Top 20 Productivity Apps Like ItemKeeper for Biz - Best Alternatives

ItemKeeper for Biz Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ItemKeeper for Biz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Productivity apps that are similar to ItemKeeper for Biz. Pick one from this list to be your new ItemKeeper for Biz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ItemKeeper for Biz on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like ItemKeeper for Biz - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ItemKeeper for Biz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like ItemKeeper for Biz 2025.

Templates for Excel Pro

Templates for Excel Pro

++++++++++++++ SPECIAL: 4.99 DOLLAR!!! -50% DOWN FROM $ 9.99 GET IT NOW BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASES!! ++++++++++++++ Templates for Excel Pro takes your spreadsheets to the next level with more than 115 powerful and efficient spreadsheet templates for your...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for PowerPoint Pro

Templates for PowerPoint Pro

++++++++++++++ INTRODUCTION SPECIAL: 4.99 DOLLAR!!! -50% DOWN FROM 9.99 $ GET IT NOW BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASES!! ++++++++++++++ Templates for PowerPoint Pro provides 10 carefully designed PowerPoint Templates, over 100 different graphics and more than 150 slides for stunning business presentations. Export...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for iWork 2 (Bundle Edition)

Templates for iWork 2 (Bundle Edition)

Templates for iWork Professional is the ultimate premium bundle edition of templates for Apple's Keynote, Pages and Numbers apps on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. You get more than 40 different Keynote themes, 150 Pages templates and over...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Keynote Professional

Templates for Keynote Professional

Templates for Keynote Professional is the most substantial and polished templates collection available. Specifically designed and engineered for iOS 10 and with over 600 slides in 5 categories, Templates for Keynote Professional is the best way to master your...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Numbers Pro

Templates for Numbers Pro

++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL: 4.99 DOLLAR!!! -50% DOWN FROM $9.99 GET IT NOW BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASES!!! ++++++++++++++++ Templates for Numbers Pro is the only available app in the App Store that brings 90 powerful and efficient spreadsheet templates to Apple's Numbers application...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Numbers Professional

Templates for Numbers Professional

Templates for Numbers ProfessionaL is the only available app in the App Store that brings 80 powerful and efficient spreadsheet templates to Apple's Numbers application on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. With a great variety of templates and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Office Pro (Bundle Edition)

Templates for Office Pro (Bundle Edition)

Templates for Office Pro is the ultimate bundle edition of templates for Microsoft's PowerPoint, Word and Excel on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. You get more than 40 different PowerPoint themes, 222 Word templates and over 125 Excel...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Pages Pro

Templates for Pages Pro

Templates for Pages Pro is the best way to create professional, high quality and polished documents with Apple's Pages application on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. With more than 222 accurate document templates the app significantly expands the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Pages Professional

Templates for Pages Professional

Templates for Pages Professional is the best way to create professional, high quality and polished documents with Apple's Pages application on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. With more than 150 accurate document templates the app significantly expands the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use
Templates for Word Pro

Templates for Word Pro

++++++++++++++ SPECIAL OFFER: 4.99 DOLLAR!!! -50% DOWN FROM $9.99 GET IT NOW BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASES!! ++++++++++++++ Templates for Word Pro is the easiest way to save time while creating documents and working with Word on the go. Over...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Made for Use


【MONET Bizとは】 社用車を複数の企業で共同運行管理する場合に、オフィスや主要駅間の移動を効率化するためのオンデマンドシステムや、快適な車内環境を提供するサービスです。 本アプリを利用することで、MONET Bizの乗車予約や、車両の位置情報の確認が可能になります。 【ご注意事項】 ・本アプリは、MONET Bizをご契約いただいている法人様向けのアプリです。 ・本アプリは、企業の管理者様のご案内に従ってご利用ください。 ・MONET Bizの利用規約をご確認の上でご利用ください。

Price: Free Developer: MONET Technologies.Inc
CloudPhone Biz

CloudPhone Biz

CloudPhone BizはiPhoneを会社の内線電話機として利用するためのソフトフォンです。 外出先でも3G/4G回線(携帯回線網)を使って内線電話として利用できます。 CloudPhone Bizは弊社のPBX専用のソフトウェアです。 ■機能一覧 ・弊社のPBXを経由してひかり電話や050番号での発着信 ・弊社のPBXがサポートする内線電話機との発着信 ・電話帳(iPhone標準アプリ「連絡先」との連携) ・通話履歴表示 ・保留、取り次ぎ転送、パーク保留 ・ワンタッチキーダイヤル(短縮ダイヤル) ・リダイヤル(発信ボタンの長押し) ・Bluetoothヘッドセットに対応 (音声入出力のみ) ・マルチドメイン(2つのSIPサーバに登録可能) ・チャット機能 ■注意事項 ・対応端末はiPhone6以降の端末です。iOSのバージョンはiOS10以降に対応しています。 ・iPhone6未満の端末、iPadやiPod touchには対応しておりません。(インストールできても動作保証は致しません) ・着信音はCloudPhone Biz専用です。(9種類から選択可能)。 ・発着信の履歴は、携帯電話の履歴と別になります。 ・IP通話中に携帯電話の着信があった場合、キャリアごとに動作が異なりますのでご注意下さい。(CallKit未使用時)  SoftBank、docomoの場合:   IP通話中に携帯電話に着信すると、IP通話を保留して携帯番号側の通話を行う事が出来ます。(強制的にIP通話は保留となりガイダンスが再生されます)  auの場合:   IP通話中に携帯電話に着信すると、パケット通信が遮断される仕様の為、IP電話の通話相手が切断されます。 ・au版iPhoneの場合、電波状況が良好でも着信に時間がかかる場合があります。 ・CloudPhone Bizをインストールし起動しておくことで、電池の消費が今までよりも早くなりますのでご注意下さい。 ・他のVoIPアプリやメディアプレーヤーの動作状況や設定内容により、音声が聞こえないなどの不具合が発生する場合があります。 ・携帯通信網のパケット通信料が定額のプランでご利用ください。 ・Wi-Fi接続時、スリープ状態になるとiOSがWiFi通信を切断する時があり、着信できない場合があります。 ・本アプリの改善を目的として、本アプリから弊社のPBXへのアクセスログをサーバに保存します。その際、個人を特定する情報を取得することはありません。

Price: Free Developer: ADJUSTONE, INC.
KT biz say

KT biz say

주소록: 조직도 외 개인적으로 관리하는 개인주소록을 제공합니다. 모바일 연락처를 가져오기 할 수 있으며, 직접 등록도 가능합니다. 주소록 연락처와 전화,문자,메일 등 커뮤니케이션이 가능합니다. 피드: 그룹을 만들어 그룹원들과 보다 쉽게 자료,사진,위치 등을 공유하여 커뮤니케이션을 할 수 있습니다. 댓글과 좋아요를 통한...

Price: Free Developer: KT Corporation
Mamoru Biz

Mamoru Biz

Mamoru Biz is innovating your work style by making work exiting and smart with QR codes. ◆ Main functions · Payment function By reading the QR code, you can purchase drinks and snacks sold out in the company. · Seat...

Price: Free Developer: ISAO Corporation
Biz Week

Biz Week

Biz Week offers you a handy calendar with the capability to show you the week number given the date, or viceversa, and lets you create an event for that date in the device native calendar, directly from the app,...

Price: Free Developer: Salvatore Vivolo


Connectable is the 100% online, searchable, mobile and real-time performance management tool for Executive Associations. Connectable streamlines your communication and management. Leads Members enter leads into Connectable from their phone or their desktop. If that lead is for everyone...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Ocean Interactive
Konica Minolta Mobile Print

Konica Minolta Mobile Print

Konica Minolta Mobile Print is an app that allows you to connect your iOS device to a Konica Minolta MFP; the app integrates with the OS to enable trouble-free printing and importing scanned data. Print...

Price: Free Developer: Konica Minolta, Inc.
PageScope Mobile

PageScope Mobile

PageScope Mobile for iPhone/iPad is an application that allows you to easily connect to KONICA MINOLTA printing devices from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using Wi-Fi. It enables you to print documents and images as well as...

Price: Free Developer: Konica Minolta, Inc.
Biz Loc

Biz Loc

Locate businesses on fly. Search any business, Anytime, Anywhere using this app. Locate businesses on google map near your current location, or by city, by business name, by type of business, line of products and more… You get business contact...

Price: Free Developer: Swan Softech Private Limited

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