Top 32 Education Apps Like ICT AAC Koliko je sati - Best Alternatives

ICT AAC Koliko je sati Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ICT AAC Koliko je sati alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Education apps that are similar to ICT AAC Koliko je sati. Pick one from this list to be your new ICT AAC Koliko je sati app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ICT AAC Koliko je sati on your iOS devices.

Top 32 Apps Like ICT AAC Koliko je sati - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ICT AAC Koliko je sati alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like ICT AAC Koliko je sati 2025.

ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

„Jezična gradilica“ je jedina od ICT-AAC aplikacija koja je namijenjena poticanju morfološkog razvoja djece predškolske dobi. Primjerena je za djecu s urednim jezičnim sposobnostima, te svakako za djecu s teškoćama u jezičnom razvoju. Aplikacija omogućava korisnicima da im se...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Pisalica

ICT AAC Pisalica

Aplikacija ICT-AAC Pisalica olakšava učenje pravilnog pisanja velikih tiskanih slova (grafema) koje nije dovoljno zastupljeno u dostupnim aplikacijama. Poznato je da je poznavanje i imenovanje slova, uz fonološku svjesnost, jedan je od najznačajnijih pretkazatelja spremnosti za poduku čitanja. Osim...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
Basic Computer ICT@IITKANPUR

Basic Computer ICT@IITKANPUR

About ICT Academy Electronics & ICT Academy (E & ICT Academy) at IIT Kanpur was established in 2016 in partnership with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. It is mandated to provide industry focused...

Price: Free Developer: Rahul Garg
Basic Electronics ICT@IITK

Basic Electronics ICT@IITK

About ICT Academy Electronics & ICT Academy (E & ICT Academy) at IIT Kanpur was established in 2016 in partnership with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. It is mandated to provide industry focused and...

Price: Free Developer: Rahul Garg


About ICT Academy Electronics & ICT Academy (E & ICT Academy) at IIT Kanpur was established in 2016 in partnership with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. It is mandated to provide industry focused and...

Price: Free Developer: Rahul Garg
ICT-AAC Mala glaskalica

ICT-AAC Mala glaskalica

Aplikacija ICT-AAC Mala glaskalica pomaže pri savladavanju fonološke svjesnosti koja predstavlja jednu od osnovnih predvještina čitanja. U tom smislu uključuje prepoznavanje prvog, zadnjeg ili svih glasova riječi. Kako bi se omogućilo postepeno učenje, aplikacija zadatke razlikuje prema složenosti riječi....

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
Fontys ICT - FHICT Mobile

Fontys ICT - FHICT Mobile

Fontys ICT - FHICT Mobile is the app for students of Fontys University of Applied Sciences ICT. In the app you will find your personal schedule but also the schedule of teachers and classes. You can also see if...

Price: Free Developer: Smartersoft
ICT AAC Komunikator+

ICT AAC Komunikator+

Aplikacija ICT-AAC Komunikator+ omogućuje slaganje fraza i rečenica pomoću simbola koji mogu biti fotografi je snimljene integriranom kamerom uređaja, slike iz galerije uređaja ili simboli iz tri nekomercijalne galerije (ARAASAC, Mulberry i Sclera). Pomoću intuitivnog korisničkog sučelja korisnik pronađe...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT-AAC eGalerija Senior

ICT-AAC eGalerija Senior

Ovo je prva aplikacija namijenjena osobama odrasle dobi razvijena u okviru projekta ICT-AAC. Individualne potrebe korisnika te razina komunikacijskog i jezično-govornog razvoja pojedinca odredit će način i svrhu korištenja aplikacije. Prvenstveno je osmišljena za ostvarivanje komunikacijskih potreba koje nastaju...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
AAC - Speech Abilities

AAC - Speech Abilities

An augmentative and alternative communication tool that can be used by individuals with varying communication challenges. Those with pre-verbal, cannot speak, unclear speech, or needing supplement communication tools, can benefit from the AAC - Speech Abilities app. Its features...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Joel Abney
AAC Speak

AAC Speak

Description AAC Speak is an easy to use and very flexible Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app. The app enables someone who is non-verbal to communicate by pressing buttons containing icons, words or letters. The app is free to download...

Price: Free Developer: Liberator Ltd


“aacorn AAC is a revolution in the way we provide assistive speech support to children.. The first to really capitalize on the strengths of the iPad" - Professor Sue Fletcher-Watson (University of Edinburgh). The challenge of finding an assistive...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: aacorn
Avaz AAC - Lifetime Edition

Avaz AAC - Lifetime Edition

Avaz AAC is an augmentative and alternative communication app that empowers children & adults having speech-related difficulties with a voice of their own. A fully-featured speech app that also includes a training module for new AAC users & caregivers. The...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Avaz, Inc.
Avaz Lite - AAC App for Autism

Avaz Lite - AAC App for Autism

Avaz Lite is an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) app that provides a voice for children with Autism and other complex communication needs. Avaz is a full-featured AAC app PLUS a training layer for caregivers. PRAISE FOR AVAZ “Avaz is...

Price: Free Developer: Avaz, Inc.
AAC Parlare

AAC Parlare

AAC Parlare è un’applicazione per la Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa (AAC) facile da usare e molto flessibile. L'applicazione consente alle persone con difficoltà comunicative di comunicare premendo i tasti che contengono icone, parole o lettere. L'applicazione è scaricabile gratuitamente e contiene...

Price: Free Developer: Liberator Ltd
Avatalker AAC

Avatalker AAC

Introducing Avatalker® AAC: You've never seen anything like this! 

Avatalker® AAC is a robust, full-featured augmentative and alternative communication solution designed for the iOS platform (iPad and iPad Mini). It gives nonverbal children and adolescents the ability to build...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Aurora Symbols, LLC


"Brojevi" je jednostavna aplikacija za djecu koja ih kroz igru poučava brojevima, zbrajanju i oduzimanju. Aplikacija sadrži sliku za svaki broj od 1 do 20 te glas koji pročita broj i kaže što se nalazi na slici. Postoje tri kviza...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wargog


Ucionica je aplikacija koja ce vasoj djeci, u predskolskoj dobi, jako puno pomoci da svlada osnovne pojmove koje treba znati. U ovoj aplikaciji se zapravo nalazi pet različitih aplikacija. Među njima su Abeceda, Zivotinje, Brojevi, Oblici i boje i...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wargog


ABHspot je namijenjena svima koji žele saznati svoju idealnu poziciju u oblasti IT-a ili zabaviti se uz edukacijsku igricu Geek Score. Spoji sliku sa odgovorom, saznaj koliko si Geek i takmiči se sa svojim prijateljima! ABHspot vam nudi: - Video o...

Price: Free Developer: Atlantbh d.o.o.
Frans Leren II: Verbeter je uitspraak en woordenschat - Gratis

Frans Leren II: Verbeter je uitspraak en woordenschat - Gratis

*** De eerste versie van deze woorden trainer app heeft wekenlang op nº 1 in de Onderwijs categorie gestaan, is gekozen tot app van de week en heeft in "What's Hot" gestaan. *** Deze tweede versie heeft allemaal nieuwe categorieën...

Price: Free Developer: YawaraJitsu
Schrijven leer je zo!

Schrijven leer je zo!

Deze app is bedoeld als ondersteuning bij het zelfstandig leren schrijven van letters, hoofdletters en cijfers. Deze aanpak sluit naadloos aan op de methode 'Schrijven leer je zo!'. Letters. Het schrijven van de letters en cijfers wordt voorgedaan op het...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BSL, onderdeel van Springer Media
Je Vole Audio

Je Vole Audio

Gracias por utilizar Je Vole! Je Vole Audio es un aplicación gratuita que te permite tener acceso a los audios de la serie de libros Je Vole! de Eduvisión. Los archivos de audio fueron grabados por hablantes nativos en un estudio...

Price: Free Developer: WOW Emotions S.A.
Haal je Theorie 3D

Haal je Theorie 3D

Welkom bij de volledig gratis 3D app van het theorie-examen rijbewijs B. Je krijgt gesproken vragen met daarbij bijbehorende 3D animaties van situaties te zien. De vragen zijn via het touchscreen te beantwoorden. De vragen zijn kort en krachtig en...

Price: Free Developer: Hulan Studio
Engineers Academy –GATE,ESE,JE

Engineers Academy –GATE,ESE,JE

Engineers Academy is a leading institute in the field of various career oriented examinations like ESE/IES, GATE, SSC JE and PSUs like (BHEL, NTPC, PGCIL, ONGC, GASIL, IOCL, BSNL/JTO, BSNL/MT, DRDO, ISRO,DVC, DMRC, MTNL, SAIL, BEL, AAI, BARC etc)...

Price: Free Developer: Online Xm Edutech Pvt Ltd
Je m'amuse en Chinois

Je m'amuse en Chinois

"Je m’amuse en Chinois, ludique, divertissante, gratuite pour tes premiers mots en Chinois" - Top 5 dans la catégorie Livres gratuits sur iPad lors de son lancement. Je m’amuse en Chinois™ expose les enfants à leurs premiers mots et...

Price: Free Developer:
Je m'amuse en Anglais

Je m'amuse en Anglais

"Cette application permettra d'initier vos bambins aux langues d'une manière ludique" ( #1 dans la catégorie Livres gratuits sur iPad En France lors de son lancement Je m’amuse en Anglais™ expose les enfants à leurs premiers mots et expressions en anglais,...

Price: Free Developer:
Je m'amuse en Espagnol

Je m'amuse en Espagnol

Top 5 dans la catégorie Livres gratuits sur iPad (lors du lancement de l'application) Je m’amuse en Espagnol™ expose les enfants à leurs premiers mots et expressions en Espagnol, par l’intermédiaire d’histoires, de jeux et de chansons. Notre application a été conçue...

Price: Free Developer:
BSNL JE Jr Engineer Exam Prep

BSNL JE Jr Engineer Exam Prep

BSNL JE Jr Engineer Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (a leading portal for competitive examination preparation). The App provides all government and PSU job aspirants with online practice tests based on Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited recruitment examination for...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work
SATI Mobile

SATI Mobile

The SATI Mobile application enables to perform Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection on Twitter™. The SATI Mobile application relies on the SATI API ( The SATI API enables to perform Sentiment Analysis from Textual Information. It is accessed through HTTP...

Price: Free Developer: Samuel Cruz-Lara
Rahu Shani Ketu Se Bache - Prevent Planet Effects

Rahu Shani Ketu Se Bache - Prevent Planet Effects

This app gives the Remedies and Upays for Sade Sati, Ashtama Shani, Shani dhaiyya, Kantaka Shani, Shani Mahadasha.shani dosha. In a person kundli leads to serious obstacles, losses and stress.When shani and rahu or ketu is placed in specific position,...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra


Dear Colleagues and Friends; It is an honour and pleasure for me to welcome you to the 14th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, which will be held on 11 - 14 September 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. The congress organisers have put...

Price: Free Developer: OZCAN ATACAN SATI

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