Top 11 Sports Apps Like U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 - Best Alternatives

U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Sports apps that are similar to U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능. Pick one from this list to be your new U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like U+골프 – U+/SKT/KT 모두 이용 가능 2025.



■ 2018 U+ 프로야구의 차별화된 핵심 서비스 ■ ■ 실시간 중계 중에도 지난 득점 장면을 돌려보는 '득점 장면 다시보기'■ - 실시간 경기 중에도 언제든지 지난 모든 득점 장면을 돌려볼 수 있습니다. ...

Price: Free Developer: LG Uplus
U+골프 (SKT, KT 고객용)

U+골프 (SKT, KT 고객용)

※ 11월 28일부터는 앱은 사용하실 수 없습니다. 앱을 실행하면 앱 다운로드 페이지로 연결됩니다. ■U+만의 독점 중계 채널에서 인기선수들의 경기를 골라 볼 수 있는 '인기선수 독점중계' TV중계 외에 인기...

Price: Free Developer: LG Uplus
U.S. Open AR

U.S. Open AR

In collaboration with Deloitte, the USGA is excited to introduce you to a new U.S. Open experience that immerses users into golf’s ultimate test. View 3-dimensional shots in real-time, watch how favorite players performed, and relive the shots of...

Price: Free Developer: United States Golf Association
U.S. Senior Open

U.S. Senior Open

The U.S. Senior Open started "as a result of the remarkable growth in senior golf, both at the professional and amateur levels1". The first U.S. Senior Open was contested in 1980 and was hosted on the East Course of...

Price: Free Developer: JNJ Aparrel
U.C. Sampdoria

U.C. Sampdoria

U.C. Sampdoria, l'universo blucerchiato sul tuo palmo! Scarica l'applicazione ufficiale dell'U.C. Sampdoria, per non perderti nulla della tua squadra del cuore Con U.C. Sampdoria hai accesso a: * NEWS: aggiornamenti continui con breaking news, anticipazioni dal “Mugnaini” e notizie ufficiali * STAGIONE: risultati,...

Price: Free Developer: Dot Next
North U Sailing Trim Simulator - Virtual, Sailor, Wind, Navigation, Regatta

North U Sailing Trim Simulator - Virtual, Sailor, Wind, Navigation, Regatta

The North U Sail Trim Simulator is a training tool to help you develop your sail trim skills. Leveraging data from the North Sails Design Suite, the North U Sail Trim Simulator provides a full array of...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: North Sails
Go Golf U.S.

Go Golf U.S.

Go Golf U.S. is an intuitive, incentive based mobile app designed to bring discounted rates to golfers at participating local courses. Copyright Go Golf U.S. Inc. 2016

Price: Free Developer: uMedia Group
U.S. Trotting Rule Book

U.S. Trotting Rule Book

The 2019 United States Trotting Association Rules and Bylaws.

Price: Free Developer: The U.S. Trotting Association
Digital Coaching Center

Digital Coaching Center

The U.S.Soccer Learning Center (USSLC) mobile app optimizes our planning tools for use on your mobile device and enables you to work offline. The new planning tools utilize both U.S. Soccer's Play-Practice-Play method for Grassroots Pathway courses, as well...

Price: Free Developer: U.S. Soccer Federation
KT足球-小家伙 大有作为

KT足球-小家伙 大有作为

* 名称【校园KT足球-小家伙 大有作为】; * 内容提要: * 校园KT足球—一站式解决您校园足球球场、赛事系统、足球培训、学员技能测评、数据管理等需求。 * 可移动球场,全球首创漫画足球教学,三分钟老师变身足球教练员,随时随地练习足球技能。 * 问题&解决方案: * 没时间?KT足球3分钟6分钟一场比赛,充分利用碎片化时间;每天一场满足一天运动量! * 没场地?只需要6分钟,占地面积38平-123平,任何室内室外的场地,直接变身足球场。 * 没课件?从幼儿园到初中360节足球课;7套足球大课间;100多个足球技能,让您想怎么练就怎么练; * 没教练?跟着漫画学足球,记录你的训练数据,跟你的小伙伴们开始比拼吧! * 没队友?1个人,跟着漫画练;2个人1vs1对决;4个人2v2对决;6个人3v3对决。 * 成长慢?相比传统足球15倍速提升控球能力,看书?视频?漫画?动画? * KT足球核心特点: * 打破传统足球时间、空间、人数各种限制,直击要点,让你15倍速提升控球能力。 * 漫画同步训练,记录训练记录;自动同步进度,边玩边练,这才是成长的乐趣。 * 结果导向,让学生练习足球的效果真实看的到;记录每一天的变化,在KT足球,你不是一个人在战斗。 * 校园KT足球,为梦想,随时开战!只为改变中国足球的气场! * 如需帮助或了解更多信息,请联系:400-0062-666 * 微信公众号:KT足球 * 邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: xiaoyan liu

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