Top 20 Education Apps Like TrEI Viewer - Best Alternatives

TrEI Viewer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TrEI Viewer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to TrEI Viewer. Pick one from this list to be your new TrEI Viewer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TrEI Viewer on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like TrEI Viewer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TrEI Viewer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like TrEI Viewer 2025.

Hebrew Bible Study

Hebrew Bible Study

The Bible Study app features online Jewish texts with niqqud and cantillation. offered freely download for public service. Clicking on a verse directs to a page with commentaries, translations and more biblical sources like Quoting commentary, Midrash, Talmud, Quotation, Mishnah,...

Price: Free Developer: Moshe Cohen
Offline Hebrew Bible

Offline Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible Offline app features offline Jewish texts with niqqud and cantillation. offered freely download for public service. The Hebrew Bible texts are provided in Hebrew and English. The included bible books (Tanach): Pentateuch (Chamisha Chumshei Torah) • Genesis - Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית,...

Price: Free Developer: Moshe Cohen
ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet este abecedarul interactiv pentru copii preșcolari de la 2 la 7 ani. Varianta gratuită a jocului oferă accesul la primele 12 litere mari și mici ale alfabetului limbii române urmând ca, dacă micuțului îi face plăcere să...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Bobocii şi Cifrele

Bobocii şi Cifrele

Unul din cele mai captivante jocuri de numărat pentru copii până la 5 ani! Alături de boboceii de raţă copiii vor învăţa cifrele şi ordinea numerelor de la 1 la 10. Copilul va lua parte la momentul în care boboceii...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Chestionare Auto

Chestionare Auto

Raspunde la intrebari din chestionare auto pe diferite categorii. Joaca in turneu impotriva altor oameni si joaca impotriva prietenilor tai. Chestionarul auto pentru categoria B are 26 de întrebări și ai voie la maxim 4 întrebări greșite. Chiar dacă răspunzi greșit...

Price: Free Developer: Horea Bucerzan
Invatam Animalele

Invatam Animalele

"Invatam animalele" este o aplicatie educativa si interactiva cu sunete si imagini reale, care il va ajuta pe copilul tau sa cunoasca peste 50 de animale domestice si salbatice si sa-si evalueze noile cunostinte acumulate. Procesul de invatare se face...

Price: Free Developer: Active Soft SRL
Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Motto: Pregatiti-va copiii pentru succes! Parcurgând acesta poveste copilul invata sa isi gestioneze emotiile! Stim ce greu se dezvolta rabdarea. Traim intr-o lume in care totul se intâmpla rapid, in care orice problema trebuie rezolvata cât mai repede (pentru ca alte...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Potrivirea Generalilor.

Potrivirea Generalilor.

Seamănă sau nu? Un joc potrivit pentru copii cu vârsta între 3 şi 5 ani. O variantă distractivă şi aventuroasă pentru copii de a învăţa conceptele de asemenea, la fel şi diferit ajutându-l pe Regele Maimuţă să-şi înarmeze armata. Un joc...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Să învățăm Litere Cifre și Cuvinte cu Animale, Forme, Culori, Fructe, Legume Free Gratis Gratuit

Să învățăm Litere Cifre și Cuvinte cu Animale, Forme, Culori, Fructe, Legume Free Gratis Gratuit

Învață, Testează-ți cunoștințele si Joacă-te cu peste 180 de cuvinte, litere și cifre "Să învățăm" este o aplicație pentru copiii între 1 și 7 ani. Aplicația ajută copiii să iși dezvolte vocabularul și percepția asupra obiectelor și ființelor. Copiii vor...

All Document Viewer

All Document Viewer

Our "All Document Reader" application to read or view all any types of documents. Document Viewer allows users to instantly view documents into 6+ formats. Read instantly all the document's from your device anytime anywhere you want. Now no...

Price: Free Developer: Nalin Savaliya
Best Chemistry app with 3D Molecules View (Molecule Viewer 3D)

Best Chemistry app with 3D Molecules View (Molecule Viewer 3D)

Molecule Viewer 3D is a Molecular Viewer, showing 3D structure of molecules in different stereo modes. Do you want to see different molecules such as adrenaline, cocaine, amino acids and etc. with real 3D stereoscopic mode? With Molecule Viewer 3D you...

Price: Free Developer: Sandeep Bhandari
LabQuest Viewer

LabQuest Viewer

LabQuest Viewer allows you to use your classroom iPad to wirelessly view and control a Vernier LabQuest® data collection interface. This allows you to remotely monitor and interact with any LabQuest on your network. If your classroom iPad is...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
S viewer

S viewer

S viewer는 사용법이 쉬운 직관적인 이북(EPUB3.0) 뷰어입니다. 편리한 독서를 위해 꼭 필요한 기능만 담았습니다. S viewer를 이용하여 이북(epub3.0)을 보는 방법 - 아이튠즈를 이용하여 S viewer에 직접 이북을 넣어서 볼 수 있습니다. - 사파리, 이메일, 다른 앱에서 받은 이북들을 S viewer "열기"로...

Price: Free Developer: Fdesk
X PUBLO Viewer Education

X PUBLO Viewer Education

・X PUBLO(クロスパブロ)とは? X PUBLOは書籍としてのページ閲覧機能に、クロスメディアコンテンツ(動画、音声、静止画など)を内包し、 iOSデバイスに最適化したリッチコンテンツアプリの制作環境です。 コンテンツの制作には「X PUBLO Author」、コンテンツの管理には「X PUBLO Store Manager」、コンテンツの閲覧には「X PUBLO Viewer」をご用意しております。 ・エデュケーション版 通常版X PUBLO Viewerの機能に加え、教育・学習用途などに有用なマーカー・メモ機能を追加した「X PUBLO Viewer エデュケーション版」がラインアップに加わりました。 ・X PUBLOでできること 1.コンテンツの制作 専用に設計されたオーサリングツールを使用し、PDF上に動画/音声や静止画などのメディアファイルを配置します。大量のデータを扱うために、オーバーレイのテンプレ―ト機能やCSVファイルによる静止画一括インポート機能も搭載。短期間で大量のコンテンツが効率的に制作できます。 2.コンテンツの発行と販売 発行したコンテンツをサーバにアップロードし、X PUBLO Store Managerにてコンテンツを管理、更新することで、ビューワーアプリ起動時にコンテンツのダウンロードが行われます。 コンテンツ一括の購入の他、チャプター単位での分割購入にも対応します。 3.コンテンツの閲覧 - 目次ボタン - ページサムネイル - 動画/音声再生 - 静止画のスライドショー/ギャラリー表示 - ブックマーク - テキスト検索

Price: Free Developer: Pico House Co.,Ltd.
3D Museum Viewer / MERGE Cube

3D Museum Viewer / MERGE Cube

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a MERGE Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to play. To find out how to get a MERGE Cube and learn more, visit our website at: 3D Museum Viewer brings ancient artifacts...

Price: Free Developer: Merge Apps
echo Viewer

echo Viewer

Echo Viewer is a companion app to the Echo learning management system that gives students and parents access to course grades, course agendas, upcoming assignments, and more. Echo Viewer empowers students and parents to have greater awareness of their...

Price: Free Developer: New Tech Network Inc.
SDO Viewer

SDO Viewer

SDO Viewer is a simple application for downloading and displaying the latest images taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It includes push notifications so you can be notified by a badge on the application when new images are available. SDO...

Price: Free Developer: Jérôme Diaz
ENGINO kidCAD (3D Viewer)

ENGINO kidCAD (3D Viewer)

ENGINO is perhaps the only construction system that originated directly from Education. Originally inspired by teachers for the Design and Technology classroom, it evolved to an award winning product which covers from Structures to Mechanisms, Renewable energy and even...

Price: Free Developer: Engino
NASA Space Weather Media Viewer

NASA Space Weather Media Viewer

The Space Weather Media Viewer features near-real-time imagery from a wide variety of NASA missions, as well as video interviews with prominent scientists about the causes of space phenomena and NASA-created visualizations. The Space Weather Media Viewer was created...

Price: Free Developer: Ideum

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