Top 38 Business Apps Like SAP Certified Solutions Dir. - Best Alternatives

SAP Certified Solutions Dir. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SAP Certified Solutions Dir. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Business apps that are similar to SAP Certified Solutions Dir.. Pick one from this list to be your new SAP Certified Solutions Dir. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SAP Certified Solutions Dir. on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like SAP Certified Solutions Dir. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SAP Certified Solutions Dir. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like SAP Certified Solutions Dir. 2025.

SAP Fiori Client

SAP Fiori Client

With the SAP Fiori Client mobile app for iPhone and iPad, you can increase your productivity by tackling your most common daily business tasks anywhere and anytime. This mobile app is an enhanced mobile runtime for the Web version...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP BusinessObjects Mobile

SAP BusinessObjects Mobile

Make informed decisions based on targeted, personalized information anywhere and anytime with SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPhone and iPad. Keep your mobile workforce up to date with business insights by connecting to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. Key...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP Mobile Cards

SAP Mobile Cards

SAP Mobile Cards for iPhone is a “wallet” style app that lets you mobilize enterprise data as microapps anywhere and anytime. Customizable sample cards include sales orders, products, company news, SAP Inbox, common HR data from SAP SuccessFactors solutions,...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP CoPilot

SAP CoPilot

SAP CoPilot is your digital assistant for the enterprise, enabling you to interact with your enterprise systems through natural language interaction. Business objects, quick actions, and screenshots in SAP CoPilot provide a chat environment that empowers productivity and collaboration...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP Business One

SAP Business One

With the SAP Business One mobile app for iPhone and iPad, you can access SAP Business One, SAP’s enterprise resource planning application for small businesses, anywhere, anytime. The mobile app lets managers, executives, sales reps, and service techs stay...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP Business One Service

SAP Business One Service

With the SAP Business One Service mobile app for iPhone, maintenance technicians can provide on-site services for their customers easily and efficiently. Connected to the SAP Business One application, this mobile app can help you increase productivity and boost...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP ERP Order Status

SAP ERP Order Status

With the SAP ERP Order Status mobile app for iPhone, you can benefit from quick, easy, and meaningful answers to customers asking "Where's my order?” anywhere and anytime. This app connects to SAP ERP and allows sales representatives to...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
SAP Business One Sales

SAP Business One Sales

The SAP Business One Sales mobile app for iPhone lets you effectively handle your sales activities anywhere, anytime. The mobile app connects to the SAP Business One application, giving sales people access to the most relevant business information and...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE


With the SAP CRM Sales mobile app for iPhone and iPad, you have the tools needed to increase revenue, accelerate buying decisions, and maximize productivity. The app accesses the SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) application and allows sales...

Price: Free Developer: SAP SE
Certified Languages Video

Certified Languages Video

Certified Language's app to access foreign language services in video and audio.

Certified Piedmontese Beef

Certified Piedmontese Beef

Certified Piedmontese beef is a heritage breed of gourmet beef that doesn’t rely solely on fatty marbling to achieve tenderness—now available on your iPhone. Use the Certified Piedmontese app to shop a selection of beef roasts, steaks, burgers, jerky,...

Price: Free Developer: Sandhills Global, Inc.
Certified Paralegal Exam/Test Practice

Certified Paralegal Exam/Test Practice

Paralegal Exam/Test Practice is to help you prepare the NALA® Certified Paralegal® examination anywhere, anytime right on your mobile device. With the most elegant and clean UI, we offers the best user experience in its class - you will...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:
GF & Co Certified Accountants

GF & Co Certified Accountants

This powerful new App has been developed by the team at GF & Co – Chartered Certified Accountants to give you key financial information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. Keep track of your important business miles with...

Price: Free Developer: MyFirmsApp
Certified Payroll

Certified Payroll

Elation Systems Certified Payroll is the most innovative and the first labor compliance and management app ever designed for mobile device. Build from the ground up for iPad. It gives you instant access to your Elation Systems’ certified payroll...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Elation Systems, Inc.
New Western Certified Buyer

New Western Certified Buyer

The New Western Certified Buyer App is an exclusive portal for real estate investors in the certified buyers program. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Buyer and are looking for deep discount investment properties that you can't...

Price: Free Developer: BuildFire
Colgate Certified Store

Colgate Certified Store

The Certified Stores mobile application is used by Colgate-Palmolive sales teams, representatives, and merchandisers. Users are able to create certification requests for the stores, providing compliance details like forms, pictures and additional information. The social aspect (an activity...

Price: Free Developer: Colgate-Palmolive Company
Certified Express, Inc

Certified Express, Inc

Certified Express, Inc., is a refrigerated transportation company based in Neosho, MO. CEI has been in business since April of 2003. We currently operate over 110 power units and we have a fleet of 53' refrigerated trailers, both power...

Price: Free Developer: McLeod Software
Certified Crop Adviser

Certified Crop Adviser

Certified Crop Adviser application to electronically sign-in at approved CEU courses by scanning a QR code on the paper sign-in sheet.

Price: Free Developer: Bravura Technologies LLC.
Peel Solutions

Peel Solutions

Here at Peel Solutions, we provide specialist bespoke recruitment and training solutions, predominantly for the law enforcement and health & social care industries. Our team has a vast amount of experience of working within various policing and investigative roles,...

Price: Free Developer: Peel Solutions
Zurich Risk Solutions

Zurich Risk Solutions

Zurich Risk Solutions enables companies to create site observations, eliminate paper based forms, perform toolbox talks and store all of their files in one location! Zurich Risk Solutions has over an extensive library of best practices to help companies...

Price: Free Developer: Real Time Risk Solutions, LLC
SAMS Solutions - PPE Safety

SAMS Solutions - PPE Safety

SAMS Solutions - has taken a complete innovative approach for the users and buyers to communicate with the seller to find safety equipment online via app, download product pictures, obtain technical information and to enquire about price and availability...

Price: Free Developer: shabir muniwala
Werum IT Solutions Events

Werum IT Solutions Events

Enhance your experience of Werum's community events such as the PAS-X User Group Meeting. The official Werum Events App provides access to meeting information and offers innovative ways for interaction and networking. Main features: • Live updates of event activities • Social feeds • Personalized...

Price: Free Developer: Werum IT Solutions
Loyal Solutions

Loyal Solutions

This is a app for the standard functionalities included with your Loyal Solutions program. Apps are a key driver of activity and must be included in the program. You may decide to use a standalone, as this one, or...

Price: Free Developer: Loyal Solutions A/S
SALT Solutions AG

SALT Solutions AG

Holen Sie sich alle Neuigkeiten über die Experten von SALT Solutions direkt auf Ihr Handy: o Push-Notifications zu aktuellen Inhalten – News, Pressemitteilungen, Blogbeiträge und viele mehr o Veranstaltungskalender mit Infos rund um alle Events o Alle YouTube-Videos o Alle Stellenangebote Weiterführende...

Price: Free Developer: Salt Solutions GmbH
Sunshine Quality Solutions

Sunshine Quality Solutions

Using the Sunshine Quality Solutions application: Get weather updates, stay in the loop with commodity prices, peruse equipment specials, or even browse our collection of useful farming PDF resource guides. It’s like having a precision farming consultant in the palm of...

Price: Free Developer: Sunshine Quality Solutions LLC
Sysco Solutions CFL

Sysco Solutions CFL

Download the App for Sysco Solutions CFL and suddenly purchasing top-of-the-line, quality food and restaurant products becomes that much easier and more convenient! The App provides all the information you need, available for order, right at your fingertips. Scroll...

Price: Free Developer: Total Loyalty Solutions
Aurora Solutions

Aurora Solutions

Aurora Solutions provides marketing and business solutions for small and mid-sized business. Whether retail, restaurant, lodging, tourism, civic group or even non-profit... we can connect you directly to your customers or members. Our App will give examples of...

Price: Free Developer: Aurora Solutions LLC
Local Media Solutions

Local Media Solutions

Our company was established as a need for the local Small and Medium Business (SMB) owners to have an opportunity to capture customers from their local surrounding area. We offer powerful online solutions, without the red tape, politics and...

Price: Free Developer: Local Media Solutions
J-Dir Каталог для бизнеса

J-Dir Каталог для бизнеса

J-DIR Каталог - идеальное решение, чтобы всегда оставаться на связи с клиентами! J-DIR Каталог - возможность для тех, кто предлагает своим Клиентам новое! Присоединяйтесь к программе «J-Dir» и получите постоянную связь с Вашими клиентами: • Приложение о Вашей компании на платформе iOS •...

Price: Free Developer: Alfasoft LLC
MyWayJob Steuerfachangestellte

MyWayJob Steuerfachangestellte

Dein Traumjob sucht dich! Steuerkanzleien aus ganz Deutschland suchen nach qualifizierten Mitarbeitern. Nutze deine Chance und lass dich finden! Einfach. Kostenfrei. Anonym. Du entscheidest, von welcher Steuerkanzlei du ein Angebot erhalten möchtest und wer dich kennen lernen darf. LOS GEHT´S: 1. Profil anlegen Lege dein...

Price: Free Developer: NWB Verlag GmbH Co KG
Zenjob: Nebenjobs im Studium

Zenjob: Nebenjobs im Studium

Suchst Du Studentenjobs, die in Deinen Stundenplan passen? Downloade Zenjob für die perfekte Work-Study-Life-Balance. Die Job-App für Studenten: • Werde täglich mit neuen, eintägigen Minijobs gematcht • Such Dir die Jobs aus, wo Du am liebsten arbeiten möchtest • Erhalte immer Jobangebote, die...

Price: Free Developer: Zenjob GmbH
HoReCa Hero

HoReCa Hero

HoReCa Hero hilft Dir, die wichtigsten behördlichen Vorschriften zu erfüllen: HACCP | Datenschutz DSGVO | Arbeitsschutz | Allergene | Jugendschutz. Mit HoReCa Hero hast Du viele Protokolle und Zertifikate, gemäß EU Verordnung 852/2004, immer zur Hand. In weniger als 10 Minuten...

Price: Free Developer: Gastro Check GmbH
JobCheck - Teilzeitjobs & Jobs

JobCheck - Teilzeitjobs & Jobs

Gratis Jobs finden - vollkommen kostenlos | Schnell und einfach Personal finden - bestes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis mit Zufriedenheitsgarantie. Egal in welcher Branche du zukünftig arbeiten möchtest, egal wieviel Erfahrung du mitbringst, verrate uns deine Lieblingsbranchen und wir haben einen Job für...

Price: Free Developer: JobCheck
enorm Magazin

enorm Magazin

enorm – Zukunft fängt bei Dir an enorm ist das Magazin für den gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Es will Mut machen und unter dem Claim „Zukunft fängt bei Dir an“ zeigen, mit welchen kleinen Veränderungen jeder Einzelne einen Beitrag leisten kann. Dazu...

Price: Free Developer: Social Publish Verlag 2010 GmbH


Mit der AzubiWelt entdeckst du deinen Traumberuf und findest genau die richtige Ausbildungsstelle, die zu dir passt. Die AzubiWelt bietet dir folgende Features: • Eigenes Profil mit Merkliste für Berufsfelder, Berufe, Ausbildungsstellen & Suchen. • Kontaktaufnahme mit der Berufsberatung. • Immer die neuesten...

Price: Free Developer: Bundesagentur für Arbeit
easystaff App

easystaff App

Hol dir die besten Jobs! Werde ein easystaffer und komm in unser Team! Du suchst einen Studentenjob oder Nebenjob, um dir gutes Geld für dein Studium zu verdienen? Oder du willst ein bisschen Geld für nebenbei auf die Seite...

Price: Free Developer: easystaff


Wir helfen dir unkompliziert und ohne jeglichen Papierkram Aufgaben erledigen zu lassen und Geld zu verdienen. // Unterstützung benötigt? Stelle deine Aufgaben online und bekomme Unterstützung aus deiner Stadt. Entscheide selbst wer deine Aufgabe erledigen soll. 1. Poste eine...

Price: Free Developer: M-Pulso GmbH

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