Top 18 Entertainment Apps Like PUBG Replays - Best Alternatives

PUBG Replays Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PUBG Replays alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Entertainment apps that are similar to PUBG Replays. Pick one from this list to be your new PUBG Replays app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PUBG Replays on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like PUBG Replays - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PUBG Replays alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like PUBG Replays 2025.

Guide for PUBG: Mobile/PC/PS4

Guide for PUBG: Mobile/PC/PS4

‣ New Weapons&stats are updated instantly when the new patch comes --------------------------------------------------- - Do you know why you are better with some weapons and worst with others? - Why are the pro gamers so good with all weapons and maps? √ Because they...

Price: Free Developer: Emre Sancaktaroglu
PUBG Battleground Wallpapers

PUBG Battleground Wallpapers

Drop in and check out all the latest PUBG Battlegrounds wallpapers today! The PUBG Wallpapers app offers a massive collection of HD backgrounds. The PUBG Wallpapers app compiles a massive collection of free stunning backgrounds from the last man standing...

Price: Free Developer: YASSIR EL-CHERKAOUI
AR Match Replays for PUBG

AR Match Replays for PUBG

Get map replays in AR for recent PUBG matches Have an idea for a new feature? Let me know! :) AR Match Replays for PUBG is a third-party application. This application is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or...

Price: Free Developer: Giang Long Tran
Drop Roulette for PUBG

Drop Roulette for PUBG

“Where we droppin' boys?” How many times have you heard those words over the deafening sound of that AC130? Too many? Us too. With Drop Roulette you’ll never have to use those precious brain cells to argue with your mates about...

Price: Free Developer: Elixsr Ltd
BattleStats for PUBG matches

BattleStats for PUBG matches

1. Enter your player name and region in the settings 2. Check out your match stats 3. Dive into the detailed match log PC, Xbox One and PS4 versions of PUBG only, stats are available after the end of a match. Tap any...

Price: Free Developer: Yvz Digital Lab
EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

国内最大級のFPS/TPSニュースサイトEAA!! 400万人のFPS/TPSユーザーが使うニュース!! 国内外のシューティングゲームの旬な記事が満載!! 毎日更新で新鮮なニュースをあなたにお届け!! ■ EAA!! ニュースアプリの特徴 ・国内外のFPS/TPSニュースを毎日配信 ・ゲーム内イベント情報もカバー ・国内外の大会やイベントの様子をお届け ・デベロッパーやプロ選手の独自インタビューも ・その他、ゲーミングデバイスやeスポーツ(eSports)、海外のおもしろニュース、YouTube動画なども扱っています ■ 動画ニュースも配信 ・映像で分かりやすく解説 ・今後は楽しい実況プレイなども充実させていく予定です ■ アプリ版の特徴 ・プッシュ通知でニュースを素早くお届け。 ・アプリのホーム画面に「お気に入りのキーワード」を追加可能!好みのニュースだけを素早く入手できます。 ・ニュースもYouTube動画もコレ一本で見ることができます。 ■主な取り扱いFPS/TPSタイトル ・Call of Duty(コールオブデューティー) ・Battlefield(バトルフィールド) ・Overwatch(オーバーウォッチ) ・Titanfall(タイタンフォール) ・Destiny(デスティニー) ・Fortnite Battle Royale(フォートナイト バトルロイヤル) ・フォールアウト ・Far Cry(ファークライ) ・スプラトゥーン ・METAL GEAR(メタルギア) ・Borderlands(ボーダーランズ) ・Battleborn(バトルボーン) ・CS:GO ・PUBG ・Rainbow Six(レインボーシックス) ・モダンコンバット Versus ・荒野行動 ・and more Web: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: ※FPS/TPSとは、主に銃や戦闘機、戦車などで戦う一人称視点/三人称視点のシューティングゲームです。 ※記載されている会社名・製品名・システム名などは、各社の商標、または登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: JILCH


PUBG Map - is the Ultimate PLAYERUNKNOWN's BATTLEGROUNDS interactive map with gun, loot, car and boat spawns. Hide any type of objects to focus on the rest of them. Your individual preferences are automatically saved. This map in unofficial. PLAYERUNKNOWN's...

Price: Free Developer: Arman Davtyan
Unofficial Guide to PUBG

Unofficial Guide to PUBG

An application for anyone demanding hardcore gamer! All in a simple and lightweight application! Features : - The Best Strategies to Stay Alive - The battle gears recommended for you! - Basic Guides to Not Be Killed - Advanced Guides - Tips on the huge map -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Giovanni Altrui
E-Legends Arena

E-Legends Arena

E-Legends Arena Uygulamasını İndir, Sende Arenadaki Efsanelere Katıl. Bu uygulama ile üyelerimize özel düzenlenecek “ödüllü turnuvalar (online/offline), etkinlikler, buluşmalar, eğitimler & kamplar, festivaller ve konserleri” önceden haberdar edileceksin. Bu eşsiz deneyimi dilediğin yerden izleyebilecek, kendini hazır hissettiğinde uygulama ile sende...

Price: Free Developer: Espor Arena Oyun ve Eglence Anonim Sirketi
NotShot - Instant esport replays

NotShot - Instant esport replays

Experience the best gaming moments from Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Dota2 and others. For gamers by gamers.

Price: Free Developer: Peter Gammelgaard


Forget all of those iPhone IQ tests - SpeedCardz is the way to REALLY put your skills to the test! Think you can do simple math faster than anyone else? Well, now SpeedCardz gives you a way...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:


NYRA Now is the official video streaming application of The New York Racing Association, featuring Thoroughbred horse racing from NYRA Tracks, including Aqueduct Racetrack, Belmont Park, and Saratoga Race Course, and over 200 additional tracks from around the nation. NYRA...

Price: Free Developer: The New York Racing Association Inc
SC2 Loopback Free - Professional Starcraft 2 Matches Daily

SC2 Loopback Free - Professional Starcraft 2 Matches Daily

Quickly find and watch the latest replays and casts from the best Starcraft 2 casters and channels. Never miss the latest games and news, Watch them on your mobile device all in one place using the easy to use...

Price: Free Developer: Chironex Software
Antenne Réunion Télévision

Antenne Réunion Télévision

L’application Antenne Réunion, c’est tous les replays de vos programmes directement sur votre mobile. Accessibles facilement, retrouvez les épisodes inédits de vos émissions et séries comme Runstar, Kanal la blague, Faites chauffer la marmite, Laali, Super Chef. Antenne Réunion...

Price: Free Developer: Antenne Réunion
Omaha Reggae Vibes

Omaha Reggae Vibes

Reggae/Dancehall/Lovers Rock Plus more music on the fingertip 24/7- 365 days of the year. Omaha Raggae Vibes is an online radio station. You can listen to music with no commercial interruption, and Sunday Reggae Vibes with...

Price: Free Developer: Igor Dovbenko


THE ULTIMATE REMOTE CONTROL Customize the Sacramento Kings + Golden 1 Center App based upon your preferences. Love the Kings? Score up-to-date stats, scores and news. Love entertainment? Get the latest on shows, events and concerts. Love ‘em both?...

Price: Free Developer: Sacramento Kings Limited Partnership LP


Take WWE with you wherever you go with the official WWE App. In addition to showcasing the latest WWE videos, news and photos, the WWE App is your portal to WWE Network, where you can stream: • Every live WWE...

Price: Free Developer: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

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