Top 11 Education Apps Like Riječi 1min - engleski - Best Alternatives

Riječi 1min - engleski Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Riječi 1min - engleski alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Education apps that are similar to Riječi 1min - engleski. Pick one from this list to be your new Riječi 1min - engleski app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Riječi 1min - engleski on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like Riječi 1min - engleski - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Riječi 1min - engleski alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Riječi 1min - engleski 2025.

myrealkorean Real-time Q&A app

myrealkorean Real-time Q&A app

Real-time Question & Answer Korean Tutoring Service When you are studying Korean, When you are watching Korean Entertainment and K-drama, When you are listening to K-pop, Under these circumstances, you get something you don’t know Right? Ask...

Price: Free Developer: youngmi jo
Nauči Engleski

Nauči Engleski

Uz u vrlo kratku vremenu dostižete visoku razinu znanja stranog jezika. Predznanje nije potrebno, a je primjeren za sve, čak i one koji misle da za učenje stranog jezika baš nemaju dara. * Ovo je trenutno WebView verzija...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Covic
English Bosnian best dictionary - Engleski Bosna najbolji rječnik prevoditelj

English Bosnian best dictionary - Engleski Bosna najbolji rječnik prevoditelj

User will be satisfied with this Bosnia - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description for each word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using * Full...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Van Thanh
Učiti Engleski

Učiti Engleski

Učiti engleski je besplatna aplikacija engleska jezika. To uključuje osnovne riječi iz različitih kategorija kao što su: svakodnevni život, dom, posao, škola, bolnica itd. Pruža razne razgovore, gramatiku i različite testove. Vrlo jednostavan dizajn. Govorni zvuk koji pruža izvorni engleski govornik kako...

Price: Free Developer: Besart Haxhidema
Igraj riječi - engleski

Igraj riječi - engleski

Učite riječi s zabavom - puno razina i riječi - za početnike i stručnjake - Engleski - Njemački - Španjolski - Francuski - Portugalski - Talijanski

Price: Free Developer: Tomas Holka
Croatian English Dictionary +

Croatian English Dictionary +

The English Croatian dictionary Free is in high quality and user- friendly. It will bring you an excellent and delightful learning experience! All FREE! Features: - User-friendly design - Search by English or Croatian - Quick Search technology - Large database...

Price: Free Developer: Sing Fu Chan
English - Croatian Dictionary Free

English - Croatian Dictionary Free

English Croatian Dictionary (Hrvatski Engleski Rječnik) database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection. English Croatian Dictionary is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Main features of English...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Offline Bosnian to English Language Dictionary, Translator - engleski bosna najbolji rječnik prevoditelj

Offline Bosnian to English Language Dictionary, Translator - engleski bosna najbolji rječnik prevoditelj

The following Bosnian to English Dictionary offers you a huge glossary with word translations and rigorous definitions, which will stimulate you to dive yourself in Foreign Languages. Due to its offline system you can utilize it anywhere and anytime...

Price: Free Developer: Naira Khalapyan
Offline Croatian to English Language Dictionary Translator - Hrvatska na engleski rječnik

Offline Croatian to English Language Dictionary Translator - Hrvatska na engleski rječnik

Is Croatian language your mother tongue? Have you decided to study Croatian language? If your answer is positive to one of the above mentioned questions, then our team has something beneficial for you. Our sophisticated programmers have created the...

Price: Free Developer: Naira Khalapyan
Bosnian English Translation and Dictionary

Bosnian English Translation and Dictionary

English to Bosnian Translator Prevoditelj Engleski Bosanski Prevod i Rječnik sa Engleskog na Bosanski

Price: Free Developer: HANNA RUDAK

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