Top 19 Entertainment Apps Like Painting Atelier - Best Alternatives

Painting Atelier Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Painting Atelier alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Entertainment apps that are similar to Painting Atelier. Pick one from this list to be your new Painting Atelier app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Painting Atelier on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Painting Atelier - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Painting Atelier alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Painting Atelier 2025.



With the Finger-Painting App, you can finger paint on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. As soon as the app starts up, you see a round blob of red paint in the middle of a piece of white paper....

Price: Free Developer: Karen Kaufman
Finger Painting

Finger Painting

An amazingly simple drawing app for toddlers. Finger Painting is designed to be simple and easy for little children to use, with a big fullscreen canvas for them to draw on it turns the entire device's screen into a colouring...

Price: Free Developer: Kyle Howells
Face Painting

Face Painting

A collection of 400 easy to follow video lessons on the art of facepainting for children and adults alike. Lessons include: Dragon Mask Face Painting Tutorial Rainbow Tiger Face Painting Fast Snake Face Painting + My Baby! Unicorn Face Painting - Cheek Art Puppy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: JS900
Learn Watercolour Painting Techniques

Learn Watercolour Painting Techniques

This collection of 415 tutorial videos on Watercolour painting techniques will quickly improve your painting techniques and you love deiscovering all the tips and tricks included. Videos include: How to paint a simple landscape in watercolor Easy 3 Color Watercolor Sunset Forest House...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Chiodini Painting

Chiodini Painting

"Chiodini Painting" is a famous table game based on the inclusion of colored tacks in the appropriate spaces provided in the "perforated board" for realizing figures/drawings/images. With "Chiodini Painting" you can draw what you want or by entering freely...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gianluca Natalini
Chiodini Painting HD

Chiodini Painting HD

"Chiodini Painting HD" is a famous table game based on the inclusion of colored tacks in the appropriate spaces provided in the "perforated board" for realizing figures/drawings/images. With "Chiodini Painting HD" you can draw what you want or by...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gianluca Natalini
Coloring Book - painting and drawing page for kids

Coloring Book - painting and drawing page for kids

Bring out your inner artist & improve creativity using Coloring Book Free your children to relax and feel better,its an excellent way to spend your time productively and opens up the possibilities of being creative.Painting Book was designed...

Price: Free Developer: swapnil patel
Coloring Desk Sparkle Painting

Coloring Desk Sparkle Painting

Coloring Desk Sparkle Painting for Kids is a premier coloring book app for children of all ages. Cute images to keep little ones entertained for hours. Coloring pages book kids game. Color the coloring pages on your phone or...

Price: Free Developer: Nam Nguyen Ngoc
Pixels Free - Drawing and Painting with Brushes

Pixels Free - Drawing and Painting with Brushes

Pixels Free is a fun and intuitive painting application to create images. It has many kind of brush set to simulate realistic painting effect, Marker, Pen, Pencil, Chalk, Charcoal, Faux, Stipple, Spray, Stamp, WaterColor, WetBrush. Pixels Free contains 145 brush markers!...

Price: Free Developer: SUNG CHEOL KIM
Atelier Rosa Bonheur

Atelier Rosa Bonheur

"Atelier Rosa Bonheur" permet de créer un parcours de visite constitué de tableaux et sculptures qui prennent vie et s'adressent directement aux visiteurs. Les oeuvres livrent des informations, racontent leurs secrets, exposent leur face cachée elles-mêmes. "Atelier Rosa Bonheur" permet...

Price: Free Developer: Cedric Fry
Picasso. 1939-1945

Picasso. 1939-1945

L’exposition PICASSO Au cœur des ténèbres se déploie en 16 salles. Comprenant plus de 130 œuvres et une soixantaine de documents d’archives, elle retrace la vie et l’œuvre de Picasso de son exil à Royan en 1939 à son...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: OPHRYS Systèmes


Démonstration en réalitée augmentée du système informatique developpé par Spie Ouest Centre permettant la gestion des processus industriels et ayant pour objectifs la collecte en temps réel des données de production de tout ou partie d'une usine ou d'un...

Price: Free Developer: Artefacto SAS


시시각각 빛과 함께 다양한 색채로 변하고 화가들이 그린 그림 속 인물들이 살아 숨쉬는, 라뜰리에 L’atelier로 여러분을 초대합니다. 주요기능 - 그림 속 공간 별 스토리텔링 및 명화 소개 - 스페셜 어트랙션 및 즐길 거리 소개 - 증강현실을 통한 화가들의 비하인드 스토리 체험

Price: Free Developer: THE MACKISS COMPANY INC.


Le Malmundarium à Malmedy est devenu une attraction touristique majeure. Deux niveaux, 3.000 m2 , un audioguidage et une application mobile pour découvrir l’histoire (historium, trésor de la cathédrale), le folklore (atelier du carnaval) et les anciennes industries (les...

Price: Free Developer: Apptree SA
Vitrine Ephémère

Vitrine Ephémère

La Vitrine éphémère est une association réunissant des artistes, artisans et créatifs en Lorraine. Elle est née en décembre 2013 autour d’une poignée de créateurs partis du même constat : on n’arrive à rien ou pas grand-chose quand on...

Price: Free Developer: Jean-Valere HAMET
Where is Walter?

Where is Walter?

In 2019, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus in Weimar will be celebrated. Together, the Chair of Experimental Radio and the Chair of Monument Preservation and Building History at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar used this occasion to...

Price: Free Developer: OPHRYS Systèmes
village des automates

village des automates

Vous voilà au village des automates où les animaux prennent vie au contact de géants, de dinosaures et Gulliver ! Vous y rencontrerez même Pinocchio et tous ses amis, les pandas géants, les clowns musiciens, les géants et les...

Price: Free Developer: Atelier Nature
Arbalet Frontage

Arbalet Frontage

Arbalet Frontage est une mise en lumière architecturale éphémère de votre bâtiment, interactive et éducative. A la tombée de la nuit, elle s'illumine en couleurs. Cette application vous permettra alors d'interagir, dessiner et jouer avec elle. Arbalet Frontage fait aussi...

Price: Free Developer: Arbalet Living Lab

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