Top 50 Business Apps Like P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards - Best Alternatives

P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards Alternatives

Do you want to find the best P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Business apps that are similar to P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards. Pick one from this list to be your new P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like P&W BMW Mini Advantage Rewards 2025.

PW Harvey App

PW Harvey App

PW Harvey Clients App. The app allows clients to quickly view the Assets Statements. The Asset Statements can also be downloaded via PDF. The Current Report as well as the previous report is available via the app. Contact PW Harvey to...

Price: Free Developer: Bisnet Internet Services cc
PW Maps

PW Maps

The P&W Maps application helps employees and visitors find their way around thePratt & Whitney Campuses. The vast size of the Pratt & Whitney Campuses can often make it daunting to navigate. This is where P&W Maps comes in. Whether you...

Price: Free Developer: Pratt & Whitney
PW Glaserei

PW Glaserei

Herzlich Willkommen zur offiziellen App von PW Glaserei in Hamburg! Hier erfahren Sie alles über unsere Leistungen und Kontaktmöglichkeiten.

Price: Free Developer: Heise Media Service GmbH & Co. KG
PW & T Windows

PW & T Windows

Five Star Windows Ltd are a small Stoke-on-Trent based company established in 2002 working both commercially and domestically. They specialise in fitting a range of high quality products across the country including: •UPVC and aluminium doors and windows, including sash...

Price: Free Developer: Craig Powell16767088979


PreshaWash-Bringing the car wash to you. Eco-Friendly Car Cleaning Services Available On Demand at the Press of a Button.   Where you need it. When you need it. You spot the dirt. We do the work.   Why Us? 1. Choose...

Price: Free Developer: Boni Mutisya
PW de Mooy Flowerexport

PW de Mooy Flowerexport

Speciaal voor de klant ontwikkeld. De mobiele App voor het kopen uit onze bloemen en planten voorraad. Bent u al klant bij P.W. de Mooy Flowerexport? Dan komt u naast onze webshop, ook gebruik maken van onze mobile App. Bekijk en...

Price: Free Developer: Mooijwerk B.V.
Variant PW

Variant PW

Allows our clients to get anytime, anywhere access to there portfolio holdings, allocations, balances and performance. Provides contact information for your advisor at Variant Private Wealth.

Price: Free Developer: Variant Private Wealth, LLC


「CiEMS」(シームス)は、株式会社スマートバリューが提供する、スマートデバイスを活用した次世代型の法人向けテレマティクスサービスです。 ■■■■■【ご注意】■■■■■ 本アプリをご利用頂くためには、「CiEMS」サービスへのお申込み及び「ドライバーID」「ドライバーPW」の入力が必要です。 ・「CiEMS」サービスのお申込みについては、下記の「スマートバリューWEBサイト」からお問い合わせください。 ・「CiEMS」サービスをお申込み済みで、「ドライバーID」や「ドライバーPW」が分からない場合は、企業様のご担当者様にご確認ください。 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【概要】 次世代型テレマティクスサービスでは、OBD情報を取得する「OBDコネクタ用 無線LANアダプタ」で、燃費情報をはじめとする車両の様々な情報を取得し、ワイヤレスでその情報をスマートフォンへ送信することによって、エコドライブインジケーターとして活用することや、インターネット上のデータベースへスマートフォンの回線を使って送信することで、圧倒的な低コストと高付加価値なテレマティクスサービスを提供することが可能となります。 【特徴】 (1) 圧倒的な低コストで、テレマティクスサービスを実現 従来のテレマティクスサービスは、車載機自体が通信していたため、車両1台ごとに通信料が発生していましたが、本次世代型テレマティクスサービスでは、運転者が所持するスマートフォンで通信を行うため、月額の料金を圧倒的に低廉化することが可能となります。 また、車載機本体についても、従来のテレマティクス用車載機と比べて大幅な低価格化を実現致します。 (2) 様々な車両の情報を取得 これまでにも、スマートフォンを活用した自動車向けサービスはリリースされてきましたが、車両のOBD情報を取得し、スマートフォンへワイヤレスで送信する法人向けテレマティクスサービスとしては、日本初となります。 従来のGPSによる位置情報と速度情報だけでなく、走行距離や燃費、アクセル開度やエンジン回転数等、様々な車両の情報を取得することによって、エコドライブや安全運転の推進、及び、より高度な運行管理を実現することが可能です。 (3)ドライバーへのリアルタイム診断 専用車載機から取得した情報をスマートフォンを通じて、リアルタイムに運転の評価をドライバーに伝えます。 自分自信では気が付きにくい運転のクセや速度超過等を知ることで、安全運転やエコドライブの推進につなげることができます。 【注意】 本アプリではGPSを使用しており、バックグラウンドでGPSを使用すると バッテリー消費が多くなります。

Price: Free Developer: SMART VALUE


本アプリは、別途、有料のお申し込みをいただき、ID、PWを取得した方が、 iPadに情報を表示することができるものです。 専用のWEBサイトにて、キャンペーンや商品情報、動画コンテンツなどを登録し、 アプリ側でID,PWを入力すると、登録したコンテンツの最新情報が配信され、タッチすると詳細情報が閲覧できます。 誰でも直感的に閲覧できるよう、画像そのものをタッチするインターフェースにしています。 一定時間、何も触らなければ、登録された画像がスクリーンセーバーとして機能するので、 店頭や展示会、イベント会場などで利用できます。

Price: Free Developer: CYBRiDGE CORPORATION


금감원에 등록된 공식 PG / 누적결제금액 3조원 / 총 9만 가맹점 / 일평균 결제금액 25억원을 기록 중인 페이앱! (2018년 11월 기준) *** ◆ 폰 대면결제 : 리더기 없이 앱으로 순식간에 대면 카드결제를 받을 수 있는 카메라결제 등 폰 대면결제...

Price: Free Developer: UDID Inc.
BMW Madrid Motorsport

BMW Madrid Motorsport

COMPARTIMOS TU PASIÓN POR EL MOTOR. ÚNETE A BMW MADRID MOTORSPORT Si lo tuyo es la potencia, sentir cómo aumenta tu adrenalina, vivir la emoción de ponerte al volante…, has llegado al lugar adecuado: BMW Madrid Motorsport. Una forma diferente de...

Price: Free Developer: BMW Madrid S.L.
BMW Madrid Riders

BMW Madrid Riders

SI ERES UN APASIONADO DEL MUNDO DE LAS DOS RUEDAS, ÚNETE A BMW MADRID RIDERS BMW Madrid Riders es una App para los clientes de BMW Madrid Motorrad en donde encontrarás todo lo que puedas necesitar. Comparte tu pasión por las...

Price: Free Developer: BMW Madrid S.L.


Votre concessionnaire BMW-MINI Garage du Bac à Chennevières-sur-Marne & Paris 12ème plus proche de vous sur votre iPhone. Retrouvez à tous moments les coordonnées de nos concessions, horaires d'ouverture des différents services et la possibilité de nous contacter par...

Price: Free Developer: EGMA France


App功能说明 悦学苑:BMW中国培训学院在线学习平台,2019年继续升级到4.0版本,为经销商伙伴提供全面、实用的知识和技能。 4.0版本新上线功能包括: 『学习路径』 便捷查看和了解: 各岗位学习路径及对应的等级 各路径等级的课程信息 『游客模式』 直接进入首页查看内容。 目前已上线功能包括: 1.任务管理 可通过首页底部“任务”入口管理自己被分配到的任务;  目前任务包括课程学习,资料阅读,考试和调研等不同类型,请注意任务需要按时完成。  

2. 员工学习报表 经销商的管理员可查看员工任务的完成情况; 报表信息包括任务的基本信息,完成人数和未完成人数,已完成名单和未完成名单。 

3. 慕课课程 在线认证课程,可颁发官方认证证书; 线上课程与线下学习活动相结合; 为申请认证的用户提供定制化的学习路径和资源。 

4. 众筹  借助众筹的形式了解每一位经销商用户的培训心声; 全网用户参与,票选培训课程的内容; 最透明、最公平的方式,将有限的资源分配给最急切的培训需求。 5. 混合式学习 便捷的计划制定与跟踪 详细的个人学习报告 可查询混合式学习面授课程开课信息 经销商管理层可在app查看员工学习报告 用户的声音是我们成长的动力,欢迎提供宝贵建议,联系方式: APP:『我的』 - 『我要反馈』 客服电话:400-606-8961 客服邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd.
BMW Training

BMW Training

本App仅供BMW中国及BMW授权经销商内部使用。 使用本App需登录验证,详询宝马中国培训学院或贵司销售指导员。

Price: Free Developer: BMW China
BMW Group India Press App

BMW Group India Press App

An app developed for BMW Group India events, includes all necessary information (press releases, specification, prices, images, videos etc.) for the attending media

Price: Free Developer: BMW India
Autogermana BMW DealerApp

Autogermana BMW DealerApp

Autogermana BMW - San Juan, Puerto Rico
 Welcome to Autogermana BMW, located in Hato Rey, San Juan’s Business District, where we are stocked with a complete inventory of new and pre-owned BMW vehicles available for sale, also offering to our...

Price: Free Developer: DealerApp Vantage
Circle BMW DealerApp

Circle BMW DealerApp

Circle BMW, owned and operated by Tom DeFelice since 1981, is dedicated to excellence in all phases of the BMW ownership experience: sales, service, parts, accessories, lifestyle products and long-term customer support. Serving customers in Central New Jersey, Circle...

Price: Free Developer: DealerApp Vantage
Laurel BMW DealerApp

Laurel BMW DealerApp

As a leader in BMW sales and service for the Chicago Illinois area, Laurel BMW of Westmont has access to one of the largest BMW vehicle inventories including both new and used cars, trucks, vans and SUVs. At Laurel...

Price: Free Developer: DealerApp Vantage
BMW Motorrad SG

BMW Motorrad SG

Stay savvy as you navigate a world of ultimate driving machine with BMW Motorrad SG. This one-stop app from Performance Motors Limited (PML) puts the latest BMW news and privileges in your hands. •View up-to-date product and service information, and take...

Price: Free Developer: Sime Darby Motors
Genius Mini

Genius Mini

Genius Mini™ is the smarter way to accept payments – with just one small device, your business can accept chip cards, mobile wallets like Apple Pay, gift cards and more. When combined with a point-of-sale system, Genius Mini...

Price: Free Developer: Cayan, LLC
Mini Planner

Mini Planner

The Mini Planner App enables flexible and timely project planning/task organization for a fast paced world for both private and business use. * The Mini Planner App allows users to create simple yet effective task plans for both private and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dushan Stojanovich
mini GAC 2500

mini GAC 2500

The mini GAC® 2500 Grain Moisture Analyzer mobile app helps monitor and control grain moisture levels across the operation. The mini GAC 2500 mobile app is designed to interface with the DICKEY-john mini GAC 2500 and allows the farmer...

Price: Free Developer: TSI Incorporated
Your mini-resume

Your mini-resume

Finally, THE essential complement to your resume for your job search : your mini-resume ! In just a few clicks, create your mini-resume with either a photo or a QR code and stand out from other applicants! Are you going to...

Price: Free Developer:
#inclusion mini

#inclusion mini

This app #inclusion mini is a free sample of the paid app #inclusion. The purpose of #inclusion is to support discussions on how workplaces can improve and achieve gender equality, diversity and inclusion. This sample app contains 5 discussion...

Price: Free Developer: Gabriella Faegerlind
Iuris Mini

Iuris Mini

Consulta de publicações e gerenciador de escritórios: tudo em um só aplicativo. Líder em tecnologia jurídica e acompanhamento de publicações judiciais e oficiais de todo o Brasil, a Aviso Urgente há mais de 39 anos desenvolve soluções de alta performance...

Price: Free Developer: Aviso Urgente
MINI Analog Pro App

MINI Analog Pro App

The MINI Analog Pro App offers the opportunity of wireless communication between your smartphone and MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners via bluetooth. Depending on the module type, you have the opportunity to get product information, such as block diagrams, short...

Price: Free Developer: Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Mini Negócio

Mini Negócio

With the Mini Negocio, you can harness the full potential of your iPad/iPhone to manage your small business for free. With a simple and straightforward interface, it is possible to register customers, products, sales, suppliers, services, receipts and track...

Price: Free Developer: Pagcom Investimentos Tecnologia e Participacoes Ltda
mSeller Mini

mSeller Mini

Welcome to the brand new mSeller Mini The popular iPad sales app ‘mSeller’ is now available on iPod/iPhone, enabling sales staff to capture transactions using a device that fits into your back pocket and a camera to handle barcode scanning....

Price: Free Developer: Stephen Langham
BiscuitCRM Mini - Simple CRM

BiscuitCRM Mini - Simple CRM

BiscuitCRM Mini is a no-frills (mini) CRM that lets you focus on handling lead generation and customer engagement with ease! With a few quick and easy steps, you'll be generating new clients in no time. Just build out your contact...

Price: Free Developer: Biscuit & Chai, LLC
Advantage Club

Advantage Club

Yes, because salary is definitely never enough! Advantage Club extends "Corporate-Employee benefits" to Wellness, Dining, Education, Gyms, Entertainment and many more spheres of life. Use the filter and location settings to pinpoint the savings most relevant to you. Install the app...

Price: Free Developer: Work Advantage private limited
Advantage Federal Credit Union

Advantage Federal Credit Union

Advantage Federal Credit Union Mobile App makes it easy for you to bank on the go. Do your banking right from your IPhone/iPad! You can manage your accounts, pay bills, find ATMs and more! Bank with confidence - Advantage Federal Credit...

Price: Free Developer: Advantage Federal Credit Union
Advantage Resourcing Jobs

Advantage Resourcing Jobs

Search and apply for jobs in your area anytime, anywhere with the Advantage Resourcing Job Search App. The Advantage Resourcing Job Search App allows you to: - Search for jobs near you or across the country - Apply for jobs from your...

Price: Free Developer: Advantage Resourcing America, Inc.
Air Advantage

Air Advantage

Air Advantage by Advantage Controls -WebAdvantage 3 Login -Contact Advantage Controls -Product Literature -Utility Calculators If you would like to help improve Air Advantage, please submit feedback from within the app! Thank you for choosing Advantage Controls for all your water treatment needs!

Price: Free Developer: Advantage Controls
Advantage Pocket Calculator

Advantage Pocket Calculator

Pocket Calculator by Advantage Controls Use this mobile app to calculate values for LSI, RSI, and PSI If you would like to help improve Advantage Pocket Calculator, please submit feedback from within the app! Thank you for choosing Advantage Controls for...

Price: Free Developer: Advantage Controls
LBM Advantage Events

LBM Advantage Events

LBM Advantage is a member owned cooperative servicing independent lumberyards around the country. We provide National Buying Power to our members to give them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Price: Free Developer: LBM Advantage
Metro Advantage Club

Metro Advantage Club

Metro Advantage Club extends "exclusive benefits" in more than 12 categories, thereby, increasing your savings. Broadly, it covers Wellness, Dining, Education, Gyms, Entertainment and many more spheres of life. This app is the perfect iOS companion to your Mumbai...

Price: Free Developer: Work Advantage private limited
Vet-Advantage Magazine

Vet-Advantage Magazine

Vet-Advantage Magazine is the only publication focused on activating the animal health distribution channel. Our mission is to actively engage, educate and inform animal health distributor sales reps (DSRs) enabling them to increase their value to their customers, suppliers...

Price: Free Developer: VAM Communications, LLC
ASUS Advantage

ASUS Advantage

ASUS Advantage is a portal designed for our channel partners. The portal offers rewards, product information, and the latest channel news. ASUS is now offering this iOS app (Support iOS 9+ version) to partners, in order to...

Price: Free Developer: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Dashboard Advantage

Dashboard Advantage

Our mobile, online data collection and reporting system supports efforts to achieve operational excellence and benchmark performance. Our suites and downloadable App include Store Inspections, LP Audits, Gas Price Surveys, Food Production reports and more. We replace inefficient systems...

Price: Free Developer: Dashboard Advantage, LLC
Dover Marina Rewards

Dover Marina Rewards

Dover Marina Rewards is the new digital rewards program from Best Western Plus Dover Marina Hotel, a 4* seafront hotel located in Dover, Kent. We pride ourselves on really looking after our customers and rewarding them for their loyalty...

Price: Free Developer: Brilliant Rewards Ltd.
Leaf Club Rewards

Leaf Club Rewards

Leaf Club Rewards is the new digital rewards program from Leaf Hotels Group which consists of 3 hotels: - Ramada Hotel, Dover - Best Western Clifton Hotel, Folkestone - Holiday Inn Express, Canterbury We pride ourselves on really looking after...

Price: Free Developer: Brilliant Rewards Ltd.


Want rewards? One app, unlimited rewards! You and your friends can now enjoy a host of exclusive premium gifts with the all-new HYLA REWARDS™ app! • Stay up to date with the latest HYLA news, promotions and products • Access exclusive Tips &...

Price: Free Developer: Hyla Rewards
Bleisure Rewards

Bleisure Rewards

Bleisure Rewards is a free app for business owners and decision-makers to access free perks, rewards and benefits for their business locally. Join in with local meetups locally doing the things you enjoy most. Discover free perks for your...

Price: Free Developer: Bleisure Rewards
Mobile Rewards Dealer Rewards

Mobile Rewards Dealer Rewards

Members of rewards programs at participating dealerships using the Dealer Rewards platform are able to use this application to check and redeem their earnings.

Price: Free Developer: Dealer Rewards Inc.


r-Rewards is a multi-store Customer Loyalty, Referral & Feedback program. It involves businesses in your area that matter to you like restaurants, spa & salons, pharmacies, retailers, utility service providers etc. It is delivered over both web and mobile. Using...

Price: Free Developer: Venkata Yerram
GoGo Rewards

GoGo Rewards

What's better than having cashback for everything you spent? GoGo Rewards reward our members with up to 100% cashback when you shop from our offline participating merchants! GoGo Rewards, a reward platform that allows you to spend & save with...

Price: Free Developer: GoGo Rewards Sdn. Bhd.
Rewards Incentives

Rewards Incentives

Rewards Incentive and Conference Management (PTY) Ltd is a South African based company specialising in incentive travel, inbound destinations management, conferences and conventions. At Rewards, we are completely committed to providing only the very best service. Whether you are rewarding...

Price: Free Developer: Rewards Incentive & Conference Managenet (PTY) Ltd
Envision Rewards

Envision Rewards

Download the FREE Envision Rewards Phone App today! Easiest and fastest way to get coupons, deals, and track your loyalty rewards! View our locations, hours, contact information, features, and unique offerings.

Price: Free Developer: Envision Rewards
FasTrak Rewards

FasTrak Rewards

Download the FREE FasTrak Rewards Phone App today! Easiest and fastest way to get coupons, deals, and track your loyalty rewards! View our location hours, contact information, features, and unique offerings.

Price: Free Developer: FasTrak Rewards

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