Top 15 Education Apps Like SYMPOSIUM Organizadores - Best Alternatives

SYMPOSIUM Organizadores Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SYMPOSIUM Organizadores alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to SYMPOSIUM Organizadores. Pick one from this list to be your new SYMPOSIUM Organizadores app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SYMPOSIUM Organizadores on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like SYMPOSIUM Organizadores - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SYMPOSIUM Organizadores alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like SYMPOSIUM Organizadores 2025.

Hunter's Hope Symposium

Hunter's Hope Symposium

The Symposium App is for families and medical specialist attending the Hunter's Hope Foundation Family and Medical Symposium. The App includes the location of the conference, directory of attendees, schedule, information, etc. This will be a handy tool while...

Price: Free Developer: Hunters Hope Foundation, Inc.


Ten en la palma de tu mano toda la información de interés sobre los eventos universitarios, científicos, académicos y profesionales más relevantes. Inscríbete desde el móvil en cualquier evento, si ya lo estás, vincúlalo con la aplicación para tener tu...

Price: Free Developer: Symposium by Emagister SL
Colloque SAN - FSN Symposium

Colloque SAN - FSN Symposium

Download the free official mobile app for the International Symposium on Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change, which will be held in Québec, Canada September 24 to 27, 2017. The app will allow you to: -...

Price: Free Developer: Agora Communication Inc
PSP Symposium

PSP Symposium

This is the official mobile application for the 2019 U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) Symposium. The PSP Symposium is a 2½-day, invitation-only event in Memphis, Tennessee, on September 9–11, 2019. The PSP Symposium will...

Price: Free Developer: The Institute for Intergovernmental Research, Inc.
SMD Symposium App

SMD Symposium App

The SMD Symposium is the leading educational, professional development and networking event in the space and missile defense community. The symposium is widely attended by leaders and professionals from the United States and our allies around the world. Keep...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Town Guide
5th Saudi-Pak Accountancy Symposium

5th Saudi-Pak Accountancy Symposium

Welcome to the 5th Saudi-Pak Accountancy Symposium organized by the KSA Committee of Members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Auditorium in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on May 17, 2017....

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Siddiqui
LTUE Symposium

LTUE Symposium

The LTUE app is a conference app with everything you need to enjoy your weekend at the symposium paper-free. View the schedule and create your own on the home screen. Find information on presenters, maps, parking, events, and more. Life,...

Price: Free Developer: John Harris
2019 YOLA National Symposium

2019 YOLA National Symposium

The 2019 YOLA National Symposium brings together those who believe that music education has a powerful role to play in youth and community development. Designed to respond to the changing needs of the field, YOLA National offers an ever-growing...

Price: Free Developer: Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
Amgen Scholars US Symposium

Amgen Scholars US Symposium

Resource for attendees of the 2018 Amgen Scholars US Symposium. Download the app to access event content including scheduling, updates and general information. Discover the US Amgen Scholars Symposium at your fingertips.

Price: Free Developer: Amgen Inc.


Aplicación oficial para organizadores y asistentes al V Congreso de Estudiantes de Investigación Biosanitaria (CEIBS) celebrado en Granada. Esta aplicación permite a los usuarios realizar el control de asistencia a través de un sistema de códigos QR creados por...

Price: Free Developer: JUAN CARLOS QUINTERO
Gobiernos Sustentables

Gobiernos Sustentables

Los Gobiernos deben acompañar al sector privado, no sólo con políticas de apoyo sino también con comportamientos orientado al desarrollo sostenible corporativo. Generamos acciones como esta, en la que intentamos imprimir solo lo justo y necesario, por eso a través...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Valverde


O aplicativo Student ID foi desenvolvido para permitir aos alunos de qualquer instituição de ensino obter acesso à sua carteira de estudante de forma rápida e prática. Além disso as instituições podem cadastrar seu Calendário Acadêmico para exibir...

Price: Free Developer: APP4ALL TECNOLOGIA LTDA


Uma solução que integra acontecimentos importantes que fomentem o conhecimento na área da saúde. O Uni4Life traz funcionalidades e conteúdos que facilitam o caminho para o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da sua carreira. Através do processo de co-criação juntos a estudantes...

Price: Free Developer: Joao Batista Loredo de Souza
Unicid Integra

Unicid Integra

Neste aplicativo, os organizadores podem: Realizar checkin e checkout dos participantes Listar os inscritos Listar o histórico de checkin/checkout dos inscritos Sortear um participante

Price: Free Developer: Guilherme Domingues

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