Top 14 Sports Apps Like Meu Training - Best Alternatives

Meu Training Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Meu Training alternatives for iOS? We have listed 14 Sports apps that are similar to Meu Training. Pick one from this list to be your new Meu Training app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Meu Training on your iOS devices.

Top 14 Apps Like Meu Training - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Meu Training alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like Meu Training 2025.

Meu Clube App

Meu Clube App

O Meu Clube foi desenvolvido para te dá acesso a varias de funcionalidade de vários Clubes do pais, possibilitando pagamento de mensalidades, reservas de eventos, etc...

Price: Free Developer: Claudio Pereira Reis
App Clube

App Clube

O Aplicativo Meu Clube Serra da Moeda foi desenvolvido para te dar acesso a varias de funcionalidade do Clube Serra da Moeda, possibilitando visualizar galeria de imagens , noticias e entrar em contato com o Clube.

Price: Free Developer: Chart Consultores Em Informatica Ltda Epp
Dom Pedro II

Dom Pedro II

O Aplicativo Meu Clube Dom Pedro II foi desenvolvido para te dar acesso a varias de funcionalidade do Dom Pedro II, possibilitando pagamento de mensalidades, reservas de eventos, etc...

Price: Free Developer: Claudio Pereira Reis


A aplicação Oficial de Bilhetes do Sporting Clube de Portugal, coloca ao seu dispor funcionalidades que permitem estar mais próximo do seu clube. Onde quer que esteja, seja o primeiro a ter acesso às últimas notícias, vídeos e informação...

Price: Free Developer: Sportinveste Multimédia
Soccer Technique Training

Soccer Technique Training

Soccer exercises and games for all age-groups. Soccer Technique Training (STT) offers every coach a large variety of exercises and games for all levels and age-groups. If the coach just looks for creative ideas for his training or wants complete...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: cKp Apps
1x1 Basketball Training - Video Guide

1x1 Basketball Training - Video Guide

1x1 Basketball Training DVDs Get over 4 hours basic and individual basketball training lessons with professional trainers on your iPhone now! See the free Trailers and get one out of 5 DVD or the full package for just a...

Price: Free Developer: A Bodewell Production UG
Pre-Season Soccer training

Pre-Season Soccer training

Pre-Season Soccer Training is your new virtual athletic trainer for soccer coaches and players. PSST includes 5 training programs for football, divided in 5 categories: Children and juniors, Amateur and semi-pro, 5-player soccer (futsal), First Team and professional, plus an individual...

Price: Free Developer: Tommaso Giorgetti
NEAT Training

NEAT Training

The NEAT football training App will teach you the skills you need to make it in a professional football academy and compete with the best children in the country. The exercises are based on the successful One on One...

Price: Free Developer: Mario Muth
Baseball Drills - Free Baseball Instruction and Training Videos

Baseball Drills - Free Baseball Instruction and Training Videos

Baseball instruction and training drills covering Catching, Fielding, Hitting, and Pitching. Presented by baseball instructor Brandon Smith.

Price: Free Developer: Kevin Hammond
PCS Training

PCS Training

The essential app for all those attending swimming lessons with PCS Training.

Price: Free Developer:
Training and Analyzing with Roman Koch

Training and Analyzing with Roman Koch

Use Training and Analyzing with Roman Koch application to follow sailing events organised by Roman Koch. These events will typically be trainings, small races and clinics. Sailors have the option to analyse and compare their sailing performance, speed and number...

Price: Free Developer: Kwindoo Magyarorszag Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
Bagual Training Box

Bagual Training Box

Primer versión de la aplicación oficial de Bagual Training Box! Registrate y vas a poder: * Realizar el seguimiento de tu progreso en el box * Ver la agenda completa * Enterarte de las principales noticias del día a día * Conocer las rutinas...

Price: Free Developer: Matias Zamorano
Ohana Cross Training

Ohana Cross Training

Primer versión de la aplicación oficial de Ohana Cross Training! Registrate y vas a poder: * Realizar el seguimiento de tu progreso en el box * Ver la agenda completa * Enterarte de las principales noticias del día a día * Conocer las rutinas...

Price: Free Developer: Matias Zamorano

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