Top 20 Utilities Apps Like KOD+智慧遙控器 - Best Alternatives

KOD+智慧遙控器 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best KOD+智慧遙控器 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Utilities apps that are similar to KOD+智慧遙控器. Pick one from this list to be your new KOD+智慧遙控器 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KOD+智慧遙控器 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like KOD+智慧遙控器 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid KOD+智慧遙控器 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like KOD+智慧遙控器 2025.

Bilgi Sepetim Kare Kod Okuyucu

Bilgi Sepetim Kare Kod Okuyucu

Bilgi Sepetim kitaplarında yer alan ses ve video alıştırmalarının yanındaki karekodları okuyup oynatan uygulamadır.

Price: Free Developer: TEAM elt publishing
Karekod Oku

Karekod Oku

Hayatımıza bir anda giren Karekod’un bize sağladığı en temel özelliklerden biri bilgi paylaşımını hızlandırmasıdır. Bir dergi ilanında veya yolda yürürken dikkatinizi çeken bir ilan, bilgilendirme yazısı, web sitesi linki veya iletişim bilgisi (harita,telefon…) vb. bilgileri not etmek veya aklınızda...

Price: Free Developer: AdardA
Qr&Bar Code (Generate&Scan)

Qr&Bar Code (Generate&Scan)

With this application you can easily perform the following operations. * Create QR Code and save generated code to your image gallery * Create Bar Code and save the generated code to your image gallery * You can scan qr code with...

Price: Free Developer: murat cicek


Aplikacja skierowana do użytkowników systemów ERGO Hestii. Umożliwia przesyłanie danych bezpośrednio z aparatu fotograficznego telefonu lub galerii zdjęć. iSkaner umożliwia odczyt kodu Aztec z dowodu rejestracyjnego, zeskanowanie i weryfikację poprawności dokumentu polisy czy przesyłanie zdjęć. W celu przesłania...

Price: Free Developer: Atena Usługi Informatyczne i Finansowe S.A.


Az MNBSigner alkalmazás a Magyar Nemzeti Bank által nyújtott elektronikus aláíró szolgáltatás részeként lehetővé teszi elektronikus dokumentumok hitelesítését mobiltelefon segítségével. A felhasználó aláírás előtt megtekintheti az aláírandó dokumentumot, majd PIN kód vagy ujjlenyomat megadásával tudja jóváhagyni az aláírási műveletet....

Price: Free Developer: Microsec Ltd.
Mobilní klíč ISDS

Mobilní klíč ISDS

Nainstalujte si do iPhone nebo iPadu aplikaci Mobilní klíč a v Datových schránkách ji připojte ke svému uživatelskému účtu (Nastavení - Možnosti přihlášení - Přihlášení Mobilním klíčem). Pro přihlášení do Datových schránek pak stačí se přihlásit do Mobilního klíče pomocí...

Price: Free Developer: MINISTERSTVO VNITRA


Aplikace Pošta online nabízí ty nejdůležitější informace o poštovních službách hned na očích. Každá komponenta nabízí intuitivní ovládání a uživatelsky přívětivé funkce: Automatické načítání zásilek Zásilka se do mobilní aplikace načte sama na základě zadaného kontaktu u zásilky. Sledování zásilek Mějte přehled o...

Price: Free Developer: Česká pošta, s.p.
Skaner+ scanner data collector

Skaner+ scanner data collector

Skaner+ Easy way to inventory using barcode reader! Change your iPhone or iPad into a professional data collector. Collect a list of codes and send it via e-mail, upload to Dropbox or just scan the code and search for information about...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Michal Polak


Oglądaj, co dzieje się w domu, czy firmie na ekranie swojego telefonu! Dostęp do obrazu masz z każdego miejsca na świecie, wszędzie tam, gdzie jest Internet. Kup kamerę Zerkam, ściągnij aplikację i ciesz się z nowoczesnego monitoringu Zerkam. System Zerkam...

Price: Free Developer: Pulsar Mobile Sp. z o.o.


DolarHoy es una simple aplicacion en la cual podras realiza el cambio de la moneda de tu pais al tipo de moneda que tu desees en un simple paso!!!! MUY FACIL DE UTILIZAR !!!! 1# App Utilities Argentina. 10# App Utilities...

Price: Free Developer: Martin14
Huntsville Utilities Mobile Payment App

Huntsville Utilities Mobile Payment App

Huntsville Utilities free mobile app allows customers to: - Pay via bank draft - Sign up for automatic bank draft - Add/Edit bank detail - Pay via credit card through Western Union - View account and invoice details - View outage map and...

Price: Free Developer: Huntsville Utilities


SolaROI is the easiest and most convenient tool to go about getting Solar for your home or business. • Analyze your electric usage, find out how much solar you need and how long until it pays for itself • Find and rate Solar...

Price: Free Developer: Helioplexus
CALC 1 - Multiple Calculators

CALC 1 - Multiple Calculators

Your iPhone has *multiple apps* for focused solutions. CALC 1 has *multiple calculators* for focused solutions. Each calculator is focused on a task so they have more functions and are easier to use than calculator apps that try to cram everything...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: CalcFxC, LLC
Vutiliti Spark

Vutiliti Spark

View your home utilities in real-time to save money and precious resources. Vutiliti enables you to view your utilities (gas, water, electric, solar) in real-time to easily conserve water and energy (and money!). Through our unique technology, you’ll have instant...

Price: Free Developer: Vutiliti
Ai-Fi Central

Ai-Fi Central

Extricate yourself from surveillance capitalism by gradually weaning off of those "free" digital services like Google and Facebook. Ai-Fi helps you rebuild your own private cyberworld by deploying your own network assets, such as your mobile phones, tablets, PCs,...

Price: Free Developer:, Incorporated
Cibo Beacon Utilities

Cibo Beacon Utilities

Securely manage and register your Estimote & Sensoro Beacons - Use this app to register your beacon's to Cibo CMS or rename your beacons. Sync your beacons' settings with the Cibo cloud CMS.

Price: Free Developer: Cibo App Ltd
Compressor Size

Compressor Size

Four powerful gas compressor utilities: Gas Compressor Sizing Gas Compressor Efficiency Calculator Fuel and Footprint Calculator Standard/Absolute Volume/Flow Converter The utilities cover air, natural gas, hydrogen, regasified LNG and CO2 compressors along with prime movers (turbines, motors and engines). The software supports both...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Steve Young


The Colorado Springs Utilities EZ-PAY App is a quick and easy way to make online one-time payments to Colorado Springs Utilities from your phone or tablet.

Price: Free Developer: KUBRA Data Transfer


We present G L Technovations, an aggregate arrangements organization in the field of Information Technology since Year 2006. It is professionally overseen, Vibrant and Dynamic Company occupied with Marketing and servicing exercises with Sales and Service Networks at real...

Price: Free Developer: Chetan Saini

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