Do you want to find the best Bengali Status - Bangla SMS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Book apps that are similar to Bengali Status - Bangla SMS. Pick one from this list to be your new Bengali Status - Bangla SMS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bengali Status - Bangla SMS on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Bengali Status - Bangla SMS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Bengali Status - Bangla SMS 2025.
Boi Ghor is one of the most user friendly app with lots of features. It is a Bengali book store where you can find all types books written by different writers of Bangladesh. Book lovers will love using this...
Hello Now you can read all the beautiful revelations of Allah through Bengali Quran app. This Bengali Quran Offline most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed. The following features have been...
Hello Now you can read all the beautiful revelations of Allah through Bengali Quran app. This Bengali Quran most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed. The following features have been implemented...
ABP Mags: ABP Bengali Magazines App is an initiative taken for the book loving Bengalis all over the world, who struggle to have access to the physical copies of their favourite magazines. ABP Mags: ABP Bengali Magazines App is a...
Bengali and English Old and New Testament with cross References, Concordance and human narration mp3 Audio. Bible for Bengal. Bengali Bible is a Free, Offline, Super Fast app. to read and listen bible in Bengali and English. Below are some its...
Bengali Bible (SBCL) This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones. Carry your Bible anytime and anywhere you go, and...
The Calendar : Bong Calendar is just like the traditional Bengali Calendar . Only thing , it runs in ios device and you can keep it in your pocket! It keeps you updated about the important days in Bangla...
Introducing the most popular Bengali Quran translation for IOS Phones. This Quran Translation is considered to be one of the best translation available in Bengali language. This Quran Translation is also considered to be the most detailed Quran translation available in...
Bengali Quran Qur'an (Arabic: القرآن alkburan "abrttita") to the holy scriptures of the Muslims. Twenty years of Islamic history, as long as the pieces are revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. There are a total of 114 suras in the...
Bengali Audio Bible 孟加拉语圣经 支持 四個譯本經文對照, 下載音頻文檔離線播放, 調整播放速度。 服務信箱: [email protected]
Status-Shayari-SMS App having 100000+ Shayari, 50000+ Status and 50000+ Sms with Different categories. This app contain status - Shayari - SMS in english language. This app having facilities of share toSocial Media Messenger and also copy the text messages. You Can...
Gujarati Status application contain the latest Gujarati status. you can share status with Social Networking App directly and you can send message directly to your loved one. This application contain best and Latest Shayari, Status and Messages in Gujarati Language....
This application contain best and Latest Shayari, Status and Messages in Punjabi Language. It has huge collection of statuses for all occasions for quick update status in social sites and for any chat application etc. In this great Status...
All statuses are classified into different categories: Funny status, Love status, New Year status, Sad status, Nice status, Man status, Woman status, Clever status, Life status, Joke status, Friend status, cool status. - Amazing Categories that you never seen before. -...
9999 Best New Latest Status application contain the latest English Status message. This application contain the message in English Language. In this application message are categorized in different category like: Love Status, Friendship Status, New Status, Romance Status, Sad Status, Crazy...
Hindi Status 2017 Is Best Online Status App, Status Are Sent By People Names Under Every Status, You Can Browse Cagegories By Name In Menu Folder, We Are Trying Our Best To Make It More Easier, We Will Send...
Hindi Status 2016 is completely Free and Best Hindi Status and Hindi Quotes Application for All People Who love to set Best ola Status and Hindi cabs Quotes on Facebook and Whatsapp. Setting Good Status gets increased your likes...
Completely FREE app with latest collection of best statuses and quotes setting as your status For Whatsapp. Setting good statuses gets increased likes on your wall posts. If you are looking for a nice, crazy, cool, funny or amazing status...
Hindi Status is really hard to find a status which are not used by anyone and are original.So here we have compiled some of the best,latest and untouched list for you.Which includes status,My jio quotes and many more.This apps...
Bangla Qur'an and Hadith : This book is a composition of Qur'an and Hadith with Bangla translation. In this book there are 216 Nos. Ayets of Qur'an and 253 Nos. Of Hadith. A person who will do amol (Namaz, Roza etc.)...
English to Bangla Translator Online and Offline Dictionary Easily Search Word and Find Offline English to Bengali Translator Online and Bengli Dictionary Offline both in one app - You can search both English and Bangla words. You can search words directly from...
For Bengalis speakers who want to learn English and know about the meanings of English words, the English to Bangla Dictionary brings you a database with which you can almost search every English word in Bangla. The app comes...
Alhamdulillah! The new hadith application from “Bangla Hadith” – This is the newest version 2.0 which contain more then 80,000+ hadith and around 150+ authentic Islamic books inside a single app. This app has most authentic information about ISLAM for the...
• Bilingual English to Bangla and Bengali to English dictionary • Bangla to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...
• Bilingual English to Bangla and Bengali to English dictionary • Bangla to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...
Fazail-E-Amal / Faza'il-e-A'maal ), originally titled Tablighi Nisab ), is an Islamic religious text composed mainly of treatises by the Indian hadith scholar Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi on the merits of good deeds Fazail e Amaal is...
Read various Bangla novels and stories from famous writers from both sides of Bengal i.e. from both Bangladesh and West Bengal in PDF format with style! Keep in touch with Bangla novels and stories from your favorite writers on...
Al Quran: Mormobani is not exactly the translation but the true essence of the Holy Quran in Bangla. The language or approach used in it is very easy to understand, making it easier to realize and follow. And this...
Welcome in the beautiful world of fun stuff and Quality stuff collection of SMS from SMS Collection. It comes with thousands of beautiful SMS, thoughts and much more. Undoubtedly, 50,000+ SMS collection offers the best and latest SMS and totally deserves...
Completely Offline & FREE of most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book of...
Free SMS book containing about 5000+ SMS messages collection. # App Features # - Easy search from SMS messages and categories. - Swipe left / right to see the previous or next sms. - Unlimited sharing of your favorite custom messages to contacts...
Status, Shayari and Sms app contains 10000+ Status For Social Media Messenger,5000+ Shayari and 5000+ Sms with various catagories. This app contain status in hindi and english languages and Shayari and Sms hindi languages. This app having facalities of sharing and...
Completely offline and free SMS Collection containing about 50000+ SMS messages collection. App Features :----> - Unlimited sharing of your favorite custom messages to contacts via SMS, various sharing or messaging application. - About 100+ sms collection categories like friendship, sad love,...
Welcome in the beautiful world of fun stuff and Quality stuff collection of SMS from SMS Collection. It comes with thousands of beautiful SMS, thoughts and much more. Undoubtedly, SMS collection offers the best and latest SMS and totally deserves to...
Hello friends, Kya aap ek hi tarah ke sms padh ke bor ho rahe ho? Try this new and latest hindi sms collection. "Best Hindi SMS Collection" app hum la rahe hai sirf or sirf aapke liye! Is app me humne most of...
Completely FREE most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book of most popular...
Completely Offline & FREE of most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book...
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