Do you want to find the best MagicBook - Space AR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Education apps that are similar to MagicBook - Space AR. Pick one from this list to be your new MagicBook - Space AR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to MagicBook - Space AR on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid MagicBook - Space AR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like MagicBook - Space AR 2025.
INTRODUCTION MagicBook 4D is an intelligent interactive educational platform. It uses the Augmented Reality technology to deliver the most vivid and visual learning method. MagicBook 4D turns any static content in the book into lively and intuitive 4D images and bring...
Alfabe 4D uygulaması ile Alfabe 4D Harf kartlarındaki sevimli hayvanları canlandırın, karttaki harfin ve hayvanın İngilizce okunuşunu, ve Türkçe anlamını sesli olarak dinleyin. Uygulamada yer alan harf yazım modülü ile harflerin doğru yazılışlarını öğrenin ve alıştırmalar yapın.
A new way to discover multilingual books for kids using augmented and virtual reality! Use our app with the printed books to discover and rediscover the same story in many languages using Augemented Reality and virtual Reality.
Dünyanın gördüğü en büyük lider Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamasıdır. Atatürk'ün hayatı artırılmış gerçeklik kartları ile anlatılmaktadır.
Dinozorlar 4D uygulaması ve artırılmış gerçeklik kartları ile dinozorları cep telefonu ve tabletinizde 3 boyutlu olarak canlandırın, dinozorların seslerini duyun ve dinozorlar hakkında yeni bilgiler öğrenin.
Uygulama ile Uzay 4D Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kartlarında bulunan gök cisimleri ve uzay araçlarını 3 boyutlu canlandırın. - Uygulamayı başlatın, - Cihazınızın kamerasını Uzay 4D Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kartına doğru tutun, - Gök cisimlerini ve uzay araçlarını cihazınızın ekranında canlandırın, animasyonları oynatın, -...
The FREE Space Center Houston interactive mobile tour features Audio Tour, GPS maps, selfie filters, augmented reality experiences, virtual reality lite and more! Here’s everything you get with the Space Center Houston interactive mobile tour: Location-Aware Audio Tour Exclusive Space Center Houston...
***Rated NEW AND NOTEWORTHY by Apple, October 2012*** Works on 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation iPads, and iPad Mini. Does not work for 1st generation iPads. "KIDS DISCOVER SPACE is a visual feast for any child fascinated by the planets, space exploration,...
**"There is so much to learn and explore, both for us and our kids" by Geeks with Juniors** 3… 2… 1… Lift off! It's time to take off with Dr. Panda in Space! EXPLORE SPACE Once you customize your own...
Have you tried Hawaiian Turkey Sliders? Quesadilla Con Huevos? How about a Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake? Space Chef has and he wants you to try them too! Space Chef, developed by the Lawrence Hall...
Welcome to Choo Choo Space! Choo Choo Space is about inspiring creativity and encouraging discovery among kids. It starts with a familiar black and white scene of space and every child can make the scene come to life by colouring all...
Play before, during, and after your space excursion to Kennedy Space Center! Students come and challenge their space expertise with engaging questions and fantastic images, all in a fun gaming environment! Three different missions are available to kick-start their...
Space Numbers is a multiplayer game that helps children learn addition and subtraction number facts. This School Edition contains the same games as Space Numbers Basic Facts and Space Numbers Place Value. Players learn the basic facts by capturing numbers...
E-SPACE VN's Center for online English training. This is one of the Training Centers for ‘Online English’ in Vietnam that first applied the teaching and learning model of “1 Teacher - 1 Student” Facility. Established in 10/2012, E-SPACE VN...
Space Numbers is a multiplayer game helping children learn addition and subtraction number facts. Players learn the basic facts by capturing numbers to reach a total. The player who gets to the total and taps “Blast Off” first wins!...
Learning Space is in the forefront in disseminating high quality education at affordable cost. The mission is to transform the education landscape of India. It will be a pleasant experience for all the student fraternity. Stay with Learning Space...
AR平面圖形特性 (前AR四邊形檢測) 在這個 AR app中,學生可選用不同的電子檢測工具(包括直尺、三角尺、平行線檢測器等),以檢測生活中不同實物的平面是否擁有某些特性。這個互動電子工具把現實生活與電子世界連結起來,有趣且非常實用! 新亞洲‧名創教育研發了一系列教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂上進行活動,及供學生自學。 AR 2-D Shape Property Using this AR app, pupils can select different e-tools (including ruler, set square, parallel lines detector, etc.) to check whether the faces of real objects have certain properties. It is an interesting...
AR 七巧板 在這個 AR app中,學生可利用虛擬七巧板,在不同的挑戰圖卡上拼砌出指定的圖畫。學生需思索如何透過移動、轉動或反轉七片碎塊來完成遊戲。這個拼砌圖形遊戲可訓練學生擴散性思考,從而發揮個人創造的潛能。初級者更可按照提示拼砌,以掌握簡單幾何圖形的基本特性。 七巧板是適合不同年齡和不同程度人士的遊戲,既能訓練左腦的邏輯推理能力,也能鍛煉右腦的創作能力及圖像處理能力,特別適合訓練小孩子的手眼協調能力。 新亞洲‧名創教育研發了一系列教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂上進行活動,及供學生自學。 AR Tangram Using this AR app, pupils can solve the tangram puzzles printed on picture cards by moving, rotating or reflecting the virtual tangram pieces. Playing this puzzle game can train pupils’ divergent thinking skills,...
Intellica AR adds fun and interactivity to Books. Intellica AR is an amazingly cool Augmented Reality App which adds fun and interactivity to Books. Just scan the picture/pages in Books with Intellica AR logo, and watch the pictures/pages come alive on...
「AR 動物的特徵」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的新創常識教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 使用應用程式時需要配合AR 動物的特徵專屬的AR 活動卡使用,透過將正確的問題卡及答案卡配對來增強同學對分辨動物特徵的能力。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
「AR 四邊形的分類」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的數學教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 使用應用程式時需要配合AR 四邊形的分類專屬的AR 活動卡使用,透過將正確的文字卡及圖形卡配對來增強同學對四邊形的辨別能力。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
「AR 年獸」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的新創常識教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 使用應用程式時需要配合AR 年獸專屬的AR 活動卡使用,透過找出正確的活動卡來將年獸嚇走。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
「AR 擴增實境模型」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的新創常識教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 「AR 擴增實境模型」中包含的內容十分多元化。有別於在書上使用的 AR 應用程式,學生只需使用小巧易用的學習卡,就可以觀看不同的學習內容。每個擴增實境模型都是依照教科書的內容鋪排量身訂造,如老師教學上常用的牙齒、消化系統模型。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
「AR 百分數」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的數學教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 使用應用程式時需要配合AR 百分數的認識專屬的AR 活動卡使用,透過將正確的問題卡及答案卡配對來增強同學對百分數的辨別能力。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
「AR 立體圖形」為「名創教育」所研發的擴增實境 (AR) 應用程式,內容為配合本社的數學教科書而設;透過同時使用應用程式及由本社自行設計構思的學具,就能進行有關的AR學習內容。 使用應用程式時需要配合AR 立體圖形專屬的AR 活動卡使用,透過對立體圖形多角度的觀察來增強同學對立體圖形的辨別及分析能力。務求做到幫助老師教學的同時,亦能夠滿足讓學生在家中自學的需要。
AR新世界App是为帮助中国客户及广大公众通过AR(增强现实)了解西门子中国而开发的应用。通过该应用,用于可以体验3D AR内容,了解西门子焦点话题的核心信息,包括创新、制造业的未来、可持续的能源,以及智能基础设施等等,进而对于西门子品牌的内涵有更加深刻的理解。 除此之外,在AR新世界APP里,用户还可以进行互动,以更生动的方式了解西门子在中国的业务和其对行业和整个社会带来的价值。 AR New World APP is developed to help Chinese customers and the general public experience augmented reality (AR) content and better understand Siemens in China. Via this application, users can experience 3-dimentional AR content and learn about Siemens'...
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