Top 29 Book Apps Like HK Book Fair - Best Alternatives

HK Book Fair Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HK Book Fair alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Book apps that are similar to HK Book Fair. Pick one from this list to be your new HK Book Fair app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HK Book Fair on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like HK Book Fair - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HK Book Fair alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like HK Book Fair 2025.



HK-viewerとは? HK-viewerは日比谷花壇が提供するコンテンツ閲覧用アプリケーションです。 花を楽しむコンテンツ、ギフトシーンに合わせたご提案、ウエディング に関する最新情報などをお届けします。ダウンロードは無料です。面倒な登録や難しい操作はありません。 HK-viewerの特徴 1.アプリをインストールすると、日比谷花壇(パートナー企業含む)が作成したコンテンツを無料でダウンロード、閲覧することができます。 2.一度ダウンロードしたコンテンツは、オフラインでも閲覧することが出来ます。また、ログインIDを入力することで、様々なコンテンツへの切り替え、追加を行うこともできます。 3.メモやしおり機能を使ってお気に入りのページを保存、後からそのページを見返すことが出来ます。 4.動画を利用したコンテンツもあり、より楽しく、わかりやすくお伝えします。

Price: Free Developer: HIBIYA-KADAN
HK Comics Plus

HK Comics Plus

HONG KONG COMICS is now launched for iPhone and iPad, offering a new experience for all comic lovers around the world to enjoy Hong Kong comics! Most importantly, the App is organized by Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation...

Price: Free Developer: Hong Kong Comics & Animation Federation Limited
HK Comics 香港漫畫

HK Comics 香港漫畫

(This is the Traditional Chinese version of "HK Comics 香港漫畫". You will be able to download Comics which are in Chinese.) HONG KONG COMICS is now launched for iPhone and iPad, offering a new experience for all comic lovers around...

Price: Free Developer: Syfolink Innotech Limited


【JET x ALLMAG】 一個月費,無限閱讀足本版《JET》 訂閱期內可無限次下載及閱讀「足本版」《JET》 一個帳號,可於最多3部手機平板下載閱讀 與紙書版同期更新 提供雜誌的印刷原樣電子版,更可離線閱讀 《JET》是一本都市文化月刊,專門為高消費力的優皮讀者群提供現代都會消閑生活資訊。該本雜誌為讀者網羅時尚生活新焦點,包括本地以至海外最新最灼熱的時裝潮流、旅遊、體育、電影、文化、藝術創作及生活等等。此外,《JET》亦積極推動本地創作文化。 【訂閱說明】 l 用戶可選擇三個月(HK$ 78.00),六個月(HK$ 123.00) 或 十二個月(HK$ 218.00) 閱讀計劃 l 本服務將使用iTunes賬戶付款訂閱 l 訂閱使用自動續期方式,閣下可以在用戶的帳戶設置關閉自動續期,此操作需要至少24小時 l 訂閱期間用戶將不允許取消已訂閱的計劃 【技術支援】 任何使用上問題,歡迎來信 [email protected] 【個人資料使用聲明】 請參閱

Price: Free Developer: ALLMAG LIMITED


PCM HD+ x ALLMAG 電子雜誌月費App 【一個月費,訂閱期內無限閱讀最新6期足本版《PCM》】 l 訂閱期內可無限次下載及閱讀「足本版」《PCM》 l 與紙書版同期更新,每星期新出的完全版將於逢星期二上架! l 提供雜誌的印刷原樣電子版,更可離線閱讀 《PCM電腦廣場》是香港最權威、最專業的電腦科技資訊雜誌,銷量一直保持領先優勢。《PCM電腦廣場》分為兩冊: 《PCM Advance》結合DIY內容與電腦軟硬件資訊,乃一本符合電腦用家需求的專業電腦刊物; 而《PCM Gears》則以數碼產品測試和應用為主,涵蓋手機、數碼相機、高清影音和數碼娛樂等內容。 【訂閱說明】 l 用戶可選擇三個月(HK$ 158.00),六個月(HK$ 298.00) 或 十二個月(HK$ 488.00) 閱讀計劃 l 本服務將使用iTunes賬戶付款訂閱 l 訂閱使用自動續期方式,閣下可以在用戶的帳戶設置關閉自動續期,此操作需要至少24小時 l 訂閱期間用戶將不允許取消已訂閱的計劃 【技術支援】 任何使用上問題,歡迎來信 [email protected] 【個人資料使用聲明】 請參閱...

Price: Free Developer: ALLMAG LIMITED
Spiral x ALLMAG

Spiral x ALLMAG

【Spiral x ALLMAG】 一個月費,無限閱讀足本版《Spiral》 訂閱期內可無限次下載及閱讀「足本版」《Spiral》 一個帳號,可於最多3部手機平板下載閱讀 與紙書版同期更新 提供雜誌的印刷原樣電子版,更可離線閱讀 《游絲腕表雜誌》是本地著名的手表月刊,專為手表愛好者而設,內容包羅高檔鐘表的市場動向、品牌介紹與技術知識,極盡專業詳細。另外更設有欄目品味高級生活,迎合高消費力之讀者的需要。 【訂閱說明】 l 用戶可選擇三個月(HK$ 78.00),六個月(HK$ 123.00) 或 十二個月(HK$ 218.00) 閱讀計劃 l 本服務將使用iTunes賬戶付款訂閱 l 訂閱使用自動續期方式,閣下可以在用戶的帳戶設置關閉自動續期,此操作需要至少24小時 l 訂閱期間用戶將不允許取消已訂閱的計劃 【技術支援】 任何使用上問題,歡迎來信 [email protected] 【個人資料使用聲明】 請參閱

Price: Free Developer: ALLMAG LIMITED
Marie Claire

Marie Claire

源自法國的國際性女性雜誌 Marie Claire《瑪利嘉兒》香港中文版,創刊於1990年,為時下女性提供由香港以至世界各地的時裝、美容、生活及文化等各類型資訊。加上全港首本配飾雜誌《Marie Claire 2》、搜羅最新美容消息的《Marie Claire Beauty Bible》及介紹華麗婚禮資訊的《Marie Claire Bridal》,帶給讀者全方位時尚資訊。 Originating from France since 1990, with 20 years in Hong Kong. Marie Claire offers a unique mix of powerful & provocative journalism, inspirational yet accessible fashion, sensational yet practical beauty...

Price: Free Developer: ALLMAG LIMITED
24Reader 電子雜誌書

24Reader 電子雜誌書

24Reader 是亞洲區藏書量及用戶最多的電子書平台之一,目前擁有超過24,000本人氣的中、港、台、日書籍及雜誌,數量不斷增加,電子書累積下載次數已經超過二百萬次。 電子書及電子雜誌綜合平台 【基本頻道】目前超過19,000本人氣書籍、雜誌及漫畫,訂閱期間無限次下載、閱讀 【單本購買】按個人喜好,購買24Reader內超過20,000本書籍及雜誌 同一帳號可與3部行動裝置共用,並可同時登入,與家人朋友分享閱讀省更多   所有書刊內容均獲出版社授權,全部100%正版,更支援離線閱讀 設有24小時客戶服務熱線 (852) 2928 2277及技術支援電郵 ( [email protected] ) 【基本頻道 - 月費形式的電子書及雜誌綜合平台】 備有多個訂閱期: 三個月(HK$118)、一年(HK$448)、兩年(HK$848) 目前超過12,000本雜誌,數量不斷增加: 科技影音:PCM電腦廣場、AV Magazine、PCStation、GAMESTATION、電腦DIY... 娛樂潮流:東TOUCH、3週刊、今日家居、JET、CUP茶杯雜誌... 女性資訊:MARIE CLARIE、JESSICA、ELLE、Bella儂儂、Jasmine髮型書、囍結TieTheKnots... 男性潮流:SOCCERWAVE、CARPLUS+HIM、Spiral游絲腕表雜誌、JMEN、ONEGOLF玩高爾夫... 投資理財:CAPITAL資本雜誌、CAPITAL CEO資本才俊、財訊雙週刊...   台灣雜誌:數位時代、世界電影雜誌、愛台灣旅遊誌、DECO居家、今藝術... 內地雜誌:健康女孩‧新銳、環球人文地理、音樂周刊 MusicWeekly... 目前超過12,000本書籍及漫畫,數量不斷增加: 旅遊天書:泰國通胡慧冲系列、點遊系列(倫敦、首爾、沖繩、墾丁、澳門等)、50+1系列(紐約、台北、上海、北京、香港等)、牧羊少年的世界地圖、良業遊民... 人氣漫畫:神鵰俠侶、天龍八部、四大名捕、我是中國人‧李小龍... 兒童精選:Mr Men & Little Miss系列、白貓黑貓系列、兒童快報、伊索寓言、趣味小百科系列... 親子育兒:新手爸打、考試升呢秘笈、好媽媽勝過好老師、香港兒歌... 飲食生活:肥媽煮得慳系列、幟哥食好活好秘笈、娘娘飯局、品味靚湯... 健康養生:營養師教你越吃越健康、養生秘笈 - 四季防病篇、本草綱目中醫養生方、瘦飲食... 星級作者:陶傑、褚簡寧、林超英、陳淑莊、鍾欣潼、周柏豪、彭浩翔、陳倩揚、趙式芝、忌廉哥... 還有更多百科全書、語言學習、星座生肖運程、家居智慧、寵物護理等書籍及雜誌供您下載及閱讀,讓您飽覽群書,掌握資訊,跟朋友不愁沒話題! 【常見問題FAQ】 Q:我可以跟家人朋友一起使用24Reader嗎? A:當然可以,同一帳號可與3部行動裝置共用,更可同時登入。 Q:沒有網絡,可以閱讀24Reader內書籍及雜誌嗎? A:24Reader支援離線閱讀,已下載的書籍及雜誌,即使未連線到網際網路,也可隨時閱讀。最適合到外地旅行,又不想帶上厚重旅遊書的朋友! Q:為何有些雜誌有最新一期,有些雜誌只有以往期數? A:24Reader提供的內容由出版社決定,所以部分雜誌只提供以往期數。如果想閱讀最新一期,可選擇單本購買或訂閱雜誌頻道。 Q:24Reader內書籍及雜誌都是完全版嗎? A:24Reader超過90%以上的書籍及雜誌,都是完整版。 Q:我身處外地,可以使用24Reader服務嗎? A:24Reader服務亦適用於外地,基本上可以正常使用。但因版權問題,24Reader 內部分書籍及雜誌會受到地區限制。

Price: Free Developer: Version 2 Limited
MoboReader - Books & Webnovels

MoboReader - Books & Webnovels

Enjoy your favorite books on the go with customizable reading experience and millions of best sellers, novels, science fiction, romance, fantasy, fanfiction and more. FEATURES * Many Many Books Provides both paid and free ebooks including romance, sci-fi, mystery, comedy, action adventure,...

Switch Book bilingual novels

Switch Book bilingual novels

SWITCH BOOK is an application for all those who want to improve their foreign language skills (English, Spanish, Deutch, Italian, Portuguese...) How ? SWITCH BOOK is a bookstore of bilingual novels. Each book contains the novel in two languages. For example:...

Price: Free Developer: Switch Book
Book Organizer

Book Organizer

Welcome to Book Organizer. This is the ultimate book organizer and the only one you need. Whether you’re a book lover, collector, or even just a student that has a huge personal collection of books, this is the book management...

Price: Free Developer: Wild Brains LLC
Book Organizer (Full Version)

Book Organizer (Full Version)

Welcome to Book Organizer. This is the ultimate book organizer and the only one you need. Whether you’re a book lover, collector, or even just a student that has a huge personal collection of books, this is the book management...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Wild Brains LLC


WELCOME TO NU-BOOK TOKEN OWNERS! The Nu-book ereading application was developed by publishing professionals with a solid background in the industry. Nu-book offers you an enhanced digital reading experience that simply cannot be found anywhere else. Thanks to its...

Price: Free Developer: Nubook
Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

This is an interactive book with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. Adventure Drama Interactive Pathbook. "The Mythical Happy City” This...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Breakfast with a Dragon Story tale kids Book Game

Breakfast with a Dragon Story tale kids Book Game

SUPER FUN DRAGON, an interactive book for kids with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change the ending. Fantastic story for children. Little Mabel dreams of fantasy creatures like dragons,...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Book+Main Bites

Book+Main Bites

What is a Bite? Excerpts, deleted and bonus scenes, post-epilogues, short stories—and more—are called 'Bites.' They could be a small taste of what's to come from an upcoming or already released book by your favorite author or a follow-up on...

Price: Free Developer: Book+Main, Inc
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Catalog your book collection with ease! Automatic book details and cover images. Just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera! - Free 7-day trial, then US $14.99 per year - Use our "CLZ Core" central online book database for easy adding of books: * Just...

Price: Free Developer:
Luzbel - Interactive Book app scary horror story

Luzbel - Interactive Book app scary horror story

HORROR BOOK. This is an interactive book with multiple endings. FANTASTIC story. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. "Luzbel” The apocalypse approaches and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Meet your Man - Romance book

Meet your Man - Romance book

Romance novel "Meet Your Man” You're a young and beautiful girl, you must choose between 3 guys to start a new relationship. Book of the year. An Interactive Book App with images, music, decisions and multiple endings. A suggestive romantic...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.


The TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR(TABF) launched in 2009 as Japan’s first book-fair dedicated to art publications. 2019 signals the 10th year of our Fair, and for this year’s event we will be relocating to the Museum of Contemporary Art...

Price: Free Developer: TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR General Incorporated Association
Book Fair Buddy

Book Fair Buddy

Never pick up another catalog at a book show ever again! Book Fair Buddy can be used at book fairs, cons, bookstores and libraries. Scan the bar code or QR Code to get more details about the book,...

Price: Free Developer:
Doha Book Fair

Doha Book Fair

Doha International Book Fair | معرض الدوحة الدولي للكتاب The Doha International Book Fair is one of the oldest and largest international book fairs in the region and enjoys a good reputation due to the high demand from Arab, Gulf...

Price: Free Developer: The State National Day Celebration Organizing Committee
Muscat International Book Fair

Muscat International Book Fair

The app will require a user name and password thus registration is mandatory. The app current main feature is search function, where the users will be able to search for any book they want and add them to purchases basket....

Price: Free Developer: Amir Sohail
Frankfurt Book Fair

Frankfurt Book Fair

Use the app to prepare for the fair. Find information on exhibitors, events, and our services. Discover Matchmaking for trade vistors and the digital guided tours. Stay oriented and organised throughout the fair with our interactive hall plan, a...

Price: Free Developer: Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
Johnny Tractor and Friends: County Fair

Johnny Tractor and Friends: County Fair

The County Fair is coming to Merriweather Farm, and Johnny Tractor and his friends are ready to roll! In this endearing interactive storybook that teaches the importance of teamwork and friendship, you can help Johnny Tractor, Corey Combine, and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Soul and Vibe Interactive Inc.
Vanity Fair!

Vanity Fair!

This reader is equipped with auto-scrolling technology to allow for a more enjoyable reading experience William Makepeace Thackeray Novel William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair follows the efforts of two 19th-century English women to establish themselves in society. A clever and merciless...

Price: Free Developer: Qualex Consulting Services, Inc
Beirut Intl. Book Fair (BIBF)

Beirut Intl. Book Fair (BIBF)

تأسس النادي الثقافي العربي كما هو معروف، عام 1944، على يد نخبة تنتمي فكرياً وسياسياً الى التيار القومي العربي الذي كان نتاجاً موضوعياً للتداعيات السياسية والقومية التي اعقبت نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية وما افرزته من كوارث على مختلف شعوب...

Price: Free Developer:


This app contains an ebook with information and guide for Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair. You can also use this guide to find selected premium signed books, food while your at the book fair, get discounts for using GRAB...

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods

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