Top 28 Education Apps Like Eductify - Math Tests - Best Alternatives

Eductify - Math Tests Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Eductify - Math Tests alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Eductify - Math Tests. Pick one from this list to be your new Eductify - Math Tests app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Eductify - Math Tests on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Eductify - Math Tests - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Eductify - Math Tests alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Eductify - Math Tests 2025.

Deutsche Rechtschreibung

Deutsche Rechtschreibung

Verbessern Sie Ihre Rechtschreibung mit Übungen zu verschiedenen Bereichen: -Ähnlich klingende Buchstaben und Wörter: b oder p, d oder t, g oder k, dass oder das, wider oder wieder, seit oder seid,man oder Mann -Lange und kurze Selbstlaute: Dehnung und...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Ortografía Española

Ortografía Española

Fantástica aplicación gratuita para practicar y mejorar tu nivel de español, tanto para niños como para adultos. Practique las reglas de ortografía a través de diferentes y muy completas actividades que abarcan desde los aspectos más simples hasta los...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Slovenská gramatika

Slovenská gramatika

Táto aplikácia je tu pre všetkých, ktorí si potrebujú zopakovať alebo precvičiť slovenský pravopis. Obsahuje nielen teóriu, ale aj testy s viac než 5000 otázkami. Odpovede a vysvetlenie sa objavujú okamžite bez čakania. Vhodné pre žiakov základných i stredných škôl...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and Grammar

English Spelling and Grammar will help you learn to spell well in an entertaining way by playing multiple-choice tests and quizzes. It covers complete spelling and grammar including spelling rules, tricky words, irregular spelling, and commonly misspelled words. You can practice your English...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Chemie názvosloví a testy

Chemie názvosloví a testy

V aplikaci najdete teorii a především testy na prvky Periodicke soustavy prvků, vzorce a názvy oxidů, sulfidů, ditridů, halogenidů, hydroxidů a bezkyslíkatých a kyslíkatých kyselin. Aplikace zaznamenává statistiky a podrobné výsledky testů včetně času a správné odpovědi ke každé otázce. Obsahuje: -...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Fyzika Testy

Fyzika Testy

Aplikace obsahuje rozsáhlé testy a cvičení z fyziky pro děti, studenty i dospělé. Vhodné pro: • základní škola 6. až 9. třída • střední škola a gymnázium: maturitní ročník, maturita • prijímačky Můžete si vybrat z velkého množství testů, přehledně seřazených do několika okruhů....

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Polska ortografia

Polska ortografia

Aplikacja Polska ortografia jest przeznaczona dla wszystkich, którzy chcą poćwiczyć zasady polskiej ortografii. Nadaje się nie tylko dla uczniów szkół podstawowych czy średnich, ale także dla dorosłych, którzy chcą powtórzyć te wiadomości, których już nie pamiętają. Będziecie mogli wybierać...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

*Awards* ► Selected by Educational App Store – UK's Home of Educational Apps ► Certified by Teachers With Apps *Here's what experts say* "This is a fun practice tool for kids who have already learned the relevant skills through their school work." ►...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Visual Math Interactive Sdn. Bhd.
Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication & division number facts. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction and Math Slide: Multiplication & Division. Players learn the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: Place Value

Math Slide: Place Value

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understanding place value of numbers up to 1,000. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: tens & ones and Math Slide: Hundreds, tens & ones. Players learn by...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: add & subtract

Math Slide: add & subtract

Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall addition and subtraction number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: hundred, ten, one

Math Slide: hundred, ten, one

Math Slide: hundreds, tens & ones is a multiplayer game helping children understand hundreds, tens and ones; numbers up to a thousand. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: multiply & divide

Math Slide: multiply & divide

Math Slide: Multiplication & Division Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall multiplication and division number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: tens & ones

Math Slide: tens & ones

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understand tens and ones; numbers up to 100. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who slides their tiles...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Visual Math Word Problems

Visual Math Word Problems

Sales! 50% off for a limited time! ----------------Reviews------------- 4/5 Stars: "This is a strong app geared towards teaching basic addition and subtraction word problems. It has many supportive and interactive features that encourage children to think through the problems, and allows...

Price: Free Developer: Visual Math Interactive Sdn. Bhd.
Math Games for 5th Grade Kids

Math Games for 5th Grade Kids

We make math fun & engaging. Over 30 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math. Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts...

Price: Free Developer: StudyPad, Inc.
Bubbletime First Grade Math

Bubbletime First Grade Math

“Fun and interactive with my little one. Gives him the option to explore his own answers and the layout and graphics are great!” -- iPhone User -- "...students who have problems in 'later elementary school and beyond are often missing vital...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Quackenworth
Numerical Reasoning Tests

Numerical Reasoning Tests

Perform better at the numerical reasoning tests employers use as part of their assessment process. This app contains 10 timed tests which simulate the real tests, published by SHL, Kenexa, CAPP and Cubiks, among others. The tests assess a range of...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: WikiJob
Selective School Tests - Math

Selective School Tests - Math

“Year 6 Selective School and Scholarship - style Math Tests” is designed for Year 5-6 students to prepare for the Selective High School Placement Test for entry to Year 7. The app is also useful to prepare for the Scholarship...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Vinta Games
Verbal Reasoning Tests

Verbal Reasoning Tests

Perform better at the verbal reasoning tests employers use as part of their assessment process. This app contains 8 timed tests which simulate the real tests, published by SHL, Kenexa, CAPP and Cubiks, among others. The tests assess a range of...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: WikiJob
6 SAT Practice Tests (Math)

6 SAT Practice Tests (Math)

This application provides 6 SAT practice tests with 25 questions in each test. It take your preparation to next level by providing effective tools to monitor performance, review questions you answered wrong or group question/quizzes to revisit later. Each question...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: honeHead
Tests de Logique QCM Quiz Jeux

Tests de Logique QCM Quiz Jeux

L’application GRATUITE pour améliorer tes aptitudes psychotechniques et réussir les TESTS DE LOGIQUE des Concours d’entrée en Ecole de Commerce et en Master. Révise avec des QCM, des Quiz et des Cours. Disponible HORS-CONNEXION ! TESTS DE LOGIQUE de Nomad...

Price: Free Developer: Nomad Education
Learners Tests

Learners Tests

Learners Tests is a driving theory practice app for Learners Licence Test questions to get a driving licence in India. People are using Learners Tests to increase their chance of passing the learner test on the very first try....

Price: Free Developer: Shebin Leo Vincent
Construction Mock Tests

Construction Mock Tests

Introducing our brand new Construction Mock Tests, Revision and Preparation app. We have designed our app to give you the best possible chance of passing the CSCS Test (CITB Health, Safety & Environment Test) in order to be eligible for...

Price: Free Developer: Joch Innovations Ltd
(ISC)² Official CISSP Tests

(ISC)² Official CISSP Tests

The (ISC)² CISSP Official Practice Tests app is a major resource for CISSP candidates, providing 1300+ unique practice questions. The app includes four unique 125-question practice tests, a custom test builder and quick tests for when you have only...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: learnZapp
English Grammar Tests (9246)

English Grammar Tests (9246)

PART A: 14 Elementary tests, 14 Pre-Intermediate tests, 8 Intermediate tests. Each test is specified on different grammar topics. (1976 questions) PART B: 14 tests including Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper intermediate level grammar tests. Every test is focused on...

Price: Free Developer: Le Bin
English Tests: Improve your score in the TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge tests.

English Tests: Improve your score in the TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge tests.

The English Tests application by digischool is the ideal solution to make sure you get top marks in the TOEIC, TOEFL-PBT, IELTS and Cambridge tests. Updates: At the start of the application, we offer a 50 questions test, in order...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool

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