Top 21 Entertainment Apps Like Cine Pop Bebedouro - Best Alternatives

Cine Pop Bebedouro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cine Pop Bebedouro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Entertainment apps that are similar to Cine Pop Bebedouro. Pick one from this list to be your new Cine Pop Bebedouro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cine Pop Bebedouro on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Cine Pop Bebedouro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cine Pop Bebedouro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Cine Pop Bebedouro 2025.

Cine Mobits

Cine Mobits

O aplicativo Cine Mobits é o guia mais prático e completo de cinemas no Brasil. Com ele, você poderá consultar a programação em cartaz em seus cinemas favoritos e ter rápido acesso às informações dos filmes como: sinopse, elenco,...

Price: Free Developer: Mobits
Cine Office Statistics

Cine Office Statistics

Cette application permet en lien avec le logiciel Ciné Office de consulter de manière instantanée les résultats de vos séances.

Price: Free Developer: Ciné Digital Service
Cine Voice

Cine Voice

Cine Voice Channel is a HD 24X7 world wide Punjabi Entertainment Channel which offers Punjabi genre programming. It is focused on music, current affairs, business, entertainment, religion and culture. The popularity of the Cine Voice Channel arises from it’s...

Price: Free Developer: Navdeep Singh Chandi
CinePass - Cartelera, horarios, cine y películas en un solo lugar!

CinePass - Cartelera, horarios, cine y películas en un solo lugar!

¿Qué esperas para descargar CinePass? ¡La única aplicación que necesitarás para ir al cine! Con CinePass podrás: · Encontrar las carteleras de tus cines favoritos en todas las ciudades de Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá y Chile. · ...

Price: Free Developer: Palapa
Cine Koothu

Cine Koothu

This cinema magazine in Tamil is a weekly periodical which carries updated news from Kollywood and other Indian cinema. Readers appreciate Cine Koothu news, because of its quick updates and they call it the cine news information dairy. Cine...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.


La plataforma argentina de video a demanda del INCAA y ARSAT, donde encontrarás el mejor contenido nacional: películas, series, documentales y cortos de la más amplia variedad de géneros. Comedias, dramas, policiales, contenidos infantiles, deportes. Todo junto en un mismo...

Price: Free Developer: Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales S.A. ARSAT
Cine Colombia S.A.

Cine Colombia S.A.

La aplicación de Cine Colombia reinventa la experiencia de cine proporcionando los horarios completos y actuales en todos los múltiplex. En solo unos pasos compra tus entradas donde estés, evitando las filas de compra de boletas en los cines....

Price: Free Developer: Papaya Holdings LLC


Descubre toda la información mas relevante del Cine Internacional y Mexicano Descubra los secretos mas impresionantes del cine, personajes fílmicos, actores y actrices en esta fabulosa edición. Cine Premiere es la revista líder en ventas y ahora con más fuerza...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Indie Cine Filmes

Indie Cine Filmes

Indie Cine é o espaço de cinema definitivo para assistir a filmes autorais e grandes obras que fizeram história. Somos uma canal dedicado ao cinema independente, clássicos e de arte. Você encontra ainda notícias, entrevistas e críticas do mundo...

Price: Free Developer: Vinicius Bezerra
Contraste - Críticas Cine & TV

Contraste - Críticas Cine & TV

Contraste es la guía definitiva para el consumidor crítico de cine, televisión, videojuegos e Internet. En Contraste podrás consultar todas nuestras críticas, tanto de películas en cartelera como del cine que puedes ver desde casa (VOD, DVD y Blu-Ray). Cada día...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Balloon Pop - Ballon Games

Balloon Pop - Ballon Games

The balloon app involves fun and exciting balloon pop free games filled with colorful balloons for children to pop and enjoy this never-ending fun. The balloon pop app has many different levels and challenges to keep the child engage...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Apps
Baby Balloon Pop Kids Popping

Baby Balloon Pop Kids Popping

The balloon app involves fun and exciting balloon pop free games filled with colorful balloons for children to pop and enjoy this never-ending fun. The balloon pop app has many different levels and challenges to keep the child engage...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Learning Apps
Pop Now

Pop Now

Pop Now…like, right now! Enjoy Pop originals including Schitt’s Creek, One Day at a Time & Florida Girls. Binge #stillawesome favorites like Beverly Hills, 90210, House, NCIS and ER and some of your favorite movies. AND watch Pop TV...

Price: Free Developer: Pop Media Group LLC
Pop Dreams

Pop Dreams

Pop Dreams — A photo editor app which is fun and easy to use. Features: *Photo Beautification-With all the features you would ever want *Pic Community-Download and share gorgeous photos *Seasonal Filters-Shoot all the moments of you *Emoji Stickers-It’s time to find your fav...

POP Comics

POP Comics

The ultimate publishing platform for READING & SHARING comics & manga you CREATE & OWN 100%! Jump in and become a Creator - or simply enjoy awesome comics & manga as a Reader! - Discover great new comics...

Price: Free Developer: POP COMICS LIMITED
Baby Bubble Pop

Baby Bubble Pop

Endless fun for young kids and babies: Touch to make bubbles appear, then touch again to pop them! - Discover hidden charms including flapping ducks, snapping crocodiles and rainbows that fill the screen - Swipe from the left of the screen...

Price: Free Developer: James Unwin
Bubble Pop

Bubble Pop

POP! Pop the vibrantly coloured bubbles, of different sizes and musical notes.
Shake the phone to generate more bubbles or just watch new ones appear. CHANGE
! For something a little different take a photo or use existing image...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dizzy Squirrel Limited
K-POP LOVE!~ 韓流エンタメ情報まとめアプリ

K-POP LOVE!~ 韓流エンタメ情報まとめアプリ

K-POP大好き人間必携!! K-POPの最新情報を見たり、K-POPについてワイワイ交流する事が出来るアプリ「K-LOVE」がついにOPEN!! これさえあればあなたもK-POPマスターです! K-POPファン同志で楽しい時間を過ごしましょう◎ 【こんな人におすすめ】 ・K-POP、韓国のアイドルグループが大好き ・好きな韓流アーティストの情報をチェックしたい! ・K-POPの記事を一気にたくさん読みたい! ・K-POPについて語れる友達や場所を求めている! ・韓国の芸能界や芸能情報に興味がある 【いつでもK-POP情報】 海外のキレイな写真やたのしい旅行体験談、そして現地の最新情報がぎっしりつまったタビコレ。 見ているだけで現地を旅行しているような気分になること必至です! スマホやタブレットから世界の旅に出かけてみませんか!! 【アプリの使い方】 ①最新記事をチェック アプリを開けると新着記事リストが表示されます。 毎日沢山の記事がどんどん追加されており、最新の海外情報にアクセスできます。 ②アーティストでサーチ! 防弾少年団,EXO,BEAST,BIGBANG,KARA,少女時代...etc、好きなアーティストで絞り込んでアーティストの最新情報をまとめてGETする事が可能です! ③キーワードで絞り込み SEARCHボタンで検索ウィンドウを開き、「検索・絞込」ボタンをタップするとキーワードでの検索が可能! 好きなグループのメンバーの名前など、細かい検索をお求めの方に便利な機能です。 尚、記事投稿日時での検索も可能です。 ④便利な「お気に入り機能」 情報が多いLOVE-Kなので、気になる記事を読み逃すことがあるかもしれません。 そこでお気に入り機能が役に立ちます。 気になる記事の「お気に入りに追加」をタップするだけで簡単にお気に入りに登録されます。 あとはお気に入り一覧ページからゆっくりお楽しみください。 【LOVE-K 掲載ブログ一覧】 KBS WORLD RADIO K-POP韓流TIMES K-POP 韓流ウォッチャー トレタメ TOWER RECORDS ONLINE Kstyle 財経新聞 ~韓国情報まとめ「???-モウダ-」~ K-POP* Makes My Day K-PopホログラムコンサートKlive K-POP : ぱんちゃぱんちゃ K-POP! NOW - Fm yokohama 84.7 K-POPの端っこ! EXO(エクソ) メンバーブログ PLANET-K.M SHINee(シャイニー) メンバー ブログ WORLDJAPAN K-POPを浅く語るブログ 韓流情報NOW K-POP | wanna be a writer K-POP 韓流 NEWSブログ 韓国バラエティ動画で見るK-POPアイドル 韓国ドラマOST・資料室 K-POP 歌詞 和訳  K-POP Generation K-POP Girl Group Shows K-POPシンドローム Naverまとめ K-POP定食 シンガポールからKPOP 南朝鮮喜び組 (K-Pop Girls Fan Site)

Price: Free Developer: Atsushi Mikami
K-POP Starpic

K-POP Starpic

K-POP Starpic - A photo sharing stitch app for fans around the world. - The Global K-POP Fandom Mobile App & chart - K-POP Idol photo sharing official application with Dispatch K-POP Starpic uploads information, such as celebrity photos, to ‘...

Price: Free Developer: 이미지 큐브
Fruit pop Classic-Fruit Line pop happy game

Fruit pop Classic-Fruit Line pop happy game

On the last play computer Invincible Fruit pop by millions of home favorite, Fruit pop game has been popular in the casual game play, this Fruit pop very Meng spent, and like to play Fruit pop eliminate Do not...

Price: Free Developer: Linbing Jiang

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