Top 10 Productivity Apps Like TM Filemanager - Best Alternatives

TM Filemanager Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TM Filemanager alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Productivity apps that are similar to TM Filemanager. Pick one from this list to be your new TM Filemanager app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TM Filemanager on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like TM Filemanager - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TM Filemanager alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like TM Filemanager 2025.

TM WorkStamper

TM WorkStamper

iPadがタイムレコーダーになります!!! TM WorkStamper とは、シンプルな画面設計と簡単操作、持ち運び可能なiPadを使用したタイムレコーダーです。打刻データをクラウド上に送信することが可能です。 タイムレコーダーを設置できない野外の工事現場や、インフラ整備ができないビル、常駐派遣先企業の制約があるオフィスなど。さまざまな場所、さまざまな業種でご利用いただけます。 2ヶ月間無料でクラウドサービスがお試しできます。 このまま単体アプリとしても機能しますが、打刻データの収集〜修正〜管理を確認していただくには、クラウド接続が欠かせません。 無料お試しの手続きは、管理モードのクラウド設定から2ヶ月お試しボタンを押すだけで、簡単です。ぜひ無料お試しをどうぞ。 【特徴】 ・社員マスタは、クラウドからの一括置き換えで登録できます。(ユーザー登録前は端末にて直接入力可能) ・iPadの位置情報を使用して、打刻を行った場所を記録することができます。(Wi-Fiモデル不可) ・出勤/退勤/外出/戻り (出勤/退勤/事由は各1回、外出/戻りは4回まで登録できます) ・打刻データの修正(クラウド上にて。管理者パスワード必須) ・打刻データの修正はログとして残せます。 ・勤務時間は、24H/48Hの設定が行えます。 ・打刻データは、テキストとしてダウンロードできます。 本アプリケーションを使用して万一損害が生じても、当社は責任を負えませんのでご了承ください。 ※無料版の機能制限事項は、以下の3点です。 ・社員マスターは直接入力をお願いします。(人数に制限はありません) ・外部へのデータ出力機能は制限されています。(2ヶ月有効な「お試しライセンス」を登録して頂くことにより、クラウドへの送信が可能になり、データのダウンロードが可能になります。) ※OBCの「就業奉行」と連動し、打刻データをメールに添付して送信できるスタンドアロン版もあります。「TM WorkStamper for 就業奉行」で検索して下さい。

Price: Free Developer: System Approach
Construction Mobility(TM)

Construction Mobility(TM)

Construction Mobility(TM) for LEVESYS empowers construction companies and service-based organisations to maintain a direct and valuable connection to their client’s project and services works, on the go. Construction Mobility(TM) for LEVESYS reduces clerical overheads and dramatically improves your billing cycles...

Price: Free Developer: Levesys Pty Ltd


Time Attendance systems are used to Create Request and monitor when employees Leave, Attendance, start and stop work. For Employee and Manager Functionality in TM-Sheet is 1. Check-in on Mobile 2. Leave Request 3. Attendance Request 4. Approve/Reject Request

Price: Free Developer: Somchai Santithammakhun
Flow Productivity

Flow Productivity

Flow is a team collaboration tool that harnesses the power of instant communications to get work done together. Attention Flow users: For TM employees, please use your employee email and related login information. For other users, please use the login...

Price: Free Developer: Telekom Malaysia Berhad
WebProtectMe Guardian

WebProtectMe Guardian

WebProtectMe Guardian(tm) helps you keep tabs on the web browsing of your family and accountability partners. It's a companion app that works with the WebProtectMe(tm) service and Safe Browser app to help you keep the people you care about...

Price: Free Developer: DigiTar
Feedback 4 Performance

Feedback 4 Performance

FEEDBACK 4 PERFORMANCE - F4P - when asked: "Set Access Code..." - enter any letter or digit F4P Purpose: F4P helps you allocate feedback across your team wiser - your team growth will accelerate aiming at the Winning Team ethos. F4P works like...

Price: Free Developer: Rafal Milek
Masterflex Control - Bluetooth

Masterflex Control - Bluetooth

The Masterflex(TM) Control application is a Bluetooth(TM) LE application for controlling Masterflex pumps. It duplicates the function of the Masterflex control panel on the iPhone or iPad display. The Masterflex pump drive must include the advanced communications option which includes...

Price: Free Developer: Cole-Parmer Instrument Company


Analyser is a statistics/analysis tools that includes Python,R engine that let you run codes written in these languages in iOS devices directly: 1 Python modules:numpy,scipy,pandas,statsmodels,scikit-leary/image,nilearn,astroML,pymc,nipy 2 R packages:DBI,cluster,inline,mvtnorm,spam,Formula,codetools,ipred,nlme,spatial,GPArotation,coin,iterators,nnet,splines,Hmisc,colorspace,jiebaR,numDeriv,stats,KernSmooth,datasets,jiebaRD,pamr,stats4,MASS,deepnet,jsonlite,parallel,stringi,Matrix,digest,kernlab,party,stringr,NLP,e1071,knitr,partykit,strucchange,RColorBrewer,evaluate,lars,penalized,survival,RCurl,foreach,lasso2,plyr,tau,RJSONIO,foreign,lattice,praise,testthat,RSNNS,gbm,latticeExtra,prodlim,tibble,RSQLite,glmpath,lava,psych,tm,Rcpp,gof,lazyeval,quantreg,tools,SparseM,grDevices,lmtest,registry,tree,,graphics,magrittr,reshape,tseries,XML,grid,maptree,reshape2,utils,arules,gridExtra,markdown,rms,wordcloud,assertthat,gtable,maxent,rpart,wordcloud2,base,highr,methods,sandwich,xml2,base64enc,htmltools,mime,scales,xtable,boot,htmlwidgets,modeltools,selectr,yaml,caTools,httpuv,multcomp,shiny,zoo,class,httr,munsell,slam 3 Stats templates:ARIMA,Cluster,Correlation,Discriminant,Distribution,Factor,Generalized Linear/Linear/Logistic/Nonlinear Regression,One-Way ANOVA,Principal Components,t Test..., 4 Analyser use SQLite database, sas7bdat(support read/update/create...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: You Hui Yan
InCheck by SiteCompli

InCheck by SiteCompli

InCheck by SiteCompli(TM) is the better way to handle building operations, providing visibility, accountability, and consistency across your organization. With InCheck, your team has access to tools specifically built for day-to-day operations, designed to help them work smarter &...

Price: Free Developer: SiteCompli, LLC.

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