Top 12 Education Apps Like JSS Congress - Best Alternatives

JSS Congress Alternatives

Do you want to find the best JSS Congress alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Education apps that are similar to JSS Congress. Pick one from this list to be your new JSS Congress app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to JSS Congress on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like JSS Congress - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid JSS Congress alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like JSS Congress 2025.

JSS Public School, Bage

JSS Public School, Bage

JSS Public School is the ideal solution for students to grow to next level. In today’s connected world it gives the best digital tool to our teachers, students and parents. The school Management, teachers, parents and students gets on...

Price: Free Developer: Zuvaria Thasneem
MyiD ~学生証、会員証、社員証アプリ~

MyiD ~学生証、会員証、社員証アプリ~

学生証、会員証、社員証など、 デジタル身分証明書をひとつにまとめたアプリです。 身分証明書の複数枚持ちも可能であり、 複数校・複数スクールに所属していても1つのアプリで管理ができます。 身分証明書がスマートフォンに入っていれば、もう忘れることはありません。 持ち運びが便利なだけでなく、様々なサポート機能を提供いたします。 【ご利用上の注意】 ※本アプリを利用するためには、所属する組織における許可・パスワードが必要です。 ※身分証明は表示日時が現在時刻のものが有効です。スクリーンショットでは証明ができません。 【主な機能】 ■デジタル身分証明書  学生証、会員証、社員証としてお使いいただけます。 ■Push通知機能  学校、スクール、会社など所属組織からの連絡がPush通知で受け取れます。 ■施設予約  コートや会議室の予約をスマートフォンから行えます。 ■受講振替  授業・レッスンの振替がいつでも簡単にできます。 ■通学証明  定期券の購入に利用できます。 ■出席登録  授業やレッスンの出席確認が簡単になります。 ■時間割  自分の時間割をすぐに確認することができます。 ■学生手帳  校歌、校則がテキスト、音声、動画で閲覧できます。 ■学校、スクール、会社への連絡...

Price: Free Developer: JSS Co., Ltd.
Congress Care - Meeting App

Congress Care - Meeting App

The Congress Care – Meeting App is brought to you by Congress Care and allows you to easily navigate through a conference programme and create your personal schedule. You can browse the program by day or by topic, and even...

Price: Free Developer: Congress Care B.V.
EORNA 2019 Congress

EORNA 2019 Congress

The EORNA 2019 Congress will be held in The Netherlands in the beautiful city of The Hague from 16 -19 May 2019. It will be a great moment bringing together all committed nurses, leaders and perioperative professionals. The scientific...

Price: Free Developer: EORNA online
In Congress - US Congress Dashboard

In Congress - US Congress Dashboard

In Congress makes it easy to see what the US Congress is working on and how your representatives vote on the issues you care about. In Congress shows who your representatives are, their votes, bills sponsored, contact information, committee roles,...

Price: Free Developer: Claudia Cassidy
9th World Congress of Melanoma

9th World Congress of Melanoma

The mobile app for the joint meeting of the 9th World Congress of Melanoma and the Society for Melanoma Research will be your personal assistant before and during your congress visit. This joint congress will bring together the world’s leading...

Price: Free Developer: DocumediaS GmbH


Official App for the S.I.C.S.S.O. Congress ITALIANO - Funzionalità: Questa è l'app iOS ufficiale per il Congresso S.I.C.S.S.O. E' possibile consultare il programma scientifico completo per giorno, argomento, relatori. I partecipanti possono anche scaricare il loro certificato di partecipazione (scansionando...

Price: Free Developer: simone branca
ICAR Association & Congress

ICAR Association & Congress

This is the association and congress app of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue ICAR. We are a not for profit oriented association of member mountain rescue associations worldwide, seated in Switzerland. We meet annually at our ICAR Congress,...

Price: Free Developer: ICAR International Commission for Alpine Rescue
WCPT Congress 2017

WCPT Congress 2017

Download the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2017 app and plan your congress participation before and during the world’s biggest physical therapy/physiotherapy event. The app is your portable guide to the congress, including all the essential information you...

Price: Free Developer: DocumediaS GmbH
EFIC Congress 2019

EFIC Congress 2019

Pain in Europe XI – 11th Congress of the European Pain Federation The European Pain Federation, EFIC®, is a multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain research and medicine. Established in 1993, it combines the expertise and experience of...

Price: Free Developer: European Pain Federation EFIC
Engaging Congress

Engaging Congress

Engaging Congress is a game that uses primary source documents, photographs, political cartoons, maps, and other items to explore the challenges of sustaining representative democracy in our complex and diverse nation today. Features: - Introductory Video - Theme-based Stories - Primary Source Gallery -...

Price: Free Developer: Indiana University

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