Top 17 Utilities Apps Like Integra VoIP - Best Alternatives

Integra VoIP Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Integra VoIP alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Utilities apps that are similar to Integra VoIP. Pick one from this list to be your new Integra VoIP app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Integra VoIP on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Apps Like Integra VoIP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Integra VoIP alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar apps like Integra VoIP 2025.

Integra - AxiomLite Mobile

Integra - AxiomLite Mobile

Integrates with your Integra - AxiomLite system to allow control over your Inputs, Outputs, and Doors. Create modify or delete Schedules and Holidays. Add or modify Card Holders. View history reports for Doors or Card Holders, all from your...

Price: Free Developer: RBH Access Technologies
Smart GaaS

Smart GaaS

A Smart GaaS criou o ecossistema integrado para o mercado de GLP (Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo), popularmente conhecido como gás de cozinha. O ecossistema ajuda e integra os consumidores, os revendedores e distribuidores em um fluxo que melhora a...

Price: Free Developer: Luis Ferreira
Reskyt - Empresa

Reskyt - Empresa

Reskyt es una plataforma tecnológica online que integra soluciones de internet a medida para cualquier cliente. Se introduce la información en el propio gestor de contenidos de Reskyt, para crear de una forma muy fácil y rápida una App,...

Price: Free Developer: Reskyt
Guia dos Serviços Publicos

Guia dos Serviços Publicos

“Guia de Serviços públicos” é uma compilação de informações sobre serviços da Administração Pública Cabo-verdiana cuja organização está orientada ao ciclo de vida das pessoas, ou seja desde nascimento à morte.Trata-se de um projeto da Casa do Cidadão que...

Price: Free Developer: Bonako
Minha Cidade - Betha Sistemas

Minha Cidade - Betha Sistemas

A cidade fica melhor na sua mão! Com o Minha Cidade, você pode ter acesso, quando e onde quiser, a informações relevantes sobre a gestão pública do seu município: - Saúde, - Habitação, - Licitações, - Protocolos, - Recebimentos, e outros. Aproximando administração e cidadão, o...

Price: Free Developer: Betha Sistemas Ltda


La App “ S.H.A.W.” (acronimo per SOROPTIMIST HELP APPLICATION WOMEN) è stata ideata per la sicurezza delle donne, ma anche pensata e realizzata per rispondere alla richiesta di informazioni e strumenti efficaci per la prevenzione. Ha come obiettivo quello...

Price: Free Developer: Kulta
Universal IP Remote Control

Universal IP Remote Control

Uremote allows control of individual devices from a single application (ip remote control). Universal remote control, supports the following devices: - Sharp - Dreambox - Samsung - Onkyo - Integra - LG Electronic - Denon - Marantz - Tiny Control After select your device in the Setting Menu...

Price: Free Developer: PavTomSoft
SES TechCom VoIP

SES TechCom VoIP

SES TECHCOM VoIP application enables voice connectivity over IP links. The use of G.729 and IAX trunking supports an efficient use of the satellite bandwidth. The application supports the user in selecting among his SIP accounts registered on SES...

Price: Free Developer: SES TechCom S.A. VoIP VoIP is a public private partnership that comes in the form of a satellite based telecommunication platform, airborne two hours after an alert. Once delivered to the disaster zone, it takes less than an hour to hook up a...

Price: Free Developer: SES TechCom S.A.
Kryptotel - Secure Voip

Kryptotel - Secure Voip

Kryptotel is an open source application to make ENCRYPTED Voice and Video calls It does use RSA 8192 bits algorithm and TLS protocol to encrypt the signals communication (caller id /called id for example), and AES 256...

Price: Free Developer: Kryptotel fz llc
Sweep VoIP 通話アプリ

Sweep VoIP 通話アプリ

Sweep VoIP 通話アプリ は QRコード を使って連絡先を交換するだけで音声通話ができるアプリです。 音声通話にはSkyWay(WebRTC)を使っています。 呼び出し中などに流れる効果音はOtoLogic(CC BY 4.0)を利用させていただきました。 なお、アプリの利用に必要なサーバなどは予告無しに停止する場合があります。ご了承ください。 ●特徴 - ユーザー登録は不要です - QRコードで連絡先を交換した相手と通話ができます - 不在着信を通知でお知らせします ●動作環境 iOS 11.0 以降 ●ライセンス情報 SkyWay iOS SDK Open Source Software ●利用規約 以下の利用規約に同意したうえでご利用ください。 本アプリの利用に関して何らかの損害が発生したとしてもMITSUNORI YORIFUJIおよびその関係者は一切の責任を負いません。

Price: Free Developer: MITSUNORI YORIFUJI
ASTPP Dialer - VoIP Softphone

ASTPP Dialer - VoIP Softphone

ASTPP Dialer is a complete SIP Softphone which allows you to register your SIP account on ASTPP server. Here are the features: - Easy to use & User friendly graphical interface - Integration with Mobile Phonebook - Fast registration and call connectivity - Displays...

Price: Free Developer: iNextrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Pioneer Smart Office

Pioneer Smart Office

Make your Pioneer VoIP account mobile. Customers of Pioneer VoIP’s cloud-based phone service may use this app to make and receive calls from their device as if dialing from their Pioneer VoIP desk phone. (Important Note) You must have...

Price: Free Developer: Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.


RoxyCalls is feature-rich mobile VoIP application for making long distance or international calls at low rates. It is an interesting find for end users who have their friends and families scattered all around the world. The mobile application is...

Price: Free Developer: Digi Telecom Limited
iTel Agent

iTel Agent

iTel Agent app is the one-stop solution for managing the day-to-day activities and transactions of a VoIP Agent or Reseller. The app makes business hassle free and cost effective for the VoIP Service Providers as well. Hassle Free Agents are able...

Price: Free Developer: REVE Systems (S) Pte. Ltd.



Price: Free Developer: XIAOZHONG LI

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