Top 27 Medical Apps Like AAN Continuum Audio - Best Alternatives

AAN Continuum Audio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AAN Continuum Audio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Medical apps that are similar to AAN Continuum Audio. Pick one from this list to be your new AAN Continuum Audio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AAN Continuum Audio on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like AAN Continuum Audio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AAN Continuum Audio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like AAN Continuum Audio 2025.

Muscle Disease Guidelines

Muscle Disease Guidelines

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN), representing more than 28,000 neurologists and neuroscientists worldwide, is the trusted name in evidence-based guidelines for diseases of the brain and central nervous system. The AAN Muscle Disease Guidelines app includes “Diagnosis and...

Price: Free Developer: American Academy of Neurology
Mobiléa Beeldzorg 2.0

Mobiléa Beeldzorg 2.0

Introductie: Mobiléa Beeldzorg 2.0 is de nieuwe generatie in beeldbellen. Mobiléa kan als online zorgplatform mensen ondersteunen in hun zelfredzaamheid en controle over de eigen zorg. Dit middels het tijdbesparend regelen van zorg, services en communicatie tussen hulpvrager, mantelzorger, zorgprofessional...

Price: Free Developer: Mobilea
Pre Screener

Pre Screener

Deze app bevat een aantal leuke games voor kinderen vanaf 7 jaar en ouder. Terwijl het kind speelt, meten we of er sprake is van gehoorverlies! Deze Nederlandstalige app mag en kan alleen door LerendBrein opgeleide Acoustic Pioneer Coaches toegepast...

Price: Free Developer: Acoustic Pioneer


Eenvoudig digitaal ervaringsonderzoek uitvoeren in de zorg. Verstuur met QDNA veilig meetresultaten naar uw eigen realtime dashboard. Zo heeft u altijd actueel inzicht in de ervaringen die relevant zijn voor uw organisatie. - Alle resultaten van uw metingen in één overzicht - Flexibele...

Price: Free Developer: ZorgDNA BV
Stapelgek Op Dieren

Stapelgek Op Dieren

Deze oefening is ontworpen om een specifieke auditieve verwerkingsvaardigheid die samenhangt met het lerenen het lezen te trainen. Uw plaatselijke audioloog of spraak-taal patholoog kan inschatten of deze oefening geschikt is voor uw kind of voor bijvoorbeeld een volwassene met...

Price: Free Developer: Acoustic Pioneer


Deze oefening is ontworpen om een specifieke auditieve verwerkingsvaardigheid, die samenhangt met het leren en het lezen, te trainen. Uw plaatselijke audioloog of spraak-taal patholoog kan inschatten of deze oefening geschikt is voor uw kind of voor bijvoorbeeld een volwassene...

Price: Free Developer: Acoustic Pioneer


Brightfish biedt dé mobiele oplossing om alle medische informatie systemen op een veilige wijze – geïntegreerd – samen te brengen in één overzichtelijke tablet applicatie. Door het eenvoudige gebruik van de iPad kunnen patiënt en artsen bovendien naast elkaar...

Price: Free Developer: Brightfish BV
Prosoftware App

Prosoftware App

De Prosoftware App is speciaal bedoeld voor behandelaren die Prosoftware overal willen kunnen gebruiken. In de Prosoftware App zijn de meest gebruikte functionaliteiten uit Prosoftware beschikbaar. Met deze app op uw tablet of smartphone kunt u o.a. heel eenvoudig...

Price: Free Developer: Prosoftware
Bartiméus ZIEN

Bartiméus ZIEN

‘Hoe het is om slechtziend te zijn?’ Als je zelf goed ziet, kom je dat nooit helemaal te weten. De ZIEN app helpt je om het beter te begrijpen. Wanneer iemand uit je familie, of een collega, klasgenoot of vriend...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Bartiméus Sonneheerdt
mCRC Treatment Simulator

mCRC Treatment Simulator

3D Virtual Simulator for the Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC) Sharpen your skills in the Virtual mCRC Treatment Simulator! It's an innovative approach to CME/CNE. The simulator enables you to work through the continuum of care approach in a...

Price: Free Developer: Syandus


iPro PACU allows the Perioperative nurse to record data as it occurs in real time throughout the Perioperative care continuum. Assessment, patient, case and preference card information captured prior to the event will automatically flow through to provide the...

Price: Free Developer: iProcedures
AHVAP Events

AHVAP Events

The Association Of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) is an organization of nurses and clinical professionals whose expertise bridges the gap between clinical staff and the supply chain process. Using evidence-based data, professional experience, and an understanding of the...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Town Guide


Making patient care more accessible, GetReferd is the first on-demand referral platform delivering access to care in real time. More and more providers are using GetReferd to optimize and grow their referral networks by connecting with more providers, streamlining...

Price: Free Developer: GetReferd


In the modern healthcare setting, clinicians require a care team collaboration solution that enables them to devote their time to patient care–instead of time consuming manual tasks or the use of outdated technology. Everbridge’s HIPAA compliant secure messaging mobile application, HipaaBridge (formerly HipaaChat),...

Price: Free Developer: Everbridge, Inc.


Why ZenSnapMD? Efficient clinical communications means less ambiguity and maintaining full contexts of care. Adding photos and videos to your workflow will offer significant workflow improvements. Because ZenSnapMD is a mobile app, it allows your team to quickly handle multiple...

Price: Free Developer: WinguMD
Edwards Clinical Education

Edwards Clinical Education

The Edwards clinical education app supports your learning objectives with educational resources focused on the ClearSight system, the FloTrac system, the Swan-Ganz catheter, the HemoSphere advanced monitoring platform, and the EV1000 platform. You can also review education resources...

Price: Free Developer: Edwards Lifesciences
New Cardiovascular Horizons

New Cardiovascular Horizons

New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) is an educational nonprofit foundation focused on multidisciplinary accredited conferences to advance the field of cardiovascular care using endovascular technologies, pharmacotherapy treatments, peripheral interventions and amputation prevention techniques. With a goal to empower healthcare providers...

Price: Free Developer: M3Meet
Audio Digest

Audio Digest

For over 60 years, Audio Digest has provided the most convenient way to stay up to date on the latest unbiased scientific and clinical information. Audio-Digest publishes clinical lectures – presented by experts at the nation’s preeminent teaching institutions...

Price: Free Developer: Learner’s Digest International


The American College of Cardiology and Audio-Digest Foundation have partnered to bring you ACCEL Audio Journal. ACCEL audio provides the most up-to-date information on diagnosis, treatment, and research, as well as literature reviews, editorials, and in-depth coverage of cardiology...

Price: Free Developer: Learner’s Digest International
Breath & Heart Sounds: Auscultation Skills Audio Review

Breath & Heart Sounds: Auscultation Skills Audio Review

Practitioners and students: hear over 90 breath and heart sounds with remarkable clarity while perfecting your auscultation technique. Auscultation Skills: Breath & Heart Sounds audio app helps you to differentiate normal from abnormal sounds quickly and accurately. This practical app...

Price: Free Developer: Wolters Kluwer Health
ADF Membership

ADF Membership

Audio Digest is the best way to listen to lectures, take tests, and earn CME credit on the go. Manage your library, create playlists, search/browse for new content, and track your progress to complete your State Licensure CME requirements. For...

Price: Free Developer: Learner’s Digest International
Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Now start reading Holy Bible Old Testament, following the journey of God. This app can record every chapter you have read. This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are...

Price: Free Developer: Yanfeng Wang
ACCEL – ACC Extended Learning

ACCEL – ACC Extended Learning

The American College of Cardiology and Audio-Digest Foundation have partnered to bring you ACCEL – ACC Extended Learning Improve patient care and outcomes by staying abreast of the most recent news on the latest scientific advances, ground-breaking technologies, and the...

Price: Free Developer: Learner’s Digest International
Stedman's Medical Dictionary +

Stedman's Medical Dictionary +

ABOUT: Stedman's Medical Dictionary with Audio Pronunciations Over 100,000 terms. Drug names, eponyms, and protocols. Audio pronunciations. Charts & tables. Download the FREE app and view selected topics. Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Journal Watch

Journal Watch

For over 62 years, Audio Digest has provided the most convenient way to stay up to date on current, relevant, and unbiased scientific and clinical information. Audio-Digest produces CME/CE audio programs, delivered to physicians and healthcare professionals as a...

Price: Free Developer: Learner’s Digest International
Anatomy 3D: Organs

Anatomy 3D: Organs

Named the best of the iPad Medical category in App Store Rewind 2011 by Apple. Expand your knowledge of the organs with this robust application that combines 3D models, video, audio lectures, quizzes and text to create a rich learning...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Real Bodywork

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