Top 29 Education Apps Like Atta Cave Audio - Best Alternatives

Atta Cave Audio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Atta Cave Audio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Atta Cave Audio. Pick one from this list to be your new Atta Cave Audio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Atta Cave Audio on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Atta Cave Audio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Atta Cave Audio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Atta Cave Audio 2025.



頭が良くなる脳トレパズル【ATTA!】 隠されているさまざまなものを探せ! いくつもの謎を解いて、全問正解できるかな? +++++++++++++++++++++ アプリについて +++++++++++++++++++++ 「隠されているもの」を探し出せ! ・バースデーパーティヘようこそ ・ホリデー・イン・ヨーロッパ ・あひるのバスタイム ・ウルトラハッピー・ジャパン ・きちんとキッチン …などなど!頭をフル回転させて難問に立ち向かいましょう! +++++++++++++++++++++ ルールは簡単 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1)出題内容を確認しよう  クイズみたいな出題形式です 2)あ、ATTA!  ターゲットを見つけたら、タップしましょう 3)見事、正解です!  正解すると次のステージへ進めますよ いくつもの謎を解いて、全問正解できるかな?

Price: Free Developer: MASK APP LLC
Så gör man

Så gör man

Så gör man är ett läromedel för elever som behöver förbereda sig inför och ha bildstöd i vissa aktiviteter. Det här läromedlet består av åtta bildberättelser med fem bilder i varje och en kort uppläst text till varje bild. Läromedlet...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ann Gomer
Så gör man - Hygien

Så gör man - Hygien

Så gör man - Hygien är ett läromedel för elever som behöver förbereda sig inför och ha bildstöd i vissa aktiviteter. Det här läromedlet består av åtta bildberättelser med fem bilder i varje och en kort uppläst text till varje...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ann Gomer
Så gör man - Väder & kläder

Så gör man - Väder & kläder

Så gör man är ett läromedel för elever som behöver förbereda sig inför och ha bildstöd i vissa aktiviteter. Det här läromedlet består av åtta bildberättelser med fem bilder i varje och en kort uppläst text till varje bild. Läromedlet...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ann Gomer
Babbapp SVENSK

Babbapp SVENSK

Äntligen kan du ha barnens favoritfigurer "Babblarna" i din mobil och iPad! Rolig och nyttig underhållning! Appen är gjord för att fungera för riktigt små barn. Både lärorik och skoj. I Babbapp bor åtta figurer- Babba, Bibbi, Bobbo och Dadda,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hatten Förlag AB
Form i fokus A – svensk grammatik

Form i fokus A – svensk grammatik

ÖVNINGAR I SVENSK GRAMMATIK Låt Form i fokus A lära dig grunderna i den svenska grammatiken. Du förbättrar snabbt dina kunskaper i det svenska språket med hjälp av appens varierande och utmanande övningar. Komplettera med boken Form i fokus A...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Folkuniversitetets förlag


Galdrabúðin er stærðfræðileikur sem hentar börnum sem eru farin eða að byrja að leggja saman yfir 100. Höfundur efnisins er grunnskólakennari og tekur það mið af stærðfræðikennslu í 3. bekk. Efnið var unnið með hæfniviðmið aðalnámskrár í huga. Umsagnir...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Gebo Kano ehf.
Ljuda med Boo!

Ljuda med Boo!

-- Det här är Boo! -- Boo hjälper barn att träna på de språkljud som barnet behöver bli bättre på. Han är tänkt att locka till spontan härmning och upprepning av svenska språkljud och enkla stavelser. Samtidigt stärker han den...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Bildligt talat AB


Segulljóð er skemmtilegt forrit sem virkjar sköpunargáfur notandans og kveikir áhuga á tungumálinu. Forritið er hugsað til ljóðasköpunar og leiks með tungumálið. Það hentar vel til að útbúa stutt og hnitmiðuð ljóð og örsögur en má einnig nota til að...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Gebo Kano ehf.
Cave City School District

Cave City School District

The official app for Cave City School District allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: CAVE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2-A
Colégio Cave

Colégio Cave

Alunos com a matéria na “ponta da língua” e você com as informações “na ponta dos dedos”. Agora ficou mais fácil ter acesso as principais informações do Colégio CAVE. Com esse aplicativo, você acompanha o que acontece em sua unidade e...

Price: Free Developer: c
EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate, created by Rupert Till, Reader in Music, University of Huddersfield. The Soundgate App allows you to interactively explore a number of archaeological sites as they might have looked in the ancient past. As well as seeing what they...

Price: Free Developer: Rupert Till
CAMathories Monkey King

CAMathories Monkey King

Each CAMathories™ game contains a series of teaching notes to help parents to teach their children mathematics based on the content of the games as well as real-life situation. Extensive research has shown that young children learn about mathematics best...

Price: Free Developer: CAMathories
Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun

Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun

"Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun is an outstanding way to encourage students to practice word problems." See the rest of the review at: A free version of the app allows you to practice the game play for a limited set of...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Math Galaxy
Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun - Lite

Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun - Lite

"Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun is an outstanding way to encourage students to practice word problems." See the rest of the review at: Math Galaxy Word Problems Fun provides, in a game setting that's like a cross between monopoly and maze...

Price: Free Developer: Math Galaxy
Little Ones - Learn Numbers

Little Ones - Learn Numbers

Welcome to the World of the 5 Little Sheeps. Do you want your preschooler to learn and have fun at the same time? Then let them join Andy, Wendy, Curly, Sandy, and Percy on their fun and adventures...

Price: Free Developer: Mayadem
My Virtual Armenia

My Virtual Armenia

Discover Armenian historical sites the Areni-1 Cave and Noravank Monastery from the comfort of your phone. Explore ancient Armenian sites documented through the My Armenia program, a joint partnership between USAID, the Smithsonian, and the people of Armenia. My...

Price: Free Developer: Smithsonian Institution
Something Eerie

Something Eerie

Join Ruby and her friends as they embark on six adventures in the strange town of Eerie Creek. After finding a mysterious journal, the gang set out to solve the mysteries of creatures that haunt Eerie’s waterways. Navigate through...

Price: Free Developer: Mode Games Pty Ltd
Course For Final Cut Pro X - Working With Audio

Course For Final Cut Pro X - Working With Audio

With Final Cut Pro X, video editors now have the powerful combination of audio tools and bundled plug-ins that can make your audio sound like it went to a $450/hour Post Production studio. Let Michael Wohl show you how...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Mars Hill Audio

Mars Hill Audio

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AUDIO More than 10 years before the term “podcast” was ever used, MARS HILL AUDIO launched an audio magazine. First distributed on cassette tapes, then CDs, then MP3 downloads, then streaming from a website, the MARS HILL...

Price: Free Developer: Mars Hill Audio
App Guide for Belajar Iqro dengan Audio

App Guide for Belajar Iqro dengan Audio

Overall rating of apk of Belajar Iqro dengan Audio is 4.6.Please note that these are cumulative ratings since the app was listed on google play store. Generally most of the top apps on IOS store have rating of 4+....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tuyet Nhung
Audio Eyes

Audio Eyes

The Info-Age Audio Eyes app has been designed with and for blind and partially sighted visitors. It unlocks audio descriptions of the Information Age gallery at the Science Museum in London, and describes the environment, key objects and tactile...

Price: Free Developer: Science Museum
Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes is the fastest, easiest way to record class lectures, and tag the important points. You can instantly jump to the important parts of the lesson and study in less time. Audio Class Notes lets you study anywhere...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BlackMuse Software
LearnEnglish Audio & Video

LearnEnglish Audio & Video

Listen to and watch our most popular English learning podcasts and videos in LearnEnglish Audio & Video! The app is packed with lots of cool features like landscape video mode, an audioscript and glossary. Improve your listening...

Price: Free Developer: British Council
Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book includes informative stories about famous black history people. The spoken words come directly out of this black history app on your device. No WIFI or internet connection is needed. You'll enjoy hearing these 30 specially...

Price: Free Developer: Quikthinking
English Offline Audio Topics

English Offline Audio Topics

Learning by Listening! With "English Offline Audio Topics" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "English Offline Audio Topics" include next themes and works offline: Topic...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
YouTalk Audio

YouTalk Audio

YouTalk Audio is the revolutionary app made so our YouTalk students can listen to their classes any time and anywhere. Download the app to your phone and you'll have direct access to all your classes just a click away....

Price: Free Developer: francisco monaj


The goal of this study is to develop a database for researchers to access in order to evaluate existing and create new audio forensic algorithms. Forensic algorithms can help scientists and law enforcement officials identify instances of digital forgery....

Price: Free Developer: Khalid Mahmood

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