Top 20 Food & Drink Apps Like Mensa Wine - Best Alternatives

Mensa Wine Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mensa Wine alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Mensa Wine. Pick one from this list to be your new Mensa Wine app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mensa Wine on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Mensa Wine - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mensa Wine alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Mensa Wine 2025.

Mensa-Jäger: Mensa Speiseplan

Mensa-Jäger: Mensa Speiseplan

Mensa-Jäger ist die einzige App, die die Speisepläne von Mensen in ganz Deutschland bündelt. Die App liefert dir Speisepläne von 550 Mensen zuverlässig und bequem aufs Handy. So weißt du schon morgens, ob du zur Mittagszeit dein Lieblingsessen in...

Price: Free Developer: audimax MEDIEN GmbH
Mensa-Jäger: Speiseplan App

Mensa-Jäger: Speiseplan App

Mensa-Jäger ist eine App, die die Speisepläne von Mensen in ganz Deutschland bündelt. Die werbefreie App liefert dir Speisepläne von 550 Mensen zuverlässig und bequem aufs Handy. So weißt du schon morgens, ob du zur Mittagszeit dein Lieblingsessen in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: audimax MEDIEN GmbH
Mensa am Main

Mensa am Main

Mensa am Main is a simple and convenient app that displays canteen menues for universities around Frankfurt am Main and can be adjusted to the users eating preferences. All ingredients, allergens and additives that Studentenwerk Frankfurt am Main provides are...

Price: Free Developer: Rainer Killinger
Mensa Speiseplan Campus App

Mensa Speiseplan Campus App

Hol dir den Mensaplan für deine Uni und verpasse nie mehr dein Lieblingsessen. ### IMMER AKTUELL ### JEDERZEIT VERFÜGBAR ### GIB DEIN FEEDBACK ZUM ESSEN ### MIT ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN ### MIT INHALTSSTOFFEN UND ALLERGENEN Mensa Aachen ++ Mensa Berlin ++...

Price: Free Developer: novus Marketing
STWNO Mensa-App

STWNO Mensa-App

Die offizielle Mensa-App des Studentenwerks Niederbayern Oberpfalz. Mit aktuellen Speiseplänen der Mensen in Regensburg, Passau, Deggendorf, Landshut, Pfarrkirchen und Straubing: UNIVERSITÄT REGENSBURG * Mensa Uni Regensburg * Mensa Uni Regensburg Gästesaal * Cafeteria PT * Cafeteria Chemie * Cafeteria Sport OTH REGENSBURG * Mensa OTH Regensburg * Cafeteria Prüfeningerstraße UNIVERSITÄT...

Price: Free Developer: infomax
MensOS - Speiseplan für die Mensa Osnabrück

MensOS - Speiseplan für die Mensa Osnabrück

Die App für den Speiseplan der Mensen & Bistros des Studentenwerk Osnabrück inkl. Today Widget und Apple Watch App! Über 3200 Studenten können sich nicht irren, plane jetzt auch Du Dein Mittagessen im Voraus! Du hast sofort übersichtlichen Zugriff auf...

Price: Free Developer: Philip Dauwe
WU mensa

WU mensa

Jetzt ist sie da – die passende App zur neuen WU mensa! Damit erhältst du einen Überblick über unsere täglich frischen und abwechslungsreichen Menüs und kannst dich über die verschiedenen Kategorien und Preise informieren. Mit dem Bonusprogramm „Moneysaver“ sparst...

Price: Free Developer: Eurest
Mensa Darmstadt

Mensa Darmstadt

Du willst alle aktuellen Speisepläne der Mensen und Bistros in Deiner Umgebung auf einen Blick? Dann ist die Mensa App Darmstadt genau dein Ding! Doch die App kann nicht nur Speisepläne anzeigen… * Favorisiere deine Lieblingsgerichte und erhalte Benachrichtigungen, wenn sie...

Price: Free Developer: Incloud Engineering GmbH
Mensa Speiseplan Göttingen

Mensa Speiseplan Göttingen

Bei dieser App handelt es sich um die offiziellen Speiseplan-Daten für alle Mensen des Studentenwerks Göttingen. Es werden die Daten angezeigt für: - die Zentralmensa - die Nordmensa - die Mensa am Turm - die Mensa Italia - das Bistro HAWK

Price: Free Developer: Studentenwerk Göttingen


Find, compare and buy wines using the world’s #1 wine resource: The Wine-Searcher app is a genius shortcut to your favorite wines, beers and spirits – wherever you are on earth. Just scan the label and find a wealth...

Price: Free Developer: Wine-Searcher Ltd
Need Wine

Need Wine

The first BtoB marketplace dedicated to environmentally friendly wines. The organic wine market has doubled between 2012 and 2017 and is expected to double again, from 112 million bottles in 2017 to 207 million in 2022. Need Wine is a BtoB...

Price: Free Developer: Need Wine is the #1 Online Wine Store, with the largest selection of wines available for purchase in the US at prices to fit every budget. Browse, search, or scan a label to view professional ratings, reviews, and pricing. Find...

Price: Free Developer:, Inc.
Petoskey Wine Region

Petoskey Wine Region

We invite you to experience exceptional Northern Michigan Wines and share in the delightful atmosphere and scenery the "Tip of the Mitt" wine region has to offer. Visit the Petoskey Wine Region! The exposed bluffs and river gorges along...

Price: Free Developer: Petoskey Wine Region
Pocket Wine Pairing

Pocket Wine Pairing

Featured as one of the “Best New Apps” on the App Store! Food and wine pairing has never been so clear, accessible and easy to understand. This FREE app from Wine Paradigm gives you complete access to the comprehensive food...

Price: Free Developer: Wine Paradigm
Wine Picker find the best wine

Wine Picker find the best wine

Wine Picker is the answer to a simple question: How do you pick wine in a restaurant? Download the app and revolutionize the dining experience with Wine Picker, an app that suggests the best wines at any given restaurant at...

Price: Free Developer: The Wine Collection Limited
Wine Acuity

Wine Acuity

Welcome to the best and most fun way to learn about wine. Whether you are a wine professional, wine enthusiast or first-time wine taster, this app has a fun and educational game for you! Four different game levels allow...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wine Acuity LLC
Toast Wine

Toast Wine

Toast is a wine app that allows you to easily save and share wines you love. Have you ever been in a wine shop or supermarket and struggled to remember the wines you’ve had before? Toast is here to help....

Price: Free Developer: Netactive
Wine Search - A Wine Lookup Tool Powered By

Wine Search - A Wine Lookup Tool Powered By

Looking for good value wine? Wine Search tells you which merchants stock a particular wine and at what price, allowing you to compare the price on a restaurant wine list or in a shop with the retail prices...

Price: Free Developer: Marc Jay
Pocket Wine

Pocket Wine

"The Ultimate App for Wine Enthusiasts" - iPhoneLife Magazine This app will transform you from a “Grab Any Bottle” wine buyer, into an enthusiastic seeker of new experiences and delights. Pocket Wine explores wine styles and grape varieties, giving you an...

Price: Free Developer: Wine Paradigm

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