Top 12 Education Apps Like CU NEX - Best Alternatives

CU NEX Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CU NEX alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Education apps that are similar to CU NEX. Pick one from this list to be your new CU NEX app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CU NEX on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like CU NEX - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CU NEX alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like CU NEX 2025.

CU LEADership Conference 2016

CU LEADership Conference 2016

Download the official 2016 CU LEADership Conference app to make the most of your time before, during, and after the 2016 CU LEADership Conference. CU LEAD exists to equip and inspire leaders to be exceptional in all areas of life....

Price: Free Developer: Legit Apps, LLC


Keeping in touch with Caucasus University is now easier and more comfortable. My CU application is concentrated to improve experience of students, faculty, staff and visitors who interact with Caucasus University’s community. For CU students it will simplify the...

Price: Free Developer: Caucasus University LTD
Bac cu Brio

Bac cu Brio

Bac Cu Brio este aplicația care îți sare în ajutor la BAC. Este o aplicație dezvoltată cu scopul de a ajuta elevii care se pregătesc pentru examenul de Bacalaoreat, punând la dispoziție materiale ajutătoare, concise, făcute ușor de vizualizat...

Price: Free Developer: Micom Tech SRL
CU Open House

CU Open House

An application made for Chulalongkorn University Open House 2015 in order to make your visit more fun and relaxing. Navigate through CU Open House 2015 effectively with our “CU Open House” application! Don’t know where the faculty you want to...

Price: Free Developer: ISE Inc.
CU On Foot

CU On Foot

Take a stroll down Clemson University's streets, and find yourself walking through history. CU On Foot brings you images from the early days of Clemson University, and gives you the stories behind the famous landmarks on campus, including the...

Price: Free Developer: Clemson University
CU Days

CU Days

**Note: This is an independent app, not affiliated with Cornell** CU Days is a scheduling app to help incoming Cornell students organize their Cornell Days. Keep track of all your events, all the interesting tours, and nighttime activities. Create a...

Price: Free Developer: Gilly Leshed
CU Orientation

CU Orientation

**Note: This is an independent app, not affiliated with Cornell, New Student Programs or the Orientation Steering Committee** CU Orientation is a scheduling app designed to help incoming students organize their orientation activities. See all of the scheduled events, save...

Price: Free Developer: Gilly Leshed
Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Desenează și descoperă aventurile prin care a trecut Mowgli după ce a plecat din junglă. Peste 270 de modele de desen (printre care casă, soare, flori, băiețel, fetiță, bărbat, femeie, telefon și multe altele) îl vor ajuta pe copilul...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
CU History Tour

CU History Tour

The Columbia University History Tour app is a self-guided walking tour of CU centering around the buildings of the lower half of the Morningside Heights campus. The tour aims to present narratives of slavery, oppression and violence while preserving...

Price: Free Developer: Donovan Simpson
Nex-Tech Wireless University

Nex-Tech Wireless University

Our Mission at Nex-Tech Wireless University is to develop NTW employees and agents into champions.

Price: Free Developer: Sales Gravy
Cortex 5.0

Cortex 5.0

The PCS Edventures Cortex is a drag-and-drop robotics programming environment that generates Arduino code for PCS Brain robotics kits or robot kits of your own design. Using the PCS Brain you can build robots that interact with their environment...

Price: Free Developer: PCS Edventures!

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