Top 12 Business Apps Like BFM Casting - Best Alternatives

BFM Casting Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BFM Casting alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Business apps that are similar to BFM Casting. Pick one from this list to be your new BFM Casting app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BFM Casting on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like BFM Casting - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BFM Casting alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like BFM Casting 2025.

BFM Business : Éco et finance

BFM Business : Éco et finance

BFM BUSINESS, LA FRANCE A TOUT POUR RÉUSSIR ! Suivez en continu toute l’actualité économique et financière, française et internationale, en téléchargeant gratuitement l’application BFM Business. APPLICATION SUR IPHONE ET IPAD • Un tout nouveau design • Une nouvelle façon...

Price: Free Developer: NextRadioTV
Devwork - Hệ thống kiếm tiền

Devwork - Hệ thống kiếm tiền

Hệ thống hỗ trợ tuyển dụng , ứng tuyển dành cho HR - kênh kết nối kiếm tiền của HR Freelancer Kiếm thêm thu nhập từ 5.000.000 ₫ hàng tháng Giới Thiệu UV - Nhận ngay thưởng nóng + Nếu các HR...

Price: Free Developer: Thanh Thuy Tran Thi
Karma Casting

Karma Casting

Looking for fun part-time work in North America? Earn money representing brands! You have the personality… the skills… the looks. We have the best opportunities and the best brands in the industry! Karma connects amazing people with industry-leading companies...

Price: Free Developer: Karma Casting Inc.
Agentia de Casting

Agentia de Casting

Bun venit pe AgentiaDeCasting, locul unde castingul este la el acasa, iar prioritatea o reprezinta multumirea clientului si a actorilor sau figurantilor, deopotriva. Cine suntem noi? Cel mai reusit mix de casting pe care l-ai putea gasi. Nu suntem o simpla echipa,...

Price: Free Developer: Marketnet Social Media


Die CASTFORWARD casting-APP ist die ideale Ergänzung zu Ihrem Account bei CASTFORWARD, dem Casting-System für professionelle Filmschaffende. Mit der CASTFORWARD casting-APP haben Sie Ihr CASTFORWARD-Profil mit allen Details, Fotos und Videos stets auf Ihrem iPod touch, iPhone oder iPad dabei. Fotos...

Price: Free Developer: CASTFORWARD e-TALENTA
High5 Casting

High5 Casting

High5 Casting er en webportal som formidler kontakt mellem produktionsselskaber, modelbureauer, agenter, instruktører mm. Og folk i alle aldre, der har et ønske eller en drøm om at blive skuespiller, model, statist, sanger eller danser Der er stort efterspørgelse...

Price: Free Developer: Yasser Alasady
Vegas Auditions - Las Vegas entertainment jobs & casting notices

Vegas Auditions - Las Vegas entertainment jobs & casting notices

The Vegas Auditions app is the perfect companion to your membership. Now you can search and view professional entertainment jobs, casting notices, and auditions anytime, anywhere. Best of all, the Vegas Auditions app makes it easy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Doubble Troubble Entertainment, Inc.
Actor App - Work Like a Pro

Actor App - Work Like a Pro

Actor App ( is an essential video and voice recording app that's built by industry professionals specifically for actors to create and share self tape auditions quickly and easily with their team of managers, agents, production and casting. Actor App...

Price: Free Developer: Casting Workbook


Please Note: This application is for users of Casting Networks Online Session feature. You must have a valid and enabled Casting Director, Camera Operator, or Studio Admin account to use it. For more information, please contact Casting Networks Support. FastCapture...

Price: Free Developer: Casting Networks, Inc.


Record and upload auditions directly from your iPhone, iPad2 or iPod touch. This app is for Director members of Casting Frontier, the world's most advanced casting website. This revolutionary application lets you cast in real time from anywhere you...

Price: Free Developer: Casting Frontier
Real People

Real People

Real People mobile application will help you: - Manage your Real People profiles, - View all your future jobs, - Receive alerts and job confirmations, - Accept or refuse casting offers on your behalf - Keep you up to date with available work...

Price: Free Developer: Real People Casting Agency

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