Top 20 Education Apps Like Colégio M3 São Gonçalo - Best Alternatives

Colégio M3 São Gonçalo Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Colégio M3 São Gonçalo alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Colégio M3 São Gonçalo. Pick one from this list to be your new Colégio M3 São Gonçalo app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Colégio M3 São Gonçalo on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Colégio M3 São Gonçalo - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Colégio M3 São Gonçalo alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Colégio M3 São Gonçalo 2025.

Colégio M3 Alcântara

Colégio M3 Alcântara

O colégio M3, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações oferece aos pais, responsáveis financeiros, responsáveis acadêmicos, alunos, docentes e gestores, uma plataforma móvel para interação 100% integrada à gestão acadêmica e financeira da instituição. Avisos, ocorrências escolares, declaração de pagamentos, enfim.... Todos...

Price: Free Developer: EM1 - Solucoes em Tecnologia da Informacao
Colégio M3 Niterói

Colégio M3 Niterói

O colégio M3, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações oferece aos pais, responsáveis financeiros, responsáveis acadêmicos, alunos, docentes e gestores, uma plataforma móvel para interação 100% integrada à gestão acadêmica e financeira da instituição. Avisos, ocorrências escolares, declaração de pagamentos, enfim.... Todos...

Price: Free Developer: EM1 - Solucoes em Tecnologia da Informacao
MINDS Social Skills - M3

MINDS Social Skills - M3

Social skills equip students to thrive in the classroom and in the world beyond. Social incompetence can be more debilitating and detrimental to the quality of life of students than learning difficulties. With MINDS Social Skills App, learning these...

Price: Free Developer: EON Reality Pte. Ltd.
My Meal Matrix

My Meal Matrix

My Meal Matrix (M3) is an engaging FREE app designed to motivate Ontario high school students to reflect on and improve their eating habits. Using M3, students can - Electronically record their food intake - Review their food record assessment based on Canadian...

Price: Free Developer: Dairy Farmers of Canada


AVI heeft te maken met technisch lezen. Bij technisch lezen gaat het om de techniek van het lezen: kan een kind snel en zonder fouten een tekst lezen? Kinderen die snel en (bijna) foutloos kunnen lezen, hebben een hoog...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau


AVI heeft te maken met technisch lezen. Bij technisch lezen gaat het om de techniek van het lezen: kan een kind snel en zonder fouten een tekst lezen? Kinderen die snel en (bijna) foutloos kunnen lezen, hebben een hoog...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau
Formula & Units

Formula & Units

Formula & Units is an ultimate tool for manipulating and converting scientific units. Application provides means for calculation of complex scientific expressions consisting of variables and constants possessing numeric values and sets of units. Support and info at [email protected]...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Roman Volinsky


Deze oefening is gemaakt voor leerlingen van het 1ste leerjaar, groep 3 of anderstaligen. Er zijn 40 reeksen van elk 5 zinnen, dus 200 zinnen. Elke zin heeft 4 zinsdelen die bij elkaar moeten passen en overeenstemmen bij een...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau


In dit flipflapboekje staan 3 verhaaltjes. Niveau AVI S3 / AVI M3 (oud AVI 1). Voor 90% zijn het mkm-woorden, af en toe een mkmm-woord. Klik op ‘verhaal’ om het boek te lezen. Klik op de rechter pijl om...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau
SO Animals - HD Interactive Animal Flash Cards & Sounds

SO Animals - HD Interactive Animal Flash Cards & Sounds

Learn through play, with ‘SO Animals’… The beautiful 'ad-free' animal flashcard App with HD pictures and authentic sounds. A fun and simple to use animal-kingdom based learning aid for young children. Featuring a clean and easy-to-use navigation, brightly coloured...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Davies
So Much 2 Say - Picture Communication

So Much 2 Say - Picture Communication

$7.99 sale price(from $18.99) until April 6th in honor of World Autism Day! "I highly recommend So Much 2 Say for the beginning communicator who needs a cost effective fully flexible and customizable communication system." - Dr. Robin Parker on...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Close 2 Home Apps, LLC
So Teach

So Teach

Avec So Teach, vous découvrirez une façon ludique d’approfondir vos connaissances en sûreté et en gestion de crise. Pensée en supplément des formations dispensées par Solace, cette application vous donne accès à du contenu exclusif, opérationnel et original. Télécharger...

Price: Free Developer: SOLACE (Apps)
IBPS-IT Officer Professional Knowledge SO in Hindi

IBPS-IT Officer Professional Knowledge SO in Hindi

IBPS- IT Officer Professional Knowledge(SO) in Hindi IBPS- IT officer professional knowledge (SO) in Hindi App is for IBPS S.O. and SBI S.O. Exams. This App could be very useful to crack Specialist Officer Examination. This app is based on multiple...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra
Lizzy's World It's Just So…AR

Lizzy's World It's Just So…AR

First day in a brand new school, and things feel just so…scary, and just so…hard, but by the end of the day, it’s all just so…not what Lizzy thought it would be! Join Lizzy as she navigates all the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: PlayingForward LLC
No em va fer Joan Brossa - So

No em va fer Joan Brossa - So

L'app Paisatges sonors és una aplicació que permet la creació de paisatges sonors i paisatges plàstics a partir de la instal·lació "No em va fer Joan Brossa" de cabosanroque. L'app té com a finalitat proporcionar eines a l’educador i/o usuari per...

Price: Free Developer: Julia Carboneras Girgas
So Tay Du Tong

So Tay Du Tong

- App Dự tòng,đặc biệt cho những ai học giáo lý ở hai giáo xứ Chí Hòa và Nghĩa Hòa. - Dùng cho những người đang theo học các lớp giáo lý dự tòng ở giáo xứ, gồm: * Một số...

Price: Free Developer: Ca Phan
You Know Solar Eclipse? It’s so straight! [Lite]

You Know Solar Eclipse? It’s so straight! [Lite]

Have you seen the solar eclipse? When the Moon covers Sun, it will become dark like night in day and it feels unrealistic! But it is very rare event, and it will be hard to see in real life! *** App Introduction "You...

Price: Free Developer: WICEAN Inc.
CHINESE - it's so simple! | PrologDigital

CHINESE - it's so simple! | PrologDigital

So you want to learn CHINESE? Good choice. All our CHINESE courses focus on video lessons - it's intuitive, it's easy on-the-go because everything is on-screen, no books needed (although PDF files are included if you insist...), and mainly, it's...

Price: Free Developer: Prolog LTD
FRENCH - it's so simple! | PrologDigital

FRENCH - it's so simple! | PrologDigital

So you want to learn FRENCH? Good choice. All our FRENCH courses focus on video lessons - it's intuitive, it's easy on-the-go because everything is on-screen, no books needed (although PDF files are included if you insist...), and mainly, it's...

Price: Free Developer: Prolog LTD

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