Top 19 Book Apps Like Ko Emily Ahau - Best Alternatives

Ko Emily Ahau Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ko Emily Ahau alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Book apps that are similar to Ko Emily Ahau. Pick one from this list to be your new Ko Emily Ahau app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ko Emily Ahau on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Ko Emily Ahau - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ko Emily Ahau alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Ko Emily Ahau 2025.

Ko Mere, ko Miro me te Tirewa

Ko Mere, ko Miro me te Tirewa

When the kids in Milly and Molly's class decide to buy some expensive playground equipment, they plan to raise the funds by making and selling biscuits. But not everyone wants to work together. A great story about co-operation and...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ko Mere ko Miro me te Wharau Rākau

Ko Mere ko Miro me te Wharau Rākau

In this book building a tree hut changes Milly and Molly’s friend Maxter for life. You will be amazed at how these wonderful children's stories come to life with KIWA BOOK™. Children love being able to run their fingers over...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ko Mere ko Miro, ā ko Tote rāua ko Pepa

Ko Mere ko Miro, ā ko Tote rāua ko Pepa

From the Milly, Molly series of children's books, Milly, Molly and Salt and Pepper is now available as an interactive digital KIWA BOOK™. Salt and Pepper don’t mind being ridden by all the children at once and they...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ko Mere ko Miro ā ko Mata Riki

Ko Mere ko Miro ā ko Mata Riki

From the Milly, Molly series of children's books, Milly, Molly and Betelgeuse is now available as an interactive digital KIWA BOOK™. Milly and Molly befriend an extended family of guinea pigs. All but one, Betelgeuse, know the story behind...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ko Mere, Ko Miro ā ko Aki

Ko Mere, Ko Miro ā ko Aki

From the Milly, Molly series of children's books, Milly, Molly and Alf is now available as an interactive digital KIWA BOOK™. What did Milly and Molly find so special about Alf? A special story about the celebration of...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Bible Reader

Bible Reader

Features of Bible Reader app: - Like e-book, turn pages with a tap or swipe - Quick switch between two Bible versions - Use multilingual Bible versions - Toggle full screen mode with scrolling up and down - Select theme color and font - Adjust...

Price: Free Developer: in kook Ko
Kitap Koçum

Kitap Koçum

Kitap Koçum uygulaması ile çoçuklarınıza uygun kitabı bulabilir ve okuma programı yapabilirsiniz. Okuma programına eklenen kitaplara son okuma tarihi belirleyebilir ve tarih yaklaştığında bildirim ile hatırlatılırsınız. Her kitap için özenle hazırlanmış testler sayesinde kitabın okunup okunmadığı anlaşılabilir.

Price: Free Developer: Yasar KESKIN
Ugur Koşar

Ugur Koşar

TTS (Theatrical Therapy System) ve Nur Terapisi`nin kurucusu olan Ruhsal Danışman ve Yazar Uğur Koşar'ın Mobil Uygulamasıdır Mobil Uygulama İçeriği * Uğur Koşar Sözleri * Uğur Koşar Kitapları hakkında bilgi ve satın alma * Uğur Koşar İnternet Sitesi * Fotoğraf Galerisi * Uğur Koşar Hakkında *...

Price: Free Developer: sedat sevinmis


A new way to keep track of books without the need for pencil and paper. This application optimizes recording book lists by providing the fields needed to quickly track books. The book list are sortable by ID, Title, and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LIVING PAPER FREE, LLC.


EMILY AND THE CHERRY STALK By Eugene Trivizas  Voted best preschool e-book of the year by the prestigious Kidscreen Awards which single out and celebrate the year’s best work in kids television and digital media. Welcome to Spick-Span, a small but wondrous planet, which...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ever After Tales, LLC
Wuthering Heights ( by Emily Bronte)

Wuthering Heights ( by Emily Bronte)

Please go to APP store to search 'Loudreader' for many more great works such as: Bronte collection Jane Austen Collection Charles Dickens Collection Sherlock Holmes Collection 30 books on politics and economics Bible (in 10+ languages) Bible stories Tale and fables Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë's only novel....

Price: Free Developer: LoudReader Inc
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

This reader is equipped with auto-scroller technology that allows for a more enjoyable reading experience! Emily Bronte Novel In the late winter months of 1801, a man named Lockwood rents a manor house called Thrushcross Grange in the isolated moor...

Price: Free Developer: Qualex Consulting Services, Inc
Poems - Poetry in English

Poems - Poetry in English

This is the app for Poetry Lovers . We have picked some really known famous poets for showcasing their poems and poetry work in our app. The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast and...

Price: Free Developer: Mohit Agarwal
Gutenberg: The 100 Best Books of All Time

Gutenberg: The 100 Best Books of All Time

Take these 100 best books of all time with you. Read or listen anywhere, anytime. You can read each book in its entirety, listen to human-read audiobook, watch video related to the book, and explore an in-depth Wikipedia article...

Price: Free Developer: himalaya-soft
World Book Day YA, powered by Movellas

World Book Day YA, powered by Movellas

This is the exclusive World Book Day app for Young Adults, featuring extracts by the 2 official YA World Book Day £1 books: Rock War: The Audition by Robert Muchamore and The Boy in the Smoke by Maureen Johnson The other...

Price: Free Developer: Fluenzers ApS
Gutenberg Reader

Gutenberg Reader

If you like to read, then this is the perfect app for you. It has over 100,000 free books for you to choose from, mostly classic books. In addition, it has a ton of features to ensure your reading...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Tran
Jumble Bugs Book One: Bloomie & The Birthday Blunder

Jumble Bugs Book One: Bloomie & The Birthday Blunder

The Jumble Bugs are not just another adaptation of the same old fairy tales and animated movies your kids are growing tired of. The Jumble Bugs are ladybugs “jumbled up” with all sorts of adorable things. They are a...

Price: Free Developer: Jumble Bugs, Inc.
English Audio Books - Librivox

English Audio Books - Librivox

English Audiobooks - Librivox Learn English by reading and listening to "Audiobooks". If you know the language, just enjoy our catalog. Features: - Over 3000 audiobooks. - The books can be downloaded and read without Internet connection. - Includes the text of the books. "English...

Price: Free Developer: Jordi Josa

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