Top 29 Education Apps Like TL by Extramarks - Best Alternatives

TL by Extramarks Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TL by Extramarks alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to TL by Extramarks. Pick one from this list to be your new TL by Extramarks app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TL by Extramarks on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like TL by Extramarks - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TL by Extramarks alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like TL by Extramarks 2025.

Blooms TL

Blooms TL

Blooms TL classifies learning outcome statements based on Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwhol, 2001). This taxonomy describes the depth of thinking required by students in learning activities and assessments. The six levels in Bloom's taxonomy are: remembering, comprehending, applying,...

Price: Free Developer: Brian von Konsky TL TL

Besoin de réviser une leçon du programme avant un contrôle ou d’éclaircir une notion apprise en classe ? Retrouve plus de 1000 fiches de cours de Terminale L dans toutes les matières ! Développées avec des professeurs de l’Éducation...

Price: Free Developer: Educlever


Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyinin əsası 1858-ci ildə “Qafqaz və Merkuri” Səhmdar Cəmiyyətinin yaradılması ilə qoyulmuşdur. 160 illik zəngin tarixə malik Gəmiçilik bu müddət ərzində şanlı yol keçmişdir, və bugün Azərbaycan gəmiçiliyi özündə illərin təcrübəsini, eləcə də müasir dövrün tələblərinə...

Price: Free Developer: Ferid Davudov


Kidokit, 0-6 yaş arasındaki çocukların, farklı gelişim alanlardaki gelişimine destek olmak amacıyla oyun ve aktivite önerileri sunan, her çocuğun gelişim düzeyi ve ihtiyaçlarına göre kişiselleştirilebilen, öğretici programlar öneren ve çocuk gelişimi konusunda ebeveynleri ve bakıcıları yönlendiren ve eğiten bir...

Price: Free Developer: KidoKit Çocuk Gelişimi
Titan Leader

Titan Leader

Titan Leader (TL) is a technology-based leadership development program delivered through a smartphone app. TL provides coaches and athletes unprecedented access to an elite leadership development program. TL is delivered by mobile technology that provides unparalleled and innovative access...

Price: Free Developer: Positive Leadership Solutions LLC
Uşaq Qaynar Xetti

Uşaq Qaynar Xetti

Bu xidmət bütün uşaqlar tərəfindən onların yar¬dı¬ma ehtiyacı olduğu və kiminləsə danışmaq istədiyi vaxt onlara ixtisaslaşmış konsultantla anonim telefon söhbəti etmək imkanı verir. Söhbət zamanı konsultant tərəfindən zəng edən şəxsə müvafiq informasiya və ilkin emosional - psixoloji dəstək verilir....

Price: Free Developer: Uptodate In Medicine MMC


TEOREM mobil tətbiqi Bu mobil tətbiq Test və Onlayn Repetitor Mərkəzinin –ın veb versiyasından mobil avadanlıqlarda daha effektiv istifadə məqsədilə hazırlanıb. Mobil tətbiq Onlayn Sınaq Sistemindən, Onlayn Repetitor Sistemindən, Kurs/Məktəb Sistemindən və Dinamika bölməsindən ibarətdir. 
Onlayn Sınaq Bölməsində istənilən...

Price: Free Developer: Emin Huseynov


Altun Kitaba məxsus bir çox izahlı, ikidilli və terminoloji lüğətləri özündə birləşdirən internet-resursdur. Bu lüğətlər peşəkar leksikoqraflar tərəfindən hazırlanır və kitab halında nəşr edildikdən sonra sayta yüklənir. Saytın mobil tətbiqi PULSUZDUR.

Price: Free Developer: Karim Karimov
Dizionari Ladini

Dizionari Ladini

Cerca qualsiasi parola all'interno dei dizionari, nelle varianti ladine della Val Gardena e della Val Badia: - Trova le parole dal ladino all'italiano e viceversa - Ogni dizionario contiene oltre 30.000 lemmi e 20.000 espressioni fraseologiche - Sfoglia le gallerie fotografiche - Ascolta...

Price: Free Developer: Smallcodes
Training by Eos

Training by Eos

Training by Eos - The Case Study specialists The Training-by-Eos app provides content and access to online and classroom programmes developed by the ex-ICAEW Senior Case Study Examiner, Training-by-Eos offers you the best possible chance of passing your exam....

Price: Free Developer: Training by Eos
Memorize By Heart

Memorize By Heart

Have to memorize a speech, poem, lyrics or scripture verses? Have a Spanish test coming up? Memorize By Heart is a tool used by professionals and students that uses memorization techniques for a faster and longer lasting memory. MEMORIZE ANYTHING We...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Craig Walker
Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to match visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Number”. This educational app is designed for children aged 3.5 and above. Here children can learn about quantities and numbers. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to sort visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Verse By Verse Ministry

Verse By Verse Ministry

The Verse By Verse Ministry (VBVM) International study app, featuring the Bible teaching of Pastor Stephen Armstrong. Access hundreds of hours of verse-by-verse Bible teaching through entire books of the Bible for free. Listen to recorded teaching, read the...

Price: Free Developer: Verse By Verse Ministry International
BBC By-Business Center

BBC By-Business Center

L'app di BBC By-Business Center, provider standard n°510 del programma nazionale ECM (Educazione Continua in Medicina), permette di seguire le video-lezioni dei corsi FAD (Formazione a Distanza) e di conseguire i crediti ECM completando il questionario finale di verifica. Per...

Price: Free Developer: BBC By-Business Center
Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay

This garden companion shapes your experience at Gardens by the Bay! Unlock the secrets of the Gardens through interactive trails and try your hand at growing your very own Tree of Knowledge. With the help of a useful GPS...

Price: Free Developer: Gardens by the Bay
NEET  Test Prep - Extramarks

NEET Test Prep - Extramarks

If medical profession is your dream, NEET Test Prep App is all you need to realize it! Extramarks NEET Test Prep App is an advanced and adaptive preparation platform for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. Integrated in the app are...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
Extramarks – The Learning App

Extramarks – The Learning App

A fun, exciting, and interactive mode of learning goes live with the latest version of ‘Extramarks – The Learning App’! Meet Alex, an AI based learning companion, who will take you on a personalized journey through engaging visuals and...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
JEE Test Prep - Extramarks

JEE Test Prep - Extramarks

Extramarks JEE Test Prep App is an advanced testing platform for IIT JEE Mains and JEE Advanced, comprehending all the latest changes in the exam patterns and formats. This will help in, and test the student's preparation for IIT...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
Kids Learning by Extramarks

Kids Learning by Extramarks

Kids Learning by Extramarks is here to add more fun and colours to your toddler’s world of learning. Our child-friendly app is based on the concept of ‘Tap-Learn-Play’. Our experts have designed the learning modules in the app through...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
Kelas Pintar

Kelas Pintar

Ayo belajar asik bareng Extramarks! Dengan menggunakan Kurikulum Nasional 2013 Revisi, Extramarks memberikan solusi belajar lengkap untuk kelas 1 hingga kelas 12 dengan metode interaktif yang membuat aktivitas belajar lebih mudah dan efektif. Perbedaan karakter masing-masing siswa memberikan inspirasi...



Army Public School, Mathura Cantt ( in collaboration with Extramarks Education Pvt. Ltd. ( has designed a state of the art mobile application to keep the parents updated about the day to day activities of the school. It contains...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd


JITO Delhi Public School, Aurangabad ( ) in collaboration with Extramarks Education Pvt. Ltd. ( has designed a state of the art mobile application to keep the parents updated about the day to day activities of the school. It...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
BIGI Jnagar

BIGI Jnagar

Bangalore International School, Jayanagar (, in collaboration with Extramarks – leading Digital learning solutions provider ( has designed a state of the art mobile application to keep parents updated about the day to day activities of the school. It...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
Solitaire School

Solitaire School

Solitaire International School, Panchkula (, in collaboration with Extramarks – leading Digital learning solutions provider ( has designed a state of the art mobile application to keep parents updated about the day to day activities of the school. It...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd

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