Top 17 Games Apps Like Sigma Qs - Best Alternatives

Sigma Qs Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sigma Qs alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Games apps that are similar to Sigma Qs. Pick one from this list to be your new Sigma Qs app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sigma Qs on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Games Like Sigma Qs - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sigma Qs alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar games like Sigma Qs 2025.

Bulu Monster

Bulu Monster

Bulu Monster - a monster collecting game in iOS Monsters are the main theme of the exciting new app from Sigma Game. Bulu Monster allows the user to become a monster trainer on Bulu Island. Sigma Game believes this app...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
Bingo Jungle!

Bingo Jungle!

With the experience of the critically acclaimed Dungeons and Coins, American Ball and Fish Galaxy, Sigma Games would like to present to you our fourth medal game, Bingo Jungle! Bingo Jungle is a fun game which combines funny elements of...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
American Ball

American Ball

---American Ball--- With the success of Dungeons and Coin, Sigma Game brings American Ball on to your iPhone! We put this true American classic into your pocket! The ticket-prize system allows you to buy prizes (3D furniture) and decorate your...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
Fish Galaxy

Fish Galaxy

"Fish Galaxy" ==Introduction== Fish Galaxy is a new kind of game which combines the casual shooting and medal game together. Sigma Game would like to bring this new additive gaming experience to casual gamer. No matter what kind of fish, being...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
Alien Shooter TD

Alien Shooter TD

Be careful when downloading the game: you run the risk of escaping the real world for a long time to get completely absorbed in saving the Earth from the imminent threat! We are happy to present our innovative game...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Team
Christmas and Coin

Christmas and Coin

Merry Christmas! Christmas and Coin is Dungeons and Coin with Christmas outlook! Press Quotes "Dungeons and Coin: An odd conglomeration of a coin push machine and light RPG elements. You battle monsters by pushing coins of the edge, and unlike the...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
Dungeons and Coin

Dungeons and Coin

#1 Puzzle Game in Japan #1 Free App in Hong Kong, Macau Press Quotes "Dungeons and Coin: An odd conglomeration of a coin push machine and light RPG elements. You battle monsters by pushing coins of the edge, and unlike the...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Game Limited
Alien Shooter - Lost City

Alien Shooter - Lost City

Don't miss new part of the legendary game familiar to millions of users from all over the world from the childhood! The war to save the Earth is on a full scale, severe fights are all over the planet surface. Scientists...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Team
Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend

Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend

The second installment of the legendary Alien Shooter is now available on your iPhone and iPad for free! Try and you will be pulled into the heat of explosive action, along with millions of players all around the world! This...

Price: Free Developer: Sigma Team
Party Qs - Questions App

Party Qs - Questions App

What people are saying about Party Qs: "Hi. Love this app. It's been wonderful for having fun and deep conversations with my friends and family." "Simple. well designed. fast and effective." "Great way to build conversations when hanging out with friends!" "love the...

Price: Free Developer: Party Qs, Inc.
SassyFacts super fun social trivia game

SassyFacts super fun social trivia game

SassyFacts combines fascinating trivia, engaging gameplay, and a liberal dose of the ridiculous, to create a rip snorting fact-fest sure to satisfy even the most jaded trivia buff. Unlike most other trivia apps, which are straight down the line yawn-fests,...

Price: Free Developer: Jamie McCormack
Blackjack Card Counting Practice

Blackjack Card Counting Practice

Card counting sounds very sophisticated to the general public; however there are some simple ways that can be practiced by normal individuals like you and me. The goal of card counting is to predict whether the players or the...

Price: Free Developer: KBIC International Ltd


Azərbaycan Respublikası Rabitə və Yüksək Texnologiyalar Nazirliyinin tabeliyində İnformasiya Texnologiyalarının İnkişafı Dövlət Fondunun 5-ci qrant müsabiqəsi çərçivəsində “İlmə” layihəsinin icra edilməsi. “İlmənin macəraları” layihəsi “İRS” silsiləsindən hazırlanmış və geniş ictimaiyyətə təqdim olunmuşdur. Bu layihənin hazırlanması “İRS” fənni üçün 1 sinif...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Novum MMC


◆◇A challenge from game designers to all of humanity◇◆ Are you capable of getting a ball out of a cup? If you are confident that you can, we challenge you. It may sound simple, but the truth couldn't be further. ◆◇How...

Price: Free Developer: liica,Inc.
Mərkəzi Bank

Mərkəzi Bank

QAYDALAR Oyun ərzində oyunçu Mərkəzi Bankın sədrinin səlahiyyətlərini yerinə yetirir. Qanunvericiliyə əsasən Mərkəzi Bankın sədri 5 il müddətinə təyin olunur. Bu 5 il oyunda 20 addımla təsvir olunur. Hər bir addım bir kvartal – 3 aydan ibarətdir. Oyunda 3 göstəricidən istifadə...

Price: Free Developer: GT Solutions MMC
Atalar sözləri oyunu

Atalar sözləri oyunu

Atalar sözləri oyunu mədəniyyətimizin ayrılmaz bir parçası olan atalar sözlərini öyrənmək üçün söz oyunudur. Atalar sözləri söz oyunu atalar sözlərinin daha əyləncəli halda istifadəsini artırmaq məqsədi ilə hazırlanıb. Atalar sözləri söz tapmaq oyununda çoxlu atalar sözləri bazamızdan hər dəfə ixtiyari...

Price: Free Developer:

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