の無線LAN環境で講義動画をダウンロードしておけば、翌日、いつでもどこでも速度制限を気にすることなく何時間でも再生できます。 また、読み込み時間が短く、速度変更も可能なのでストレスの無い学習が可能です。 こんな方にお勧め---------- ・通勤・通学時間も無駄にすることなく学習したい方 ・自宅の勉強部屋は無線LANの電波が弱い方 ・昼休みなどカフェでも学習したい方 ■最短ルートで資格取得に導く3つのTACメソッド---------- 【1】試験を知り尽くしたプロの講師陣 「資格の取得は、独学でもできるのでは?」そう思っている方は多いかもしれません。でも、資格を取得するために必要なのは「知識」だけではありません。 TACの講師は、実際の試験の出題傾向を踏まえた講義を行うので、効率よく合格へのノウハウを身につけることができます。 【2】「インプット」+「アウトプット」で効率的な学習 身につけて欲しいのは、単なる知識ではありません。その知識をもとにして、実際の試験で解答するための「本当のチカラ」です。 TACでは、講義によるインプットと、演習によるアウトプット、その2つの繰り返しにより本当のチカラが身につくカリキュラムを実現しています。 さらにそれぞれのフェーズで理解度を確認することにより、「わかったつもり」をなくしていきます。 【3】最新情報と合格ノウハウが詰まった講義 TACの講義は、出題傾向を徹底的に分析して毎年収録しています。その最新の情報と合格するためのノウハウを、カリキュラムと連動した講義・演習の流れによって、さらに効率的に身につけることができる内容にまとめています。 わかりやすいインプット教材と、解答力がつくアウトプット教材で、システマチックに合格へと導きます。 ■「TAC WEB SCHOOLアプリ」体験講義掲載講座(随時講義を更新) ◇会計・経営・労務 関係 公認会計士、税理士、日商簿記、建設業経理士、社会保険労務士、中小企業診断士 ◇公務員・教員・就職 関係 公務員 ◇金融 関係 証券外務員、FP、相続アドバイザー ◇不動産・建築 関係 不動産鑑定士、宅地建物取引士、建築士、マンション管理士 ◇法律 関係 司法試験、司法書士、行政書士、弁理士、通関士、ビジネス実務法務検定(R)、知的財産管理技能検定(R) ◇国際 関係 米国公認会計士(USCPA)、公認内部監査人(CIA)、TOEIC(R) L&R TEST対策講座 ◇情報処理 関係 情報処理 ■「TAC WEB SCHOOLアプリ」の仕様 ・ダウンロードした動画は1週間視聴可能となります、体験講義は何度でもダウンロード可能です。  受講生の方の実際の講義も、有効期間内であれば何度でもダウンロード可能です。 ・ダウンロードした動画の容量は、1講義(約2時間30分)あたり約600MBとなります。  ダウンロード時間は、端末の性能と回線速度により大きく異なります。  最新版の端末と十分に速度が出ている環境で、1チャプター(約1時間数十分)あたり約15分程度必要です。 ・ダウンロードした動画のプレーヤーは、ブラウザでのプレーヤーと機能が異なります。 ・操作案内/よくあるご質問

Price: Free Developer: TAC株式会社
Web検定対策問題集 Webリテラシー編

Web検定対策問題集 Webリテラシー編

資格試験「Web検定 Webリテラシー」の公式練習問題です。 あなたのWebの仕事力は何点かを試すことができます。 是非、チャレンジしてみてください。

Price: Free Developer: takashi nagata
PS153 The Helen Keller School

PS153 The Helen Keller School

With the Official App of PS 153 The Helen Keller School in Bronx, NY, keeping in touch with all the school happenings is now easier and more convenient than ever. View school calendars, newsletters, get instant alerts and reminders....

Price: Free Developer: P.S. 153x The Helen Keller School
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Together Bavarian Intl. School

Together Bavarian Intl. School

The TOGETHER SCHOOL App is used to communicate/coordinate between school administrators and resources with students, parents and school staff. As part of the School community, you will receive your temporary password via SMS/email once you log in using...

Price: Free Developer: Together School Ltd.
School SOS APP

School SOS APP

School shootings have sadly become an all too common occurrence. And no school, regardless of location, size or grade level, is immune from these tragic events. When a catastrophic event occurs, and 911 has already been dispatched, the next problem...

Price: Free Developer: School SOS
Continental School of Cairo

Continental School of Cairo

The Continental School is a vibrant, outward-looking community, which encourages a happy, friendly atmosphere in which pupils can thrive. We want all our pupils to value academic excellence and to realise that it is attainable. We aim to encourage...

Price: Free Developer: Continental School
Kent School Alumni Mobile

Kent School Alumni Mobile

The official Kent School Mobile App. Securely network and connect with the Kent School alumni community around the world. Includes a directory integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, maps, photos and more! Powered by Evertrue.

Price: Free Developer: Kent School
Hutong School

Hutong School

Learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese with the award-winning method from Hutong School. Based on more than 10 years' experience with teaching Chinese, this method is the fastest way to achieve good results with learning Chinese for beginners. The...

Price: Free Developer: Hutong School Limited
Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this academic year 2014-2015. The school’s growth and development since 1990 when it was set up in Cairo has been astounding in its magnitude, bewildering in its intensity and incredible...

Price: Free Developer: Modern English School Cairo
Otsimo | School and Classroom

Otsimo | School and Classroom

Are you looking for an award-winning special education app that gives an early intervention tool to individuals diagnosed with learning disorders, attention deficit, autism, down syndrome, aspergers, and other special needs for your classroom? We are here for you. Otsimo...

Price: USD 249.99 Developer: Otsimo
All Hallows' School

All Hallows' School

Developed in partnership with Digistorm Education, this app is designed to provide the All Hallows’ Community access to important information about events and daily activities at the School. With a single tap you now have access to up-to-date information....

Price: Free Developer: All Hallows' School
ERP Orataro

ERP Orataro

ERP ORATARO is a smart communication Platform for school, parents and teachers with a real time updates on Class activities, Homework, Circulars, Academic calendars, Progress updates and group discussion for brainstorming and other project work within a class or...

Price: Free Developer: Harikrishna Patel
Asti School ERP

Asti School ERP

Asti’s ERP app provides services to schools looking for best infrastructure in terms of smart learning, advance teaching methodologies to ensure all around development of students. The Asti’s ERP parent app will help the parent get quick updates from...

Price: Free Developer: Asti Infotech
Iolite School ERP Admin End

Iolite School ERP Admin End

Iolite School ERP - Admin End brings administrators, parents, teachers and students on a common interactive platform for today's modern schools. The School ERP provides the facility to carry out all day to day activities of the school tasks like...

Price: Free Developer: Iolite Softwares
Iolite School ERP Student End

Iolite School ERP Student End

Iolite School ERP - Student End brings parents, teachers and students on a common interactive platform for today's modern schools. The School ERP provides the facility to carry out all day to day activities of the school tasks like admissions,...

Price: Free Developer: Iolite Softwares
Iolite School ERP Teacher End

Iolite School ERP Teacher End

Iolite School ERP - Teachers End brings teachers and students on a common interactive platform for today's modern schools. The Iolite School ERP Mobile Application will help teachers to carry out various all day to day activities of the school...

Price: Free Developer: Iolite Softwares


AG erp is a new generation app that facilitates communication between parents, students.Avant Garde(AG erp) can be customized to work seamlessly even in remote areas and requires minimal set up. Parents get:- - An App that informs parents about each and...

Price: Free Developer: Virendra Maloo
eTraverse Education ERP

eTraverse Education ERP

eTraverse Education ERP is a one-stop-solution to streamline all the management activities in Educational Institutions/ Universities/ Group of Institutions. The mobile software application is designed to cover in-depth functionality and is created from the perspective of various users carrying...

Price: Free Developer: Shikha Gupta
Bonifon ERP

Bonifon ERP

Bonifon ERP Mobile app is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents and students gets on a single platform to bring transparency in the entire system related...

Price: Free Developer: Johny Aslin
Al-Ruya Bilingual School ERP

Al-Ruya Bilingual School ERP

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) application is a comprehensive collection of all the functions that RBS employee need on daily basis.

Price: Free Developer: Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School
EduChanger ERP

EduChanger ERP

EduChanger is a smart institute ERP software. It automates all possible tasks of institute for smooth running. It manages institute’s day-to-day activities and provides accurate information as and when needed. Below are the main features:- Admin ------ Once the Institute's Admin downloads the...

Price: Free Developer: EduChanger Solution

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