Top 20 Health & Fitness Apps Like Diabetes Ratgeber AR - Best Alternatives

Diabetes Ratgeber AR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Diabetes Ratgeber AR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Diabetes Ratgeber AR. Pick one from this list to be your new Diabetes Ratgeber AR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Diabetes Ratgeber AR on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Diabetes Ratgeber AR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Diabetes Ratgeber AR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Diabetes Ratgeber AR 2025.

Diabetes Cure Diet - Control Your Diabetes For Life

Diabetes Cure Diet - Control Your Diabetes For Life

Start FRESH! The #1 Diabetic Cure Diet FREE App helps you with recipes so you can be happy and healthy. This is a complete guide for Diabetic diet. Inside you will find many nice articles on Diabetic diet foods and Diabetic...

Price: Free Developer: SUNIL PRAJAPATI
Diabetes Guide Myanmar

Diabetes Guide Myanmar

Diabetes Guide is a solution for basic healthcare staff in primary care in Myanmar. It provides HCPs with quick and easy access to functionalities which support diagnosis, patient dialogue and their own knowledge of diabetes. Diabetes Guide contains two main...

Price: Free Developer: Visikon
Dokter Diabetes App

Dokter Diabetes App

Dokter Diabetes adalah aplikasi pertama di Indonesia yang membantu menghubungkan antara anda dengan dokter spesialis dan ahli gizi dimana saja. Aplikasi ini kami ciptakan dengan harapan mempermudah penyandang diabetes dan caregiver untuk menemukan informasi seputar diabetes. Dokter Diabetes dapat anda...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka
Diabetes and Eating Out - Fast Food and Blood Sugar Control App

Diabetes and Eating Out - Fast Food and Blood Sugar Control App

You have diabetes , want to eat out at a fast food place or a restaurant but wondering what to order ? This app solves this and shows you diabetic menu for you and many like you who have...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Post799
Diabetes Diet & Recipes - How to control your Diabetes

Diabetes Diet & Recipes - How to control your Diabetes

Diabetes Diet & Recipes application will help you to control your glucose level in your blood by following its daily diet plan. This application can help the diabetic patients to control the sugar level and also maintain it for a...

Price: Free Developer: SUNIL PRAJAPATI
Contagem de Carboidratos - SBD

Contagem de Carboidratos - SBD

A Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes (SBD) inova mais uma vez lançando o APP Contagem de Carboidratos, na versão 2.0, renovada, atualizada e com novas funcionalidades como: controle de glicemia, visualização gráfica, exportação de relatórios, inserção de dados de datas...

Price: Free Developer: Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes
Diabetes In Your Body

Diabetes In Your Body

Diabetes in Your Body allows you to see just that: what diabetes looks like in your body, specifically inside and outside your heart, brain, foot, and eye. The Cookeville Regional Medical Center and Tennessee Tech University partnered together to...

Price: Free Developer: Cheryl Montgomery
KingFit - Diabetes Education

KingFit - Diabetes Education

KingFit is a mobile diabetes education app that features educational content from world-renowned diabetes educators.

Price: Free Developer: Kingfit
JADE Mobile

JADE Mobile

JADE® (Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation®) Mobile is designed for JADE®-users for viewing their records and JADE® Reports associated with the JADE® Programme. JADE® Programme consists of an integrated disease management tool to empower people with diabetes and care providers to...

Price: Free Developer: Asia Diabetes Foundation
KernGesund Food Revolution Leipzig!

KernGesund Food Revolution Leipzig!

Was Du schon immer über die Bedeutung von Essen und Bewegung für Deine Lebensqualität und Gesundheit wissen wolltest. Expertenwissen ohne dicke Lehrbücher, verständlich und spielerisch aufbereitet, für jedes Alter und sofort anwendbar! Schlau sein und gut fühlen! Unsere App hilft Dir...

Price: Free Developer: mattheis. Werbeagentur GmbH
my.trainer AR: fitness coach

my.trainer AR: fitness coach

Are you tired of watching lengthy videos, and memorizing pages of fitness advice? ​ ​ Today's fitness products want you to do it all yourself! my.trainer AR is 100% free to get started Download NOW and get right into your workout. • Augmented Reality...

Price: Free Developer: Graham Henry
Accemedin AR

Accemedin AR

Аccemedin AR – це важлива складова освітньо-інформаційної платформи, яка змінює парадигму інформування про медицину та охорону здоров’я. Додаток аccemedin AR для лікарів є провідником у світ сучасних рішень безперервного професійного розвитку. Інтерактивний додаток accemedin AR дає можливість лікарям –...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Velychko


แอปพลิเคชัน SOOK AR จัดทำขึ้นโดย ศูนย์เรียนรู้สุขภาวะ สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุน การสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ (สสส.) โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อใช้เป็นสื่อส่งเสริมการเรียนรู้สุขภาวะ ในประเด็นต่างๆ อาทิ ประเด็นอาหาร การออกกำลังกาย สมดุลชีวิต เป็นต้น โดยผู้ที่สนใจสามารถใช้ แอปพลิเคชัน SOOK AR ที่ดาวน์โหลดไว้ในโทรศัพท์มือถือ smart phone หรือแท็บเล็ต (tablet) ส่องไปยังภาพ Marker ที่จุดเรียนรู้ หรือสื่อต่างๆ หลังจากนั้นจะปรากฎภาพ VDO Animation ขึ้นมา พร้อมเสียงบรรยายเพื่อให้ข้อมูลและรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม วิธีการใช้งาน โปรแกรม SOOK AR จะเรียกใช้โปรแกรมกล้องขึ้นมาเพื่อพร้อมใช้งาน ท่านสามารถส่องกล้องที่บริเวณ...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Picnic Co., Ltd.
Relax Away AR

Relax Away AR

This app was designed to give everyone a safe place to escape to for a short while. Safe visuals, interesting characters and coded music all combine to help you, or your child, relax quickly. To play this app is...

Price: Free Developer: Dlalo Games
Habermann AR Infoscanner

Habermann AR Infoscanner

Der Teilnehmer lädt sich vor Ort über einen QR-direkt-Code die kostenlose App „Habermann AR-Infoscanner“ herunter. Und sobald er mit dem Handy ein Lebensmittelmuster oder Motiv erfasst, werden live über das Handy die Ernährungs-Informationen zum jeweiligen Muster eingeblendet. Damit hat eine...

Price: Free Developer: Sonja Habermann Gesundheitstraining-Ernährung
Rady's AR

Rady's AR

The application is capable of showing the potential of in health industries. We can populate 3-D animated model to visualize the organs in more innovative way.

Price: Free Developer: Subham Chakraborty
Sheffield AR

Sheffield AR

The Dr. Sheffield's app brings 19th-century dental pioneer Dr. Washington Wentworth Sheffield to life through augmented reality. With humor and storytelling - and a hypnotic beard - the original inventor of modern day toothpaste shares his time-tested secrets to...

Price: Free Developer: Sheffield Pharmaceuticals, LLC


Free App, developed by students from Escuela Media ORT, Argentina, from the specializations of Media Production and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), within their curricular plans. It aims to give users access to a big, accessible, and searchable list of...

Price: Free Developer: Asociación ORT Argentina
Health IQ

Health IQ

Discover your Health IQ by taking our short, 5 minute quiz. Taken by over 1 million people and featured in the Wall Street Journal, Wired, and more. Earn free rewards and recognition for getting an elite score. ...

Price: Free Developer: Hi.Q, Inc.

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