Top 36 Education Apps Like A-B Tech Navigation - Best Alternatives

A-B Tech Navigation Alternatives

Do you want to find the best A-B Tech Navigation alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Education apps that are similar to A-B Tech Navigation. Pick one from this list to be your new A-B Tech Navigation app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to A-B Tech Navigation on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like A-B Tech Navigation - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid A-B Tech Navigation alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like A-B Tech Navigation 2025.

Gesellschaft A

Gesellschaft A

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft A" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe A" von Karl Uhr, Christoph Aerni, Bernhard Roten und Bernhard Scheidegger. Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle is an app for students wanting to master this area of Mathematics. The app covers the following topics: * Angles at the Center and at the Circumference * Angles in a Semi-Circle * Angles in the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: D.P STACE & G.J STACE & S.A WILLIAMS
Revista Conexão a Bordo

Revista Conexão a Bordo

Transporte e turismo por ônibus. Mobilidade, viagens rodoviárias, dicas de viagem, qualidade de vida, cases de sucesso em mobilidade. Entrevistas com especialistas e novidades no mercado de transporte coletivo de pessoas. Tudo isso está na sua revista Conexão a...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.


A&WMA App will be the new digital home of EM Magazine, the Air & Waste Management Association’s (A&WMA) monthly magazine for environmental managers, as well as other Association publications. EM is an invaluable resource for environmental professionals, providing accurate,...

Price: Free Developer: A&WMA


A-Smart Learning System is a state-of-the-art programme that incorporates Statistical Machine Learning Technology, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis and Neuroscience Technology to dynamically diagnose students' academic ability and readiness, and to plan an Individualized Learning Programme to help students...

Price: Free Developer: ILCE PRIVATE LIMITED
A.B. Paterson College

A.B. Paterson College

This app is designed to allow A.B. Paterson's parents access to all of the latest information about events and daily life at the College. It will be updated daily, so you can be assured that the information contained...

Price: Free Developer: A.B. Paterson College
Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

* "It is clear this app was created by those that understand learning and for those of an appropriate age it is a must-have."- AppAdvice * "This is great for first grade spelling practice. I like the fact that...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: @Reks
Changing A Generation-BR

Changing A Generation-BR

This app has been created as a resource to aid in our mission to reach the lost at any cost and to stay connected to our CAG family. Here you will be able to access all facets of our...

Price: Free Developer: Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church-Baton Rouge
Eleva A+

Eleva A+

Com as soluções do Eleva A+, cada instituição de ensino pode criar um processo único para formação continuada de seus professores. Identifique evidências a partir da observação de sala de aula, ofereça feedbacks e coaching aos professores e crie...



B-notified® helps parents and students to always stay connected to their school and district in a crisis situation. It’s an easy way to be notified about emergency alerts or school closures. B-notified® parents or students can instantly view district...

Price: Free Developer: Message Logix, Inc. d/b/a Anonymous Alerts
Examentraining – Module GMDSS-B

Examentraining – Module GMDSS-B

Houders van een marifooncertificaat of een Basiscertificaat Marifonie kunnen na het examen voor de module GMDSS-B (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) in het bezit komen van het Marcom-B certificaat. Met dit certificaat mag u ondermeer combi- en zeevaartmarifoons...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Promanent b.v.
freiwerk B eLearning

freiwerk B eLearning

Die freiwerk B eLearning App ermöglicht Ihnen, hochwertige und anspruchsvoll produzierte Lernprogramme offline zu betrachten. Die App verfügt über eine WBT-Library, einen Player mit zeitgemäßer und intuitiver Benutzerführung und zahlreiche weitere Zusatzfunktionalitäten. Durch die integrierte Schnittstelle zum LMS Studio...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Becker
Gesellschaft B

Gesellschaft B

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft B" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe B" von Karl Uhr, Bettina Meier, Peter Schneider, Christoph Aerni, Bernhard Roten, Bernhard Scheidegger. Sie...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
Auto École Permis B

Auto École Permis B

L'auto école Permis B vous accueille dans ses locaux. Nous vous proposons des cours de code commenté par un enseignant de la conduite, des forfaits illimités 6 mois en salle et 3 mois en ligne / boîtiers électroniques dans...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Française d'applications mobiles
Ask Dr. B Good

Ask Dr. B Good

The mission of the Ask Dr. B. Good app is to become the advice columnist of the education world so that educators and parents have someone who can help them navigate the education arena when an issue arises. Schools are...

Price: Free Developer: Rebecca Good
Guj. Group-B Admission 2019

Guj. Group-B Admission 2019

Gujarat Medical / Paramedical Admission 2019 based on NEET examination. This App is very much useful to Students of 12th Science Group-B & AB of Gujarat State of various boards like GSHSEB, CBSE, ISCE, NIOS etc. This App gives complete information...

Price: Free Developer: G Sanghani
B&B Dental

B&B Dental

From the creators of B&B Dental NBDE Test Prep online course. Welcome to a proven method for dental board prep. No other NBDE Part I prep course has all of these materials in one place. B&B Dental offers a...

Price: Free Developer: Sweet Onion, LLC
Butler Tech

Butler Tech

The Official App of Butler Tech. Butler Tech has been part of the community for more than 40 years. Butler Tech Adult Education offers students the opportunity to earn industry-­recognized credentials in healthcare, public safety, business and industry, and commercial...

Price: Free Developer: Butler Tech
Pet Tech® Productions, Inc.

Pet Tech® Productions, Inc.

Preventing 1 Million Pet ER Visits. The PetTECH® App guides pet parents and pet care professionals to better care for their pets in an emergency, health and safety. Stay Connected with like-minded pet lovers. With our App you will...

Price: Free Developer: Pet Tech Productions, Inc.
IN-Tech Mobile

IN-Tech Mobile

The IN-Tech Academy App is a mobile communication, information, and academic resource center for students and parents of IN-Tech Academy MS/HS 368 in the Bronx, NY. The app is designed to keep students, parents and members of the IN-Tech...

Price: Free Developer: IN-Tech Academy
Tech-Talk App

Tech-Talk App

Be a hero at work using technology. Explore more than 1000 articles and videos you can trust to be up-to-date, complete and easy to understand. Search by any interest or topic, from Microsoft to Google to graphics and web...

Price: Free Developer: LJL3 Inc


This application is specifically designed for Cemen Tech customers who own our volumetric concrete mixers. It gives Cemen Tech customers the resources that they need for their concrete business at the tap of a button whether they are in...

Price: Free Developer: Cemen Tech Inc
Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech

Introducing the all-new Georgia Tech app, completely rewritten from the ground up! Your guide to everything you’ll need while on campus. PLACES - View detailed information for all buildings on campus, including operating hours and nearby bus stops - Find a place...

Price: Free Developer: Georgia Tech
Ivy Tech Mobile

Ivy Tech Mobile

IvyMobile puts important Ivy Tech Community College information in your pocket. You’ll see details based on your class schedule, your professors, college deadlines and holidays, financial aid, campus buildings, bookstores, places to eat, and more. We want you to...

Price: Free Developer: Ivy Tech Community College
Texas Tech arTTrek

Texas Tech arTTrek

Your official guide to the Texas Tech University System’s public art collection! The Public Art Program at the Texas Tech University System was initiated by the Board of Regents in 1998 to enrich the campus environments and extend the...

Price: Free Developer: Texas Tech University System
Texas Tech Mobile

Texas Tech Mobile

Welcome to the new and improved Texas Tech Mobile App! This app allows students, faculty and staff to easily connect to Institutional services and resources and provides useful information for Texas Tech visitors, friends and alumni. Features: • Current Courses –...

Price: Free Developer: Texas Tech University System
Navigation & Advanced Avionics

Navigation & Advanced Avionics

What kind of pilot are you? An advanced avionics type? A traditional navigation type? The truth is that you've got to be both. You've got to have a solid foundation of using advanced avionics. And, you...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Sporty's Pilot Shop
City of Glasgow College Navigation

City of Glasgow College Navigation

Explore City of Glasgow College's two new campuses: Riverside (open August 2015) and City (open August 2016) using our free navigation and information app.

Price: Free Developer: SoluisInteract
PPL Navigation Trainer

PPL Navigation Trainer

PPL Navigation Trainer teaches you how to use the Flight Computer, also known as a Whizz Wheel, to perform the navigation calculations you'll need to know to pass your private pilot exams. Revision pages show you how to perform navigation...

Price: Free Developer: Core 10 Gaming
Aviation Navigation Aids Holding and instrument flight Quizzes

Aviation Navigation Aids Holding and instrument flight Quizzes

ADF/VOR/DME/NDB/HSI/RMI Aviation Navigation Aids Instrument Flight Quizzes This section contains over 60 multiple choice questions covering all of the Navigation systems for aviation. When you have worked through these, you will never get lost. Categories: - ADF POSITION - HOLDING EXERCISES WITH HSI -...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ahmet Baydas
Movie Subtitle Navigation

Movie Subtitle Navigation

Movie Subtitles Navigation Purpose: to understand movie in a foreign language To learn foreign languages, a good practice is to see movies. But, for the novices, it is difficult to understand the sentences immediately. This app uses the subtitle file to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Laurent Simond
Navigation Marks

Navigation Marks

The application will be useful to yachtsmen and skippers of all categories, as well as for those who prepare to become one. This handy reference guide has a description of all navigation marks of the IALA Maritime Buoyage Systems: lateral...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Smirnov Yury


Map-n-Compass is a specialized app designed for those interested in Orienteering and Amateur Radio Direction Finding navigation sports. The app is designed specifically for individuals and groups interested in learning and practicing these outdoor navigation sports. If these navigation...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Confections LLC
GPS Anti Spoof

GPS Anti Spoof

Instantly compare observed celestial navigation altitudes with high precision, live calculated altitudes. Shoot the Sun, tap pause in the app, and get instant feedback. This app calculates the exact altitude that should be observed in celestial navigation at sea or...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Frank Reed
Permis bateau côtier ENF

Permis bateau côtier ENF

Bienvenue sur cette application développée par les formateurs de l’École de Navigation Française. Vous trouverez dans cette application l'INTÉGRALITÉ des questions conformes au programme officiel de l'examen du permis bateau, à jour de la réforme 2015. Et seulement celles-ci. Nous...


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