Top 20 Education Apps Like CLASS 42 - Best Alternatives

CLASS 42 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CLASS 42 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to CLASS 42. Pick one from this list to be your new CLASS 42 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CLASS 42 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like CLASS 42 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CLASS 42 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like CLASS 42 2025.



Welcome to Class.Me. A mobile app that offers educational communication - a social learning center and virtual classroom in every student's pocket. Learning Better Together! We believe that the key to success in class is by increasing social studying among classmates....

Price: Free Developer: Class.Me
Class.Me for Schools

Class.Me for Schools

Welcome to Class.Me for Schools. A mobile app that offers educational communication - a social learning center and virtual classroom in every student's pocket. Learning Better Together! We believe that the key to success in class is by increasing social studying...

Price: Free Developer: Class.Me
Class Ace K-6 Math & English

Class Ace K-6 Math & English

Give your children access to the best new all-in-one learning platform for K-6. Class Ace combines world-class technology with simple, effective content to make learning Common Core standards faster and easier than ever before. Class Ace is more than just...

Price: Free Developer: Class Ace LLC
Class Search

Class Search

Class Search is a revolutionary new lifecycle learning cloud with services for learners, companies, and educators. For learners, it's the ultimate tool to help grow your career and set yourself apart. Create an active online bio, add and validate...

Price: Free Developer: Class Search Worldwide LLC
Class Professionals

Class Professionals

Make your relief staff booking in one app. Class Professionals now makes it quicker and easier to: - Book education and childcare staff wherever you are, whenever you want. - Sign in with your normal Class Professionals login and password...

Price: Free Developer: Class Professionals
Join Our Class

Join Our Class

Be connected with your kid's school! Join Our Class connects you to your school community and classroom experience with our FREE SCHOOL DIRECTORY and optional upgrades for school communications and sign-ups for school events and parent teacher conferences. This...

Price: Free Developer: Join Our Class, LLC
Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes is the fastest, easiest way to record class lectures, and tag the important points. You can instantly jump to the important parts of the lesson and study in less time. Audio Class Notes lets you study anywhere...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BlackMuse Software
Class Cash: Student App

Class Cash: Student App

With student loan debt at over $1.5 trillion in America alone, students aren’t just drowning in schoolwork, they’re in over their heads financially. Welcome to Class Cash where students from around the nation can study and make money at...

Price: Free Developer: Class Cash


More than a digital class register - for teachers & schools Design your lessons with TEGO.CLASS, document absences and grades of your students and never again get annoyed about the annoying paperwork or time-consuming evaluations. Encrypted and as an offline...

Price: Free Developer: vaitego GmbH
Class Cues

Class Cues

Class Cues description Class Cues was created so that you could more easily use music in the classroom to help students become independent and self-directed: two key traits of a happy, productive classroom. Harnessing the power of the limbic brain,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Richard L Morris
42 Intra

42 Intra

Intra App for 42 students. It exploits 42 API : - View your projects, your level - Search for a student to get his position and other informations - View projects - View clusters availability - View next meetings - View your slots on your profile The...

Price: Free Developer: Pierre-Edouard Lieb
ATR 72 (42)-600 Flow Trainer

ATR 72 (42)-600 Flow Trainer

The ATR 72-600 Flow and Emergency flow app is an interactive tool for ATR 72 (42)-600 pilots to learn the cockpit and different Memory items and procedure flows. The user can use this app for initial training and recurrent...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Learrocket Productions, LLC
Mathsterious Mansion

Mathsterious Mansion

Are you brave enough to master the Mathsterious Mansion? Mathsterious Mansion is an engaging new mathematical game from 3P Learning, the team behind the world’s favourite online educational maths resource, Mathletics. Designed for Primary/Elementary aged students (7-11), Mathsterious Mansion teaches addition...

Price: Free Developer: 3P Learning
Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Bilingo English Grammar In Use

Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Bilingo English Grammar In Use

Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Bilingo tổng hợp 50 chủ đề cơ bản về ngữ pháp trong tiếng Anh. Giúp bạn bạn học tiếng Anh hàng ngày một cách hiệu quả. Đặc biệt ứng dụng có thể sử dụng OFFLINE và...

Price: Free Developer: Long Dang


365夜童话故事 每一个静谧的夜晚,小朋友,你都做些什么呢?爸爸妈妈会陪你度过睡觉之前的时光吗?小朋友,让爸爸妈妈给你念故事吧!星星和月亮都睡了,风儿在窗外轻轻吹,妈妈轻轻讲,每夜一个奇妙的故事,伴你入睡。有故事的夜晚,有爸爸妈妈的爱的陪伴,我们不怕黑,也不寂寞。   小朋友,当你打开这本书时,你就被领入到了一个多姿多彩、奇妙变幻的故事王国中。这些故事,使你在一年三百六十五天的每一个夜晚,都拥有一片绚丽的云霞,一个美丽的梦。   在这本书中,既有充满神奇浪漫色彩的神话传说、民间故事;也有开拓心智的童话、寓言、名人轶事、历史传说、幽默故事、小品等。而且,都是经过精心剪裁提炼的、世界故事宝库中最脍炙人口的名篇佳作,其中所表达的对真、善、美必胜的乐观信念,对假、恶、丑的嘲讽和无情鞭挞,对于开拓我们的智力,陶冶我们的性、情,锻炼我们的意志,完善我们的精神,都会有很大的帮助。可以说每一篇故事都是充满人生哲理的、隽永含蓄的小诗;都是富含着幻想和追求的华美乐章,都是滋润小朋友心田的雨露和甘泉。   这些故事,曾经陪伴过不知多少代人走过自己的童年和少年岁月,直到他或她成为白发苍苍的老人时,童年的记忆仍然回味无穷,可见它们是具有怎样的魅力了。谁的童年没有梦,谁的童年没有幻想和追求,那么,小朋友们,就请打开这本书,去追求属于你的那一份吧!因为,这些故事本来就是属于你们的。 程序功能: 1.播放进度条,增加每首故事的时长显示,增加当前播放进度时间和拖动播放功能。 2.每首故事可以读取上次的播放记录时长,继续播放。 3.优化缩短程序的启动时间。 目录 01魔术师和老鼠 02贪心的皇帝和公主 03月亮和姑娘 04灰毛小羊羔 05谁吃了蜂蜜 06兔子吓跑了老虎 07神镜 08幸运的牧羊人 09兔子伤风了 10绿鹅 11一袋金粉 12珍贵的大木碗 13小熊祝寿 14谁是长者 15善良的心 16愚蠢的女地主 17小兔过冬 18小熊数面包 19爱笑的鸭子 20漂亮的春姑娘 21两只笨狗熊 22白头翁 23幸运的小老鼠 24老鼠开会 25小花猫和蝴蝶 26小花狗找朋友 27啄木鸟看病 28两只青蛙 29小兔的家 30会飞的孩子 31一匹小黑马 32兔子的尾巴 33青蛙断案 34能孵出驴的蛋 35长颈鹿看病 36小白兔问路 37鸟儿和树 38小熊和他的妈妈 39狗熊米沙 40小姑娘和熊 41山羊生小牛 42猴子捞月亮 43动物和小土坑 44小鸡波利 45一头小象 46说大话的狮子 47能干的小老鼠 48坏老狼 49鳄鱼上当 50苹果掉在兔子头上 51花手帕 52金花鼠渡口 53镜子里的小花猫 54小熊种树 55老虎和青蛙 56母鸡与苹果树 57三个猎人 58谁是长者 59狐狸请客 60谁有本事 61送给妈妈的诗 62兔子打电话 63幸福的小枞树

Price: Free Developer: shaoru wang


It’s every teacher’s gateway to professional learning on the go! empowerED+ brings together the different online learning platforms of empowerED, an education-focused advocacy founded by Francis Jim Tuscano, an award-winning and internationally recognized 21st century education innovator and expert....

Price: Free Developer: PMC Business
Digital MEdIC

Digital MEdIC

Every year, 5 million children die globally before reaching their fifth birthday, mostly from preventable illness. Lack of access to health education leaves medically underserved communities across the globe without the proper knowledge to improve health outcomes. At the...

Price: Free Developer: Stanford University
ABC Kids Play - All in One

ABC Kids Play - All in One

Are you looking for perfect fun educational game for your lovely kids that will keep them attached with device for hours and entertained them while learning new exciting things? Then welcome to the Scrambled Eggs world of educational games....

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Scrambled Eggs Interactive


This is an official mobile app of College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. Stay connected to CIE on-the-go: read up-to-date news, browse recent events going on around campus, learn more about programmes, check out the latest photos...

Price: Free Developer: Hong Kong Baptist University

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