Do you want to find the best Troll i ord - Lærerapp alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Troll i ord - Lærerapp. Pick one from this list to be your new Troll i ord - Lærerapp app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Troll i ord - Lærerapp on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Troll i ord - Lærerapp alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Troll i ord - Lærerapp 2025.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a classic Norwegian Fairy Tale. On their way to eat the juicy grass, they have to cross a bridge with a huge troll. The troll does not like anyone to cross the bridge!...
Barna kan lytte til eventyret, bla fra side til side og få estetiske og språklige erfaringer gjennom interaksjon med eventyret. Gjennom hele fortellingen kan de veksle mellom språkene til fortellestemmen. Materiellet egner seg godt for barnegrupper der flere språk...
Why the crocodile has no tounge is a Fairy Tale from Somalia. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. The fairy tale is fully narrated in each...
How the raven and the peacock got their colors is a fairytale of Vietnamese origin. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. The fairy tale is fully...
Dratewka the Shoemaker is a Polish Fairy Tale. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. The fairy tale is fully narrated in over 30 languages by professional...
In this Sami fairy tale about Stallo, the children are having fun outside in the snow. It is Christmas Eve, and all Sami children know that it is dangerous to play outside this late on Christmas Eve as they...
The Boy who went to the North Wind to Get His Flour Back is a classic Nordic Fairy Tale. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. The...
Dress up the troll in different outfits. Make him a superhero, pirate or fairy! Children can quickly generate random combinations with a single touch of the 'muddle' button. A perfect introduction to apps for very young children but also...
TaleThings brings you the very best of high-quality story book apps. Our first book is called “3 Goats and a Troll” and is now available on the App Store. It is a humorous retelling of the classic Norwegian fairy tale “3...
i-Ready® for Students is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready and Ready Classroom Mathematics. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 11 or above. iPad minis...
i-Ready® Learning Games is an engaging math game suite for Kindergarten – 4th grade i-Ready students, to be used with the i-Ready® for Students app. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 10 or above. iPad...
Have your child join Spellyfish the jellyfish on his fun underwater phonics adventure covering words containing the short /i/ sound! Spellyfish teaches your child the sounds and letter names of the alphabet along with how to blend these sounds...
La Universitat Rovira i Virgili te ofrece esta aplicación para facilitar el acceso a información de interés para la comunidad universitaria. La aplicación permite acceder a los siguientes servicios: -Acceso a información básica y localización de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. -Acceso...
i Get .. Christmas is an application providing a photo social skill story for individuals that need support in understanding the process of Christmas. Thirty pages with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of events. Each...
i Get… Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books is an application providing photo books for individuals that need support in understanding things relative to the kitchen, including cooking and making recipes. The vocabulary photo books included are; "Cooking...
i Get… Going to the Beach is an application providing a photo social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding going to the beach. Eighteen icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of...
i Get… Going to the Playground is an application providing a photo vocabulary books and social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding things at a playground. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing...
i-Lexicon รวมดิกชันนารี ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ 20 เล่ม ไว้ในมือถือ โดยทีมงานอาจารย์สอนภาษาญี่ปุ่น สอนภาษาไทยให้คนญี่ปุ่น และล่ามภาษาญี่ปุ่น ที่มีประสบการณ์กว่า 30 ปี ใช้งานในโหมด ออฟไลน์ (Offline ไม่ต้องพึ่ง Internet) ได้สำหรับเวอร์ชันที่ซื้อแล้ว ค้นหาคำศัพท์ได้ง่ายๆโดยไม่ต้องเลือกภาษา ง่ายกว่า เบากว่า เร็วกว่า คุ้มกว่ามั้ย เพียงแค่มาใช้ i-Lexicon - เรารวมคำศัพท์ ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ ที่ครบถ้วนทุกด้าน มาไว้ที่ปลายนิ้วของคุณ - อัดแน่นด้วยคำศัพท์เฉพาะทาง มากกว่า 15,000 คำ เช่น สำนักงาน, บัญชี, โรงงาน, วิศวกรรม, การแพทย์, ท่องเที่ยว, เกษตร,...
i-observe is a classroom observation iPad app that provides a series of lenses through which to observe learning and teaching. i-observe helps monitor teaching; supporting leaders analyse strengths, areas for development or the impact of professional development over time...
Nye ord-serien passer for elever som har ingen eller få forkunnskaper i norsk, med andre ord de som er "nybegynnere". Nye ord 1 - 5 er bøker som i hovedsak retter seg mot undervisning av elever som nylig har kommet...
The official app for Ord Public Schools allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....
- Seriøs lærings-app, der træner de hyppigste ord I en vilkårlig dansk tekst udgør de 360 ord, der bruges hyppigst - hele 75% af teksten. Når vi lærer at genkende disse ord som ordbilleder, bliver læsning og skrivning langt lettere....
De første grundlæggende læsetrappetrin er for første gang nogensinde med succes omdannet til et sammenhængende digitaliseret spil. Alkalær ønsker med spillet SØDE ORD 1 at skabe et trygt og sjovt lege- og lær-at-læse-univers, der stimulerer børns nysgerrighed for at...
SØDE ORD 2 er en naturlig forlængelse af SØDE ORD 1. Alkalær ønsker med spillene SØDE ORD at skabe et trygt og sjovt lege- og lær-at-læse-univers der stimulerer børns nysgerrighed til at arbejde med bogstaver og lyde. SØDE...
Med 'Læs ord' til iPad kan elever 0.-2. klasse træne deres afkodningsfærdigheder i dansk. Eksempelvis skal eleverne dele en tekstkæde i tre enkeltord. 'Læs ord' er tilknyttet Gyldendals portal, og eleverne har gratis adgang med deres UNI•Login, hvis skolen...
Er dit barn nået en alder, hvor det tid at indføre nye ord? Enhver forældre ønsker deres barn lærer nye ord, mens de vokser op. Denne app er en perfekt måde at lære dem! Mine første ord billed ordbog...
Delprovet ORD prövar din förmåga att förstå ord och begrepp. Varje uppgift inleds med ett ord eller ett uttryck. Efter varje ord presenteras fem svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som bäst motsvarar innebörden i det givna ordet...
Delprovet ORD prövar din förmåga att förstå ord och begrepp. Varje uppgift inleds med ett ord eller ett uttryck. Efter varje ord presenteras fem svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som bäst motsvarar innebörden i det givna ordet...
“Husk 500 ord” er en del af en serie af lære-spil for børn på 3-10 år. Spillene gør det sjovt at lære alfabetet, tal, ord og meget andet. I “Husk 500 ord” lærer barnet de 500 mest brugte ord i...
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