Top 20 Education Apps Like Skola Go - Best Alternatives

Skola Go Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Skola Go alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Skola Go. Pick one from this list to be your new Skola Go app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Skola Go on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Skola Go - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Skola Go alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Skola Go 2025.

IST Home Skola

IST Home Skola

Varje litet moment som förenklar livspusslet räknas, och vi tror på en enklare vardag för föräldrar genom digitala lösningar. IST Home Skola underlättar närvarohanteringen och innebär mindre pappersarbete för föräldrar och personal. Det i sin tur innebär mer tid för...

Price: Free Developer: IST Group AB
Skola México

Skola México

Skola es la plataforma móvil escolar para Kinders y Guarderías más avanzada de México. Nos hemos enfocado en crear una herramienta para facilitar la administración de tu escuela. Skola es una plataforma rápida, segura y sencilla. Conecta a papás con...

Price: Free Developer: Salvador Rodriguez Davila
SAFI Skola

SAFI Skola

+ är en app för smartphones och webb som gör det möjligt för skola och lärare att skicka budskap på svenska till elevernas föräldrar. Föräldrarna tar emot budskapet översatt till sitt eget modersmål. Föräldern svarar på sitt eget språk...

Price: Free Developer: Soft Solutions Partner Sweden AB


DOBRÁ ŠKOLA je mesačník o škole, výchove a vzdelávaní. Je určený najmä učiteľom základných a stredných škôl, čítajú ho však aj rodičia a študenti, ktorých zaujíma problematika vzdelávania. Snažíme sa spoločne diskutovať o problémoch nášho školstva a hľadať odpovede...

Price: Free Developer: EXAM testing, spol. s r. o.
Romani Islamsko Škola

Romani Islamsko Škola

Romani aplikacija basi i Romani Islamsko Skola

Price: Free Developer: Elvis Hajdar
Skola 24 MobilApp

Skola 24 MobilApp

Skola24 MobilApp shows timetable, news articles and teachers' planning. Parents and students are able to register absence and teachers can report absence. The app is available for schools that use Skola24, has activated access via mobile app and has...

Price: Free Developer: Nova Software AB
World Skills Croatia

World Skills Croatia

Od 27. – 28. ožujka 2019. godine na Zagrebačkom velesajmu Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanja odraslih organizira Državno natjecanje učenika strukovnih škola - WorldSkills Croatia 2019., najveće strukovno natjecanje u ovom dijelu Europe. Više od 450 najboljih učenika...

Price: Free Developer: Dedal komunikacije d.o.o.
ABC English school

ABC English school

Profesionální jazyková škola ABC ENGLISH nabízí vysoce kvalitní výuku jazyků, překlady a tlumočení, jazykové kurzy pro veřejnost nebo pro firmy. Spolupracujeme s Cambridge ESOL, British Council a Oxford University Press. Jsme jediná mimopražská oficiální partnerská jazyková škola British Council....

Price: Free Developer: PEPIAPP s.r.o.
Fyzika Testy

Fyzika Testy

Aplikace obsahuje rozsáhlé testy a cvičení z fyziky pro děti, studenty i dospělé. Vhodné pro: • základní škola 6. až 9. třída • střední škola a gymnázium: maturitní ročník, maturita • prijímačky Můžete si vybrat z velkého množství testů, přehledně seřazených do několika okruhů....

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Gakken Go Go - Educational Interactive Workbook for FREE -

Gakken Go Go - Educational Interactive Workbook for FREE -

◆“Go Go Series, “ workbooks for young children, is getting its own app! ◆The series allows three stages of play, "2 to 4 year olds," "3 to 5 year olds," and "4 to 6 year olds. ◆It's filled with tons...

Price: Free Developer: Gransky Studios, Inc.
Go for it! – Hueber

Go for it! – Hueber

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios, Lieder und Videos von Go for it! zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Kurs- und Arbeitsbüchern. Die Go for it!...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
FOCUS On the Go!

FOCUS On the Go!

Buddy Bear has a lot on his mind, and he needs your family’s help to talk about his feelings. Play alongside Buddy to practice understanding and sharing your feelings and to collect tools for calming down in challenging...

Price: Free Developer: University of California, Los Angeles
Duckie Deck Gotta Go

Duckie Deck Gotta Go

** Potty training in a whole new way! ** "Duckie Deck Gotta Go is a great way of reinforcing the steps being taught in toilet training and it provides good opportunities for discussion" - Sarah DeBellis, Special Education Teacher Without further...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Duckie Deck Development
Go Japanese: Speaking in 20h

Go Japanese: Speaking in 20h

Go Japanese: Speaking in 20 hours - Listen it, Speaks it, Get it. One in the series of Go Japanese, for newly starting Japanese learners, or travelers who are going to go to Japan for holiday, meeting, … Put this...

Price: Free Developer: CONG DUC TRAN


Stay connected with SMC Go, the official app of Santa Monica College. Quickly access crucial campus resources while you are on the go. SMC Go Features: • Academics • Admissions & Enrollment • Ask SMC • Athletics • Campus Tour • Class Schedules • College maps • Corsair Connect • Dining Options • Emergency Information • Employee Directory • Events • Indoor Maps • Library • Social Media • Student Life • Student...

Price: Free Developer: Santa Monica Community College District
Street Go!

Street Go!

Welcome to the most practical theory lesson in the world! Be one of the first people to experience virtual reality in your driving school! With Street Go! you don't have to imagine the different traffic situations anymore. With the VR glasses...

Price: Free Developer: White Chameleon Solutions S.L. to go to go

In " to go" findest du unter anderem ... ● 1.000+ Artikel zu Studium, Universität & Studentenleben Wir stellen dir zahlreiche Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge vor, beraten dich aber auch zum MBA, LL.M. oder zur Promotion bzw. Doktorarbeit. In unserer Rubrik Studienwissen...

Price: Free Developer: GmbH & Co KG
Go Home, Dragon! & Activities

Go Home, Dragon! & Activities

Go Home, Dragon! An Animated Story for Beginning Readers with Learning Activities Children will love this delightful story about Dragon's adventures. The text of the story has simple words and lots of repetition, making it perfect for beginning readers. Colorful...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems


Go-Arc - Transform safety to become everyone #1 The only enterprise solution that connects best practice, organizational know-how, and location to improve safety performance and uses predictive analytics to alert and prevent work accident. ▪ Saving life ▪ Saving money ▪ Empowering...

Price: Free Developer: Go-Arc LTD.

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