Top 25 Entertainment Apps Like HANABI Fire Works - Best Alternatives

HANABI Fire Works Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HANABI Fire Works alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Entertainment apps that are similar to HANABI Fire Works. Pick one from this list to be your new HANABI Fire Works app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HANABI Fire Works on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like HANABI Fire Works - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HANABI Fire Works alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like HANABI Fire Works 2025.



未来型花火エンターテイメント『HANABI LIVE』公式アプリです。 最新ニュースをはじめ、花火とコラボした様々なコンテンツをお楽しみいただけます。 また、プッシュ通知で最新情報をお知らせし、重要な情報を見逃さずにチェックすることができます! さらに、電子チケット機能も搭載しており、購入したチケットをご自身のスマートフォンで表示し、入場することが可能です。

Price: Free Developer: EMTG Co., Ltd.
Realistic fireworks  -HANABI-

Realistic fireworks -HANABI-

Realistic fireworks are shot off according to the music! Realistic fireworks heal you. Even if I don't go to these realistic and fireworks event, I may be satisfied.

Price: Free Developer: kume toru


Touch the screen, holding a fireworks show just for you! Simply tap the screen, along with the immersive sound in the night sky of Japan, this app is an app that can be a variety of fireworks. Since fireworks are set...

Price: Free Developer: Seesaa Inc.
Tap HANABI World

Tap HANABI World

Touch the screen, holding a fireworks show just for you! Simply tap the screen, along with the immersive sound in the night sky around the country, this app is an app that can be a variety of fireworks. Since...

Price: Free Developer: Seesaa Inc.


Hanabi Master Lite is a new application with which you can view a lot of fireworks. You can view your original fireworks by tapping color balls. Original fireworks are made by drawing pictures. Enjoy your original Hanabi festival!! Have...

Price: Free Developer: Square-Vision


沖ドキ!とは... 『HANABI』『VERSUS』でお馴染みのアクロスが開発し、発売元は今やほとんどのホールが看板機種にしている『バシリスク絆』『ミリオンゴッド~神々の凱旋~』などの大ヒットパチスロメーカーであるユニバーサルエンターテインメントです。 5号機のパチスロで設定は1~6の6段階です。 ゲーム性は至ってシンプルでレバーを叩いて筐体上部のハイビスカスランプが光ればボーナス確定! 最大の魅力は滞在モード別にボーナス当選期待度が変動する為、上位モードである『天国モード』『ドキドキモード』『超ドキドキモード』に移行すればボーナス後32G以内の連チャンが65%~90%でループする爆裂仕様となっておりま。 設定推測に関しては連チャンモードの継続率やモード移行率から奇数、偶数の判別はなんとなく分かったとしても、設定看破は中々難しい機種と言えるのではないでしょうか。 天井は999Gですが、通常時のコイン持ちが良くないのでハマればハマる程、投資がかさんでしまいます。 そんな時に活躍するのがこの攻略アプリ! ホールの中で気になる【沖ドキ!】があれば只今のゲーム数を入力して予算(1000~5000円)のボタンをタップしてみよう! すると予算内でのボーナス当選期待度を表示してくれます。 パチスロで勝つ為には、いかに投資額を抑えられるかが重要となります。 なのでホールで【沖ドキ!】を打つ際は是非使ってみて下さい。

Price: Free Developer: shohei nogami
Fire Doodle

Fire Doodle

Fire Doodle allows you to easily create drawing with flame burning effect. Draw on your iPhone, iPad or iPod with Fire Doodle, then tap the Fire button and watch your doodle turning into fantastic burning art! Let Fire Doodle...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Y Lau
Whopping Fire Trucks

Whopping Fire Trucks

Whopping Fire Trucks is a simple entertainment app for small kids and toddlers, delivering endless fun with fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and other noisy and blinking emergency vehicles. The app is 100% free to use forever. Over a...

Price: Free Developer: Appsipaja Oy
Draw with FIRE! Burn something with your FINGERS!!

Draw with FIRE! Burn something with your FINGERS!!

Set your fingers on fire like a caveman, BBQ enthusiast, or some kind of idiot, with Fire Fingers! * Realistic fire simulation! * Up to 5 flaming fingers at once! * Drag your fingers around to draw with your fire. * Select the...

Price: Free Developer: Useless Creations Pty Ltd
Fire Alarm PRO +

Fire Alarm PRO +

Most fun and realistic fire alarm app! FEATURES: • Most beautiful and simple fire alarm app • See Glass shine effect • Tap and break the glass first • Then go ahead and pull the handle to start fire alarm • See flashing lights...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Saliha Bhutta
Fire Prank - Set your pictures on fire and prank your friends!

Fire Prank - Set your pictures on fire and prank your friends!

Get the most effective fire prank app! With Fire Prank you can add flames and smoke to your pictures and prank your friends! What will their reaction be when they see their belongings on fire? Download Fire Prank now...

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Brigly
Christmas Fire

Christmas Fire

It's that time of year for Christmas cheer. Do you want to gather round the fire and listen to those classic Christmas favorites, well with Christmas Fire you will always have it with you in your pocket. Listen to the crackling...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Christian Urquhart
Fire Skull

Fire Skull

what's so great about the Fire Skull?? * touch and interact with a flaming skull without the risk of burns! * enjoy the timeless beauty of fire reflected off metal! * never dine alone again, set a place for the fire skull! *...

Price: Free Developer:
Real Fire Works

Real Fire Works

Real Fire Works is a very entertaining app. It shows videos of fire related items for fun. Sparklers, a camp fire, a candle, torch, fireworks, etc. Try out the many different videos to entertain yourself and your friends. ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Joshua Lewis
iptv2fire - IPTV to Fire TV

iptv2fire - IPTV to Fire TV

Watch IPTV from your provider or free live Tv Channels on any other source on the web. This app does`t contain any built-in channels. You have to add your Tv Channels Playlist manually. With airplay and Fire TV technology and you...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Alfonso Aversa
Fire Tweets Australia

Fire Tweets Australia

Fire Tweets Australia gives you easy access to the Twitter timeline of the various fire agencies around Australia. From the main screen, choose the fire fighting agency you are interested in and you will be taken to a list of...

Price: Free Developer: Jason Learmouth
Machine Works V8

Machine Works V8

Creates an interactive experience with the finished Machine Works V8 engine model. Allows you to see an exploded view of the model, five animations of key components of engines, detailed descriptions of eleven different parts of the model, an...

Price: Free Developer: Trends UK
Salvador Dali Wallpaper HD: Best works with extra quotes collection

Salvador Dali Wallpaper HD: Best works with extra quotes collection

This is best selection of all the works of Salvador Dali for iPhone & iPad wallpapers in HD, with preview as well. Hundreds of works all in HD. Dalí was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking and bizarre...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wenqiang Yan
Wonder Works

Wonder Works

**Create Your Interactive Wish List** Kids can build a Wonder Works Wish List with 9 items and share it to their parents. Parents can log in to view their kids' lists, add to them, and share with family so everyone knows...

Price: Free Developer: WonderWorks
Afro Banana Republic

Afro Banana Republic

Picture this: you're wandering through the magical forest land of the ABR festival and there's an app on your phone that tells you everything you need you know at any given moment. Yes, we've made it happen! There are...

Price: Free Developer: Opium Works Ltd
Christmas Countdown 2019

Christmas Countdown 2019

Do you feel the spirit of approaching Christmas? Christmas Countdown app will help you enjoy Christmas mood by bringing you a new Christmas quote every day! Enjoy ambient Christmas night music, snowfall effects and Christmas quotes of great people. NEW! -...

Price: Free Developer: UAB Target Works
Christmas Countdown 2019!

Christmas Countdown 2019!

Do you feel the spirit of approaching Christmas? Christmas Countdown app will help you enjoy Christmas mood by bringing you a new Christmas saying every day! Enjoy joyful Christmas music, snowfall effects and fun or wise Christmas sayings. Merry Christmas! ©...

Price: Free Developer: UAB Target Works
DIFFerent Reality

DIFFerent Reality

Prepare Yourself for the 13th Dubai International Film Festival. DIFFerent Reality is the official VR app of the 13th Dubai International Film Festival, running from December 7-14, 2016. Download the app to view your invitation. The full experience has been produced...

Price: Free Developer: Giga Works
How it Works: MG3

How it Works: MG3

3D model with animation explains German MG 3 machine gun function! What is inside the gun app?! - High detailed 3D model - Operation animations: fire, reload, safety - Accessories: folding stock, AA sight - Slow motion - X-ray mode - Cutaway mode - Tap'n'Hide...

Price: Free Developer: Noble Empire South Limited

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