Do you want to find the best Tongue - practice pronouncing alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Tongue - practice pronouncing. Pick one from this list to be your new Tongue - practice pronouncing app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tongue - practice pronouncing on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Tongue - practice pronouncing alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Tongue - practice pronouncing 2025.
The Tongue Thrust Therapy Program The premier solution for tongue thrust therapy. Through this program, the oral musculature is retrained to produce a correct and mature swallow pattern free of any tongue thrust movement or pressure. The program...
Speaking English is fancy and useful! In short, everybody should be able to do it. LEARN ENGLISH with our app! TONGUE TWISTERS are the most available and effective way to learn a language. FEATURES: ►Tongue twisters with various levels...
Read each tongue twister several times - first slowly, then faster. Make sure you’re not stumbling or mispronouncing. Record yourself and listen then. Or you can make tongue twisters into a timed race. That will be a real fun!...
Twist your tongue with twenty-six totally tricky tongue twisters. Put your pronunciation skills to the test with Twisty Tongue, a game that’ll leave your tongue in a tangle. - How many tongue twisters can your twisty tongue untwist? Earn stars to...
Tongue Twisters. This is a great simulator for your clear and beautiful speech! It is also a great app for child-friendly activities and fun and useful! A large collection of tongue twisters, both in random order and by the...
This app is a great fun app for learners of English and native speakers alike. For learners, the tongue twisters are spelled in the phonetic alphabet and there is an audio version to try to imitate. Try to repeat the...
Do you want to impress your friends every day with a new tongue twister? Or do you simply want to train yourself to stop talking and have a loose language? Become a tongue twister dragon and learn as much as you...
"A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blod." Can you say that ten times fast? Gather your friends around and get ready to have a laugh. TongueTwisters provides you with a collection...
Welcome to Tongue Twister Free! This is an easy to use iOS application that will aid anyone who is serious about learning French, or just wants to learn a few phrases because they're planning a trip to France sometime in...
Demonstrate. Assess. Learn. The Practice mobile app is the perfect companion to the Practice web app. We built this app specifically for learners, to give you access to all of your groups and make it easy for you to...
Math Practice 101 - The ultimate math practice app for children of all ages and even their parents. Master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in no time. Track your progress and statistics and find your strengths and weaknesses. Then practice...
Practice Space is the world's most engaging practice app, and it's free to use! Students can create detailed practice goals, track the completion of their goals and win fun awards along the way. Completing practice tasks and other goals,...
This app delivers just the Mini-games in Practice Spanish: Study Abroad. Mini-games are fun, mobile, fast-paced, skills games designed to help you master the introductory-level vocabulary and grammar topics you will use to play the immersive 3-D Quests...
¡Bienvenidos a Colombia! Practice Spanish: Study Abroad immerses you in a 3-D virtual study abroad experience, where you interact with other characters and sharpen your introductory Spanish skills. Within each Quest, you’ll be given objectives to complete as...
If you want to improve your English grammar greatly, this application is for you. Doing these tests with explanations, you can improve your grammar from Basic to Advanced - free. You will not see only tests. You will also see...
If you want to improve your spelling for your Literacy test or IELTS exam, download this app. This app allows you to practice the spelling of words. If you get the words spelling wrong, the words will be recorded...
Practice by Musopen is an app to track your progress learning new music. See how much you practice each day or week, set goals, ask for help if you get stuck, and join a community of thousands of other...
Simple interactive animated Practice Clock to learn how to tell time. • View Current Time -- animated analog clockface & digital time -- color coded clock hands/digital display ---- 'yellow' hours ---- 'blue' minutes ---- 'red' seconds • Practice Setting Time -- easy buttons to +/- hours...
Practice English Grammar with more than 700 questions. App Currently has practice sessions for Adjectives Adverbs Appropriate Order Articles Big, great, high, large or tall Borrow or lend Bring or take Choose Best Word or Phrase Collective Noun Comprehension Correct Form of Nouns Correct Words Country,land Differences Between Bring, Take and Fetch Do, go...
Arabic Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Arabic words, the program will read the Arabic words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Arabic words you entered Bookmarks - Record Arabic words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Czech Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Czech words, the program will read the Czech words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Czech words you entered Bookmarks - Record Czech words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Dutch Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Dutch words, the program will read the Dutch words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Dutch words you entered Bookmarks - Record Dutch words Settings - Interface language settings,...
French Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of French words, the program will read the French words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the French words you entered Bookmarks - Record French words Settings - Interface language settings,...
German Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of German words, the program will read the German words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the German words you entered Bookmarks - Record German words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Putonghua Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Chinese words, the program will read the Chinese words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Chinese words you entered Bookmarks - Record Chinese words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Hindi Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Hindi words, the program will read the Hindi words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Hindi words you entered Bookmarks - Record Hindi words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Hungarian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Hungarian words, the program will read the Hungarian words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Hungarian words you entered Bookmarks - Record Hungarian words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Indonesian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Indonesian words, the program will read the Indonesian words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Indonesian words you entered Bookmarks - Record Indonesian words Settings - Interface language settings,...
Italian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Italian words, the program will read the Italian words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Italian words you entered Bookmarks - Record Italian words Settings - Interface language settings,...
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