Top 30 Business Apps Like Ma Gestion by Cerfrance - Best Alternatives

Ma Gestion by Cerfrance Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ma Gestion by Cerfrance alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Business apps that are similar to Ma Gestion by Cerfrance. Pick one from this list to be your new Ma Gestion by Cerfrance app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ma Gestion by Cerfrance on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Ma Gestion by Cerfrance - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ma Gestion by Cerfrance alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Ma Gestion by Cerfrance 2025.

i-FILTER MA for MobiConnect

i-FILTER MA for MobiConnect

「i-FILTER MA for MobiConnect」は、MDMサービス「MobiConnect」の「MobiConnect i-FILTERブラウザーオプション」を利用するためのアプリケーションになります。 本アプリケーションは、Multi Agent版となりますので、ブラウザ版をご利用の場合は「i-FILTERブラウザー for MobiConnect」をご利用ください。 本アプリケーションのご利用には、「MobiConnect i-FILTERブラウザーオプション」のお申込みが別途必要となります。 本オプションをお申込みいただくことにより、iOS端末にて、ホワイト/ブラックリストやカテゴリによるURLフィルタリング機能および閲覧ログ出力機能等がご利用になれます。 本アプリケーションと「MobiConnect i-FILTERブラウザーオプション」をご利用になることで、iOS端末上でのインターネットブラウジングをよりセキュアなものにします。

Price: Free Developer: Inventit Inc.
Ace Ma Furniture

Ace Ma Furniture

Ace Ma Furniture is here to make order smooth and simple. Feature: - Notification all client to know new updates - Direct let customers know new foods coming - Merchants can direct upload product via this app - Customers can use this app...

Price: Free Developer: IT Partnership solution


BCM-MA Mobile Application is enhanced to let users view and download the continuity and recovery plans in their handheld devices, thus ensuring preparedness coupled with security measures/contingency plans to protect the organizations assets. ¬ BC Plans:...

Price: Free Developer: MetricStream
ElejaOnline MA

ElejaOnline MA

Aplicativo para eleição e Votação online de Odontologia do MA

Price: Free Developer: Adriano da Rosa Salles


Ma CCAS est l’application officielle de la Caisse Centrale d’Activités Sociales des industries électrique et gazière dédiée à ses agents. Ce sont des séjours et des activités culturelles partout en France et à tout moment et plus encore. SANS EFFORT Vacances - Affichez...

Price: Free Developer: Caisse Centrale d'Activités Sociales du Personnel des Industries Électrique et Gazière
Ma Formation - Pôle emploi

Ma Formation - Pôle emploi

Vous êtes à la recherche d’une formation ? Découvrez l'application Ma Formation de Pôle emploi accessible à tous ! RECHERCHEZ VOTRE FORMATION IDÉALE • Trouvez votre formation en sélectionnant une formation ou un métier ainsi que le lieu, • visualisez le détail...

Price: Free Developer: Pôle emploi
St. Joseph & St. Francis Catholic  - Medford, MA

St. Joseph & St. Francis Catholic - Medford, MA

The St. Joseph and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish Collaborative in Medford, MA mobile app is packed with features to help you pray, learn, and interact with the Catholic community. App Features Include: Events, Prayer Wall, Photo Submissions, Digital Rosary, Prayer Journal, Sunday Readings, Contact Information, GPS...

Price: Free Developer: Web4u Corporation


Since 1988 our distinctive brand image has been consistently developed across an expanding number of products, technical developments and consumers who became our indispensable partners. Reflecting a "Rescue Mens" perspective, we have been an innovator in aspirational life style branding...

Price: Free Developer: Salih Hanifeoglu


PETROM-MAROC est une application entièrement gratuite, complète et pratique , vous avez accès en temps réel à plusieurs fonctionnalités: • Trouvez les stations les plus proches de l'endroit où vous êtes avec les prix mis à jour du carburant...

Price: Free Developer: issam alloul
Revue Gestion HEC Montréal

Revue Gestion HEC Montréal

Gestion à pour vocation d'être la revue francophone la plus réputée pour l'ampleur et la qualité de ses incidences sur les pratiques, les enseignements, la presse d’affaires et les services-conseils en matière de gestion. Gestion s’adresse aux gens d’affaires de...

Price: Free Developer: Revue Gestion HEC Montreal
DHM gestion RH entreprise

DHM gestion RH entreprise

Digital Human Management : application web et mobile dédiée aux ressources humaines. Parce que nous savons que la gestion des ressources humaines est aujourd’hui une activité complexe et coûteuse pour une entreprise, la société Digital Human Management, vous propose de...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Human Management
Gestion Révision

Gestion Révision

Bienvenue chez Gestion Révision, votre expert-comptable 2.0 ! Parce que le monde évolue, nous vous proposons une application à portée de main pour une gestion de votre dossier en ligne 7j/7 et 24h/24. Ce confort d'utilisation vous permettra à tout moment...

Price: Free Developer: MyCompanyFiles
Capital Gestion Group

Capital Gestion Group

véritable banque d’affaires indépendante, Capital Gestion Group a été créé en 1999 à Casablanca, dans l'ambition d’accompagner le développement du marché financier marocain. Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise est devenue un groupe doté d’une expertise multi-métiers et un acteur incontournable du secteur...

Price: Free Developer: Applinum
Eazy Gestion by Mazars

Eazy Gestion by Mazars

EAZY GESTION est la première application de ce type dédiée à la gestion de vos comptes professionnels. Vous ne perdez plus de temps à faire votre suivi d’activité. Vous anticipez votre fiscalité. ...

Price: Free Developer: NETexcom Groupe Informatique
Belkey : la gestion locative

Belkey : la gestion locative

Belkey est la meilleure application de gestion locative pour les propriétaires bailleurs. Gérez vos locations vous prend du temps ? Ne perdez plus votre temps avec un fichier Excel ou un logiciel! Soyez plus efficace et organisé en utilisant une application simple...

Price: Free Developer: Belkey
HTV Gestion

HTV Gestion

HTV Gestión: Administradores de Fincas en Murcia La formalidad, profesionalidad y honradez caracteriza el nuevo modelo de gestión que le ofrecemos para la administración de su Comunidad. - Gestionamos eficazmente su comunidad - Compromiso, cercanía y confianza - Seriedad y profesionalidad - Comunicados de...

Price: Free Developer: Tumiapps
Novaterim Gestion

Novaterim Gestion

L'application Novaterim Gestion vous permet d'accéder à vos éléments personnels de collaboration avec l'agence de gestion administrative de contrats de travail temporaire Novaterim. Contrats, fiches de paye, agenda personnalisé. Retrouvez et gérez toute votre activité.

Price: Free Developer: Bastien Bavouzet
Club Excelencia en Gestión

Club Excelencia en Gestión

Asociación empresarial que, con el lema “Compartiendo y mejorando juntos”, contribuye a la transformación de las organizaciones a través de una gestión excelente, innovadora y sostenible. Representante oficial de EFQM en España. "Mejores organizaciones, hacen una sociedad mejor"

Price: Free Developer: Club Excelencia En Gestión Vía Innovación
Business Apps - by ciSUITE:

Business Apps - by ciSUITE:

If your employer has purchased a non-branded "Powered by ciSUITE:" business app service, you can use this app to access those features of your service that are available for mobile! All you need are your Powered by ciSUITE: staff credentials...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Intersection Pty Ltd
Oracle Day By Day

Oracle Day By Day

Oracle Analytics Cloud Day By Day is the first enterprise analytic app that learns what you are interested in, when and where you are interested in it, and who you like to share and collaborate with. Start your day...

Price: Free Developer: Oracle America, Inc.
Powered By Pros

Powered By Pros

Powered By Pros is a leader in the remodeling industry. We connect homeowners with licensed contractors in their area. If you need any remodeling project, find the best contractors in a few easy steps. Powered By Pros free app lets...

Price: Free Developer: Powered By Pros Inc
Bail Bonds by Renell

Bail Bonds by Renell

Bail Bonds by Renell is a privately owned company that offers speedy and convenient bonding assistance in Texas: The Conroe-Lake Conroe / Montgomery County area. WE have a strong code of ethics backed by more than 20 years of experience. Our...

Price: Free Developer: Bail Bonds By Renell
Life By The Drop

Life By The Drop

Introductory Special - 40% OFF Ditch the bulky price-per-drop spreadsheets. Take the guesswork out of pricing recipes, and simplify doing your taxes! This simple and powerful calculation tool helps Young Living business builders estimate costs for recipes, donations,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ryan Meehan
Managed by Q

Managed by Q

Managed by Q is the first tool for workplace teams. By managing your work in a single place, you and your team are able to organize projects, be more productive, and create a better office and employee experience. Respond...

Price: Free Developer: Managed By Q
By The Book Software

By The Book Software

Welcome to the official By the Book, Inc. app. This app allows you to easily: - View training videos for Roll Call church management software - Sign up for Roll Call training events - See...

Price: Free Developer: By The Book
Enova by Veolia

Enova by Veolia

Enova by Veolia mobile app is a one-stop shop for smart Energy & Facilities Management services. It provides transparent real-time data on financial and operational performance. Access your customized report breakdowns from everywhere and at any time. Raise tasks instantly, receive...

Price: Free Developer: Enova by Veolia
Flowers By Lucy

Flowers By Lucy

With Flowers by Lucy you can easily and quickly find and purchase floriculture products. From fresh flowers, wedding flowers, mothers day and valentine flowers, to beautiful bouquets and all kind of plants and sundries. Everything you need as a...

Price: Free Developer: Flowers by Lucy Co. Ltd
Go By Truck

Go By Truck

United for Independence. Go By Truck removes the middle man costs in your freight transactions and drastically improves carrier service. Locating (NOT TRACKING) for drivers who want to retain their freedom while still providing automated shipper updates. Carriers work shipper...

Price: Free Developer: Go By Truck, Inc.


CERFRANCE connect est le support qui permet d’accéder 24 heures sur 24 via internet, à l’offre de services en ligne proposée par les CERFRANCE.

Price: Free Developer: RESOTIC

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