Top 19 Business Apps Like SVENSK POKER - Best Alternatives

SVENSK POKER Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SVENSK POKER alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to SVENSK POKER. Pick one from this list to be your new SVENSK POKER app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SVENSK POKER on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like SVENSK POKER - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SVENSK POKER alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like SVENSK POKER 2025.

Svensk Bilmäklare Hbg

Svensk Bilmäklare Hbg

Med Svensk Bilmäklare Hbgs app är det enkelt att se utbudet av bilar i bilhallen. Det går att söka och filtrera Svensk Bilmäklare Hbgs utbud. Se bilannonserna i sin helhet och hitta din nya bil. Se när nya bilar...

Price: Free Developer: Bilweb AB
Insikt Medicin

Insikt Medicin

Insikt Medicin är flödet för dig som vill fördjupa dig i nischade nyheter om svensk life science. Genom titlarna Digital Hälsa, Kommunal Hälsa, Läkemedelsmarknaden och Apoteksmarknaden får du skräddarsydd omvärldsbevakning, analyser och uppdateringar med hjälp att se aktuella frågor...

Price: Free Developer: Bonnier Business Media
Authify Login

Authify Login

Authify Login Application implements a very secure way of authentication called "two-factor" or "strong authentication" based on one time passwords. Instead of authenticating with a simple password, each user carries a device ("token") to generate passwords that are valid...

Price: Free Developer: Svensk e-identitet AB
Crisis Commander connect

Crisis Commander connect

Note: Do not download this app unless you've already got a subscription for Crisis Commander! Use Crisis Commander on your iPhone or iPad. Collaborate, communicate, co-ordinate. Monitor and track your crisis team in real time on a map, send...

Price: Free Developer: Svensk Krisledning AB


Note: Do not download this app unless you've already got a subscription for a CriSys system! Connect to your CriSys system with a simple tap on your phone. Collaborate with your colleagues during a crisis or exercise, send out...

Price: Free Developer: Svensk Krisledning AB


Jobba smart med Installationspartner appen. Ta emot, acceptera och boka jobb i appen. Via notiserna har du full koll på dina jobb. Ta foton med telefonen och signera installationsprotokollen digitalt.

Price: Free Developer: Svensk Installationspartner AB
Mobilt SITHS - Pascal

Mobilt SITHS - Pascal

Inloggning till Pascal ordinationsverktyg via Mobilt SITHS.

Price: Free Developer: Svensk e-identitet AB


Här är Reumadagarnas APP, här finner ni programmet, teknik för att ”fråga föreläsare”, mentometer och all information. Glöm inte att acceptera notiser vid nedladdning så att ni får information om viktiga ändringar under konferensen.

Price: Free Developer: Svensk Reumatologisk Forening


Här kan du anmäla säkerhetshändelser samt ta del av varningar, tips och checklistor för att skapa en trygg och säker arbetsplats.

Price: Free Developer: Svensk Handel


Poker-SM appen är det moderna verktyget för dig som är intresserad av och/eller som ska spela  Poker SM , här hittar du information om årets svenska pokerevent och du får total överblick över hela eventveckan. Appen som är ett samarbete mellan MeetApp och...

Price: Free Developer: Poker Event Sweden AB
Poker Grinder Pro 2

Poker Grinder Pro 2

Poker Grinder is a must have bankroll tool and session manager for every poker player! Poker Grinder Pro 2 is the brand new version of the poker tracker app used by thousands of players world wide.It is faster, smoother, prettier,...

Price: Free Developer: Miguel Correia
Story Point - Scrum Poker

Story Point - Scrum Poker

Story Point - Scrum poker (also called planning poker) is a fast and easy way to make estimates needed to reach a goal. Just pick a value that fits your needs for that goal, tap it and see what...

Price: Free Developer: Oktay Baskus
Estimation Poker Cards

Estimation Poker Cards

Estimation Poker is one of the most popular – and fun – ways for Agile development teams to estimate requirements. It is a great tool for increasing requirement understanding and forcing assumptions to be expressed. Play Estimation Poker as...

Price: Free Developer: Platinum Edge, Inc.


Enjoy it in your estimation meeting. AgilePoker is also called Planning poker orScrum poker. Planning poker is based on a list of features to be delivered and several copies of a deck of numbered cards. The feature...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Rainer Drexler
Igrecway Planning Poker

Igrecway Planning Poker

Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development. This app is designed to be used in the scrum poker planning sessions....

Price: Free Developer: NATALIYA SMIRNOVA
Leanify Planning Poker

Leanify Planning Poker

The Planning poker application is a fun way to increase the common understanding of the Agile project requirements by the entire team. By playing poker with the estimations, team members will be able to: - Validate their understanding of what...

Price: Free Developer: DNH Soft
Planning Poker DuxTeam

Planning Poker DuxTeam

The Planning poker application is a fun way to increase the common understanding of the Agile project requirements by the entire team. By playing poker with the estimations, team members will be able to: - Validate their understanding of what...

Price: Free Developer: Stanislav Zbitnyev
Poker Clubs Marketplace

Poker Clubs Marketplace

Além de ver os torneios das suas casas de poker favoritas, com o aplicativo você pode enviar mensagens diretamente para o clube, compartilhar o clube com seus amigos e ainda visualizar o estabelecimento no mapa para chegar mais rapidamente...

Price: Free Developer: Maxisite Internet Solutions

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