Top 36 Reference Apps Like e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 - Best Alternatives

e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Reference apps that are similar to e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片. Pick one from this list to be your new e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片 2025.

e-Sword HD: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword HD: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most advanced mobile operating system! e-Sword HD is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Rick Meyers
e-Sword LT: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword LT: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most advanced mobile operating system! e-Sword LT is the little brother of e-Sword HD for the iPad, but has many of the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Rick Meyers
Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari

Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari

La fortunata collana dei Dizionari Medi torna in una nuova edizione digitale aggiornata sotto l’aspetto grafico, di contenuto e di funzionalità, mantenendo l’autorevolezza che caratterizza da sempre i dizionari Garzanti. Puoi acquistare in un’unica soluzione la licenza completa per utilizzare...

Price: Free Developer: De Agostini Scuola S.p.A.


政府の法令データ提供システム(e-Gov)のデータ(2017年9月14日現在、2017年3月1日までの官報に掲載された8,307法令)及び裁判所のウェブサイトのデータを元に、常に最新の「法令」及び「裁判所規則」を表示する六法全書のアプリです。 【e六法の特色】 1. 全法令+裁判所の規則に対応 2. 目次、参照条文(逆リンク)による高速なアクセス 3. 法令内のキーワード検索が可能 4. iCould対応の「my六法」でオリジナルの六法を作成 【特徴1】e-Govの全法令データ+裁判所の規則に対応 e-Govに収録されている全データに対応しています。 また、e-Govには収録されていない裁判所の規則にも対応しています。対応済みの規則は一部のみですが、順次拡大していきます(2017年9月14日現在、44規則)。大日本帝国憲法も表示できます(国立国会図書館のデータ)。 一度閲覧した法令等は、二度目以降は、オフラインでも閲覧できます。 【特徴2】目次、参照条文による高速なアクセス e-Govのデータを分析し、法令の目次、参照条文を実装しました。 延々とスクロールをせずに目的の条文にアクセスできます。 また、e-Gov の条文に設定されたハイパーリンクを分析し、参照条文として実装しました。参照条文をたどって関連する法令にアクセスできます。 参照条文として「逆リンク」を実装しています。逆リンクとは、e-Govの条文に設定されたリンクが張られた「先」の条文において、リンク「元」の条文を参照条文とするものです。 例)e-Gov:破産法53条3項の「民法642条1項」との記載に民法へのハイパーリンクが設定されているが、民法642条1項には破産法へのハイパーリンクは設定されていない。 e六法:民法642条1項において、破産法53条3項を「参照条文」として参照できる。 【特徴3】法令内のキーワード検索が可能 キーワードを入力し、法令内で上方向・下方向に検索することができます。 また、条文番号での検索もできます。 【特徴4】iCould対応の「my六法」でオリジナルの六法を作成 「my六法」(いわゆる「お気に入り」)機能で、法令のグループを作成できます。my六法、履歴、Quickボタンは、iCouldで自動的に同期されます。 【FAQ】 Q:法令検索で、スペースでAND検索したい。 A:対応しました。(v1.46) Q:スクロール・バーか、条文番号でのジャンプの機能が欲しい。 A:条文番号でのジャンプに対応しました。(v1.45) Q:目次から直接条文番号を入力してジャンプしたい。 A:対応しました。(v1.50) Q:ショートカットを増やして欲しい。 A:「my六法」の機能を実装しました(v2.00)。 Q:動かなくなった場合の対処法は? A:(1)ホームボタン(□)ダブルクリック (2)e六法のアイコン長押し (3)「-」タップで、終了させて下さい。 Q:URLスキームで起動するには? A:「jp.kageshima.e-roppou:」です。

Price: Free Developer: Kageshima


Gyronimo Performance Pad Pro MD500D/E The ultimate flight computer for the MD500D and MD500 E with C20B or C20R2 engines. For iPad 2, iPad3 (Retina) and iPad Mini. - All Graphics optimized for Retina Screens. This is the standard version, please...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Gyronimo, LLC
Sinonimi e contrari Zanichelli

Sinonimi e contrari Zanichelli

Affianca il vocabolario di italiano mettendo a disposizione del lettore tutta la ricchezza della nostra lingua • 46.000 voci • 80.000 accezioni • 330.000 sinonimi • 140.000 analoghi e contrari • 1700 sinonimi regionali • 15.000 collocatori •...

Price: Free Developer: Zanichelli Editore Spa
Dizionario Medicina e Biologia

Dizionario Medicina e Biologia

The third edition of the dictionary contains more than 60,000 encyclopedic entries from more than 70 specialist biological and medicinal fields, including cutting-edge disciplines in rapid evolution such as molecular medicine, molecular genetics, molecular genetics, molecular, cell and systems...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Zanichelli Editore Spa


Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith and Forty Hadith Qudsi are widely regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of the Prophet's Sayings in the English language. This app contains this collection of Hadiths in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: WIN Solutions
I Sinonimi e contrari Treccani

I Sinonimi e contrari Treccani

L’applicazione contiene il testo integrale del Dizionario dei Sinonimi e contrari Treccani. Caratteristiche dell’opera: • circa 60.000 lemmi • suddivisione delle voci in accezioni • articolazione...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Hadithet e Buhariut

Hadithet e Buhariut

Hadithet e Buhariut eshte aplikacion mobil per leximin e haditheve nga koleksioni i hadithit Sahih el-Buhari te perkthyera ne Gjuhen Shqipe nga AIITC. - Hadithet e ndara ne kaptina - Mundesi per kerkim ne titujt e kaptinave - Mundesi per kerkim te...

Price: Free Developer: Hasan Cana
I.D. Wood

I.D. Wood

I.D. Wood is a past iTunes Staff Favorites and here is what others are saying about I.D. Wood: "Turn your already awesome iPhone into the best thing ever, with a decent wood guidebook." Sal Vaglica, This Old House "With the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios


LEBANESE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS SOFTWARE 2018 Voting Day Module Includes both voting per room and location forms with updated voters lists, printing sheets, mobile app real-time votes entry, specific user roles, and surely it is linked to the automated real-time reporting module. Transportation...

Price: Free Developer: ONSITE SAL
Sasol Algemene Voëls vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse voëls

Sasol Algemene Voëls vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse voëls

Het jy geweet? • Witpelikane lewe tot 30 jaar in die natuur. • Flaminke is grys-wit van kleur by geboorte, en word pienk as gevolg van die hoë persentasie van karotenoïed pigmente in die skaaldiere wat hulle eet. • Die nonnetjie-uil sluk sy prooi heel...

Price: Free Developer: App Developer Studio Cc
Sasol Natuurlewe vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

Sasol Natuurlewe vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

Het jy geweet? • Die olifant se naaste lewende familielid is die dassie. • 'n Nonnetjie-uil maak glad nie hoe-geluide nie. • Die leerrugskilpad kan vir meer as 'n uur onder water bly voordat dit moet opkom om asem te haal....

Price: Free Developer: App Developer Studio Cc
Sasol Soogdiere vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

Sasol Soogdiere vir Beginners (Lite): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

Het jy geweet? • 'n Luiperd se stert is so lank soos sy liggaam. • Grondeekhorings fluit hard wanneer hulle bedreig word. • Leeus brul so hard dat hulle van 10 km ver gehoor kan word! Leer meer interessante feite oor...

Price: Free Developer: App Developer Studio Cc
Sasol Soogdiere vir Beginners (Volle weergawe): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

Sasol Soogdiere vir Beginners (Volle weergawe): Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse diere

** ’n Korter weergawe van die toep kan verniet afgelaai word, met die opsie van ’n in-toep aankoop van die volle weergawe. ---- Het jy geweet? • 'n Luiperd se stert is so lank soos sy liggaam. • Grondeekhorings fluit hard...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: App Developer Studio Cc
Chess Academy

Chess Academy

This is the ultimate Chess learning app as it has some 1345 tuitional video lessons. Yes One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Five video lessons that cove opening, mid game, end game, tips, tricks, strategy and much much more. ...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Mammals of Africa, Eurasia & Australia - Old World

Mammals of Africa, Eurasia & Australia - Old World

Mammals of Africa, Eurasia & Australia - An Old World Mammals App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products dedicated to providing easy to use, powerful reference and discovery tools for the animal and plant...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Search Life Forms
Net Knots

Net Knots

MASSIVE NEW UPDATE! 45 NEW KNOTS ADDED! Now includes 200 KNOTS! All the knots, animations, and instructions from the top knot reference in the world! No internet required, no ads, no in-app purchases; Completely self contained. This App features the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: John Sherry
Animal facts collection

Animal facts collection

Ready to go back to school? No matter the age your kids have, for preschool kids or school kids, toddlers and kindergarten kids, this animal facts are surely a fun way to entertain them and at the same time...

Price: Free Developer: Dharmik Hindu


You can download this digital version of the event program for CoreDance instead of purchasing a paper one!

Price: Free Developer: Techno Monkey Media Inc.
CoreDance 2017 Nanaimo

CoreDance 2017 Nanaimo

You can download this digital version of the event program for CoreDance Nanaimo instead of purchasing a paper one!

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Techno Monkey Media Inc.
CoreDance 2017 West Van

CoreDance 2017 West Van

You can download this digital version of the event program for CoreDance West Van instead of purchasing a paper one!

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Techno Monkey Media Inc.
Just Dance

Just Dance

You can download this digital version of the event program for Just Dance instead of purchasing a paper one!

Price: Free Developer: Techno Monkey Media Inc.


You can download this digital version of the event program for Phoenix instead of purchasing a paper one!

Price: Free Developer: Techno Monkey Media Inc.
AR Map World-17

AR Map World-17

The AR-Map app uses the augmented reality technology to show you on your gadget’s screen things that are not present or visible on printed wall maps. To see the AR’s objects, point your gadget’s camera at the printed map of...

Price: Free Developer: AGT Geocentre
Surah Ar-Rahman With Translation

Surah Ar-Rahman With Translation

Surah Rahman is an Islamic iOS application that lets Muslims throughout the globe attain enormous blessings of Allah SWT by reciting extraordinary Chapter of the Holy Quran, i.e. Surah Ar-Rahman.Complete Recitation of Surah Ar-Rahman (Arabic: سورة الرحمن) in voice. Surat...

Price: Free Developer: . Salim Ullah
Clickar : AR Showcase

Clickar : AR Showcase

** Please download marker from before run this app. Nowadays, our reality is richer as if there is another virtual world lying over the world that we live in. What makes it possible is the magical technology called Augmented...

Price: Free Developer: Click Connect Co., Ltd.


SUKHOI AR is a fascinating and informative application that provides closer acquaintance with the products of Sukhoi Company - Su-32, Su-35, Su-57E aircraft. The application will be interesting for users both as entertainment content in augmented reality mode and as...

Price: Free Developer: Enter VR
AR Map Europe

AR Map Europe

The AR-Map app uses the augmented reality technology to show you on your gadget's screen things that are not present or visible on the scratch map of Europe. The map was published by AGT Geocenter. To see the AR's objects,...

Price: Free Developer: AGT Geocentre
AR Map World

AR Map World

The AR-Map app uses the augmented reality technology to show you on your gadget's screen things that are not present or visible on the scratch map of World. The map was published by AGT Geocenter. To see the AR's objects,...

Price: Free Developer: AGT Geocentre
AR Map Россия

AR Map Россия

The AR-Map app uses the augmented reality technology to show you on your gadget's screen things that are not present or visible on the scratch map of Russia. The map was published by AGT Geocenter. To see the AR's objects,...

Price: Free Developer: AGT Geocentre
AR Tanks

AR Tanks

View dozens of tanks in 3D augmented reality. Current tank models: Black Eagle Challenger Cromwell Firefly Karl KV-I Leopard II M1 Abrams M3 Stuart M8 Greyhound M10 Wolverine Merkava Panzer III Panzer IV Sd.Kfz. 251 Stug III T34 T35 T43 T90 Tiger I Type 89 Type 99 More tanks, animations and features will be added in the coming months. I'm working through a list...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Raymond Corrigan


Syd Mead is one of the most accomplished and widely respected artists and industrial designers alive today. His career boasts an incredible array of projects from designing cars to drafting architectural renderings, but he is most famous for his...

Price: Free Developer: Syd Mead, Inc.
Boxglass AR

Boxglass AR

Нас окружает множество простых, на первый взгляд, вещей. Но не все так просто! Встречайте! Boxglass AR поможет посмотреть на простые вещи с другой стороны. Наше приложение взаимодействует с некоторыми предметами. Под воздействием эффектов...

Price: Free Developer: Boxglass

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