Top 19 Lifestyle Apps Like B K Sangh - Best Alternatives

B K Sangh Alternatives

Do you want to find the best B K Sangh alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Lifestyle apps that are similar to B K Sangh. Pick one from this list to be your new B K Sangh app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to B K Sangh on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like B K Sangh - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid B K Sangh alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like B K Sangh 2025.



TDLA es una aplicación dirigida a los participantes del Torneo de la Amistad H-E-B que se celebra cada año. Esta aplicación te ayudará a conocer información general del evento. Si eres uno los participantes, podrás ver información relevante durante...

Price: Free Developer: H-E-B México
Love Your Life B!%$#

Love Your Life B!%$#

What Is Hot Rich Love Your Life B!%$#? Hot Rich Love Your Life B!%$# is ultimately a lifestyle where you are your hottest + healthiest self, you feel fabulously rich, filled to the brim with b!%$#y confidence, and you seriously...

Price: Free Developer: ThinApp Solutions


Group Buying主要為B 2 B產品資訊互通之平台,供應商可能成為消費客戶、消費客戶也可能成為供應商。因此本平台以起團概念,透過商品起團方式,邀集有興趣之會員(業者)參與團購,使參與團購者有機會購得相對市價較低的產品。起團者則可透過此平台將商品資訊推廣至會員(業者),以達到滿足B 2 B雙向需求及產品互補與互流。

Price: Free Developer: AVECTEC.COM INC.
B-MY München 2020

B-MY München 2020

Mit über 170 Top-Unternehmen und über 340 Seiten ist das B-MY München 2020 wieder das Sparerlebnis für Singles, Pärchen und Familien! Hunderte Gutscheine aus 6 verschiedenen Kategorien laden den B-MY-Nutzer ein eine Menge zu erleben & Neues zu entdecken. Auch für...

Price: Free Developer: Artem Grinstein
B-MY Frankfurt 2020

B-MY Frankfurt 2020

Mit über 210 Top-Unternehmen und über 460 Seiten ist das B-MY Frankfurt 2020 wieder das Sparerlebnis für Singles, Pärchen und Familien! Hunderte Gutscheine aus 6 verschiedenen Kategorien laden den B-MY-Nutzer ein eine Menge zu erleben & Neues zu entdecken. Auch für...

Price: Free Developer: Artem Grinstein


B.La.La è l’acronimo di Brand, Land, Label. Il progetto, ideato e realizzato da Promowe (società di marketing e soluzioni digitali), intende far conoscere le aziende, il territorio e le etichette del Salento. L'app B.La.La., sfruttando la Realtà Aumentata, consente infatti ad...

Price: Free Developer: Promowe srl


B-resol es la aplicación diseñada para a realizar mediaciones en la escuela de manera completament digital. Además, permite a la escuela detectar casos de bullying rápidamente. B-resol es l'aplicació dissenyada per a realitzar mediacions a l'escola de manera completament digital....

Price: Free Developer: BCNresol ODR Solutions
Johnny B

Johnny B

Welcome to the Johnny B app! Use this real estate app anytime and keep up to date with new houses on the market, upcoming open houses and recently sold homes in Silicon Valley. Best of all it will help...

Price: Free Developer: Johnny Bretthauer
HiddenTag For Hurom

HiddenTag For Hurom

Hi there. This is HiddenTag for HUROM. HiddenTag for HUROM is the mobile app used to verify the authenticity of HUROM products by scanning HiddenTag smart security labels applied on the products. Now you can conveniently check the authenticity of HUROM products. “HiddenTag”...

Price: Free Developer: CK&B
K, video chat

K, video chat

K, video chat allows you to chat with up to 16 people via video chat at once for free. Allows you to discover things to do and make plans will in Video Chat. Share a video while chatting, or...

Price: Free Developer: K, Online Inc.


K云创业助手APP是由启迪K栈众创空间为创业团队、在孵企业及创投机构开发的一款服务功能型APP,进而便捷高效地为其提供启迪K栈的全方位创业服务。 K云创业助手目前共有入孵申请、项目库、服务通、活动、互动圈、客服在线六大模块。通过它,您将得到以下三大功能: 共享:启迪K栈全国网点资源共享; 智能:企业信息数据管理、线上日常服务; 互动:合作交流以及创新要素融合共通

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市启迪爱地创业孵化器有限公司


K Charger (케이차저)는 클린일렉스에서 제공하는 전기차 충전 및 충전기 검색 어플로써 어플과 충전기의 실시간 통신으로 편리하고 직관적인 충전 및 충전 이력 관리등 차별화된 서비스를 제공하며 타사대비 3분의 1 수준의 합리적인 충전요금을 고객에게 제시합니다. 1. 클린일렉스 전기차 충전 서비스 클린일렉스 전기차 충전기...

Price: Free Developer: Klinelex Co., Ltd.


Composez la porte d'entrée qui vous ressemble avec cette application. À la sobriété contemporaine d’une surface plane, la collection SURFACE associe l’intensité émotionnelle d’un jeu harmonieux entre ombre et lumière, aluminium et céramique, variété des textures… Laissez-vous séduire par notre nouveau...

Price: Free Developer: K•LINE
K Profile

K Profile

Kérastase introduces K Profile, the application dedicated to salon owners and hairdressers. The application provides you a tool for a personalized diagnosis, to discover in few clicks which are the in-salon rituals and at-home programs the most adapted to...

Price: Free Developer: L'Oreal
Niche: Colleges, K-12 & Places

Niche: Colleges, K-12 & Places

Niche helps you compare U.S. colleges, K-12 schools, neighborhoods, and places to work. Every month millions of people use our rankings, reviews, and statistics to find the right school, company, or neighborhood. FEATURES College Search: In-Depth College Profiles: Explore nearly 7,000 college...

Price: Free Developer:, Inc.
rev k shopアプリ

rev k shopアプリ

『レヴィ ケー ショップ』 の公式スマートフォンアプリ「rev k shopアプリ」。店舗情報を地図上からチェックできる他、お得なクーポンや最新情報、キャンペーン情報などがご確認いただけます。 また、本アプリでお客様情報をご登録いただくと、モバイルカードを利用してお買い物でポイントが貯められます。 *お買い物でポイントを利用するには、会員登録が必要です。 当アプリは、無料ですが、各機能・各サービスは通信回線を使用しています。 通信回線状況によっては、ご利用いただけない場合がございます。 あらかじめご了承ください。

Price: Free Developer: Next Peach Co.,Ltd
A&K flowers

A&K flowers

A&K Floral Design is one of the top names in the State of Kuwait florist industry. Truly a premier full service florist in Al Shaab Al Bahry for Corporate Gift-Giving, weekly flowers and Events. Our product line includes a...

Price: Free Developer: DPSKW
The-K 매거진

The-K 매거진

The-K 매거진은 한국교직원공제회에서 발간하는 정기간행물입니다. 매거진은 과월호로 나뉘어 지속적으로 업데이트 될 예정입니다. 매거진 관련문의 - 한국교직원공제회 : - 기획.디자인.제작 문의 : 주식회사 이팝 / 02.514.7567 / [email protected] / - 개발 문의 : 주식회사 이팝 / 02.514.7567 / [email protected] /

Price: Free Developer: EEPOP.Co.LTD

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