Top 20 Business Apps Like CURA QR - Best Alternatives

CURA QR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CURA QR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to CURA QR. Pick one from this list to be your new CURA QR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CURA QR on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like CURA QR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CURA QR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like CURA QR 2025.

CURA Cursisten App

CURA Cursisten App

Bij CURA zijn cursisten niet één dag, maar een heel jaar actief met veiligheid en BHV. Daarvoor maakt u gebruik van de CURA cursisten App. Hiermee heeft u overal en altijd inzicht in uw gevolgde (BHV-) trainingen en certificaten...

Price: Free Developer: Innervate Services BV


Willkommen bei Cura-Domus ambulanter Pflegedienst aus Stralsund! Die ambulante Versorgung ist häufig die Bedingung für das Verbleiben eines hilfedürftigen Menschen in seiner eigenen Wohnung und den damit verbundenen sozialen Kontakten. Das geschulte, kompetente und engagierte Personal von Cura-Domus ambulanter...

Price: Free Developer: Heise Media Service GmbH & Co. KG


Ciao bellissima, sono Alice Edun, la fondatrice e CEO di Afroricci, primo brand made in Italy per aver creato una linea specifica per capelli afro e ricci. Inoltre, Afroricci è stato il primo e-commerce Italiano ad importare prodotti Internazionali per...

Price: Free Developer: Alice Edun
Ben Pro

Ben Pro

BEN rivoluziona il tuo modo di lavorare, fornendoti tanti strumenti moderni e tecnologici per gestire il tuo tempo, i tuoi tecnici, velocizzare le pratiche amministrative e aprirti nuove opportunità per il tuo business. RAFFORZA IL CUORE DELLA TUA ATTIVITÀ - I...

Price: Free Developer: A&A srl
EvoLution parrucchieri

EvoLution parrucchieri

IL SALONE Il Salone EVOLUTION è un ambiente esclusivo e dal tratto amichevole, al cui interno scoprirete nuove soluzioni per la vostra acconciatura. Il suo è un mondo dedicato al mondo dei capelli e della bellezza: EVOLUTION è un autentico laboratorio...

Price: Free Developer: Appsme Ltd
Quickly Delivery

Quickly Delivery

"IT: Quickly International SRL è una delle società leader in Italia per i servizi di Home Delivery. La nostra organizzazione cura ogni aspetto del servizio di consegna a domicilio con professionalità e favorendo il volume d'affari dei nostri clienti....

Price: Free Developer: quickly international srl
Strategia Digitale

Strategia Digitale

Questa è l'app ufficiale del podcast Strategia Digitale, a cura di Giulio Gaudiano, con tante idee, novità e consigli per imprenditori e professionisti appassionati di Web Marketing, Editoria Digitale e Business Online. Con questa app non ti perderai neanche una...

Price: Free Developer: Spreaker
AirGas Caldaie

AirGas Caldaie

Airgas app connette le persone a Milano con Airgas il tuo Partner di fiducia nell'assistenza caldaie,scaldabagni,condizionatori. Hai delle domande e vuoi immediatamente delle risposte; Esegui ora il download dell'app e accedi immediatamente al nostro canale Impara dall'Esperto che ha ricevuto...

Price: Free Developer: Gherardo Arsa
Centro Ottico Crisanti

Centro Ottico Crisanti

Lucio Crisanti vanta una esperienza ultra ventennale, iniziata per gioco collaborando per un decennio con ottici indipendenti e multinazionali del settore, nel 2010 la passione si è trasformata in una professione, come ottico indipendente dando vita al Centro Ottico...

Price: Free Developer: Lucio Crisanti
Kaspersky QR Scanner

Kaspersky QR Scanner

The free Kaspersky QR Scanner protects you from rogue QR codes containing dangerous links that can lead you somewhere you don’t want to go and expose you to malware and phishing traps. ...

Price: Free Developer: Kaspersky Lab UK Limited
QR code scanner XE

QR code scanner XE

QR code and Barcode scanner Allows scans QR codes, barcodes on labels , web sites, coupons, business cards and documents. FEATURES • Simple UI • Fast scan • Auto-detect code type • Support QR codes & barcodes • Built-in Qr-code manager • Built-in QR-code generator •...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pavel Gl
QR Collect Application

QR Collect Application

QR Collect is an innovative time management App that allows your organisation to streamline the time and costs involved in managing employees and sub-contractors. It's fast, convenient and simple to use and will make the arduous task of collecting...

Price: Free Developer: Qr Collect IT
QLD QR Patrol New

QLD QR Patrol New

QLD QR-Patrol is an online guard tour patrol system which helps security companies worldwide manage and monitor the patrols of their guards in an innovative way. It uses the power of a smartphone which communicates in real-time with a...

Price: Free Developer: QLD QR PATROL PTY LTD
QR Code Studio Pro-QR Scanner

QR Code Studio Pro-QR Scanner

QR Studio Pro reinvents QR Code Reader and Generator. It helps you to create Colorful QR code either for business or showing love. Now you can turn image, video, voice and music into QR Code. You can also create...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yunqian Pan
My QR Contacts

My QR Contacts

My QR Contacts - The fastest and most user-friendly way to add contacts is now available in the market. My QR Contacts lets you scan and decode the QR codes which include plain-texts, contacts, telephone number, location and email addresses...

Price: Free Developer: Intelgain Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
QR Code Producer

QR Code Producer

QR Code Producer is a new fast QR code Generator in a press of a button. You can produce or generate UNLIMITED amount of unique QR Codes. QR Code Producer provides the most efficient and effective way of generating...

Price: Free Developer: Elaine Lai
QR Literacy

QR Literacy

QR Literacy can create a QR code from the text and read QR codes. Easy to use! QR-Literacy will automatically read the QR code on the camera. Just copy and paste the text, you can create a QR code easily. You can use...

Price: Free Developer: Looped Picture Company
Here's My Card QR

Here's My Card QR

Share your business card in an instant with Here’s my Card QR. Use any contact from your contact list to create a QR code to have at the ready. Share your contact information and appear directly into the recipients...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Chorus AB


<アプリ概要> 加盟店向けのQR決済レジアプリ お使いのスマートフォン端末がQR決済端末となります! <アプリの特徴> ・各種QRブランドが「ワンアプリ」を導入することで決済利用可能になります! ・CPM方式*1ではQRブランドを「自動識別」するため、お客様が提示するQRブランドを気にすることなく簡単に決済が可能です! ・ウォレット事業者ごとに異なる接続仕様を標準化しているので、売上処理や集計処理なども「統一オペレーション」で処理可能です! ・「シンプル」な操作性で会計レジ教育も簡単にできます! <こういう加盟店の方が対象です> ・QR決済の導入を検討中! ・QR決済を導入済みだが業務が煩雑で大変! ・どんどん増えてくるQRブランドに対応していきたい! <主な機能> ① 支払機能(CPM方式/MPM方式*2) ② 取消/返品機能 ③ 取引履歴照会機能 ④ レシート印刷機能 ⑤ 売上集計機能 <対応QR決済ブランド>  ※順次拡大中   ・Alipay   ・WeChatPay   ・銀聯QR   ・LINEPay   ・PayPay   ・楽天ペイ   ・d払い   ・メルペイ   ・au PAY   ・Origami Pay <利用できるレシートプリンター>  ・EPSON:TM-m30  ・Star:TSP650Ⅱ <お申込みの方法> 本アプリご利用にあたって、別途ご利用契約手続きがございます。 まずは弊社QR決済サービスサイトの「お問合せ」フォームよりお問合せ下さい。 *1. CPM方式:QRをスマホに表示して機器にかざす方式 *2. MPM方式:QRを顧客の端末で読み取る方式

Price: Free Developer: TIS Inc.

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