Top 13 Education Apps Like Colégio Cor Jesu. - Best Alternatives

Colégio Cor Jesu. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Colégio Cor Jesu. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 13 Education apps that are similar to Colégio Cor Jesu.. Pick one from this list to be your new Colégio Cor Jesu. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Colégio Cor Jesu. on your iOS devices.

Top 13 Apps Like Colégio Cor Jesu. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Colégio Cor Jesu. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 13 similar apps like Colégio Cor Jesu. 2025.

COR Advantage

COR Advantage

COR Advantage is the leading research-backed assessment for all children from birth to kindergarten. From comprehensive planning tools to dynamic family engagement, COR Advantage offers a complete picture of child growth for schools and families. Assess and share each student’s...

Price: Free Developer: HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Escola Lapis de Cor

Escola Lapis de Cor

O aplicativo da Escola Lápis de Cor é um aplicativo que integra Pais, Filho e Escola. Facilita a sua comunicação com a secretaria e coordenação e auxilia na organização da vida escolar do seu filho. A ferramenta desenvolvida pela empresa...

Price: Free Developer: Joao Neto
Agenda Projeto Lápis de Cor

Agenda Projeto Lápis de Cor

Agenda Projeto Lápis de Cor! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia do seus filhos e o calendário...

Price: Free Developer: Eteg Tecnologia da Informacao Ltda.
Cor de Maria Sabastida

Cor de Maria Sabastida

APP de l'Escola Cor de Maria Sabastida. L'aplicació permet una comunicació directa entre el centre i els pares dels alumnes. Consta d'una primera pantalla de registre on s'identifica l'usuari. A continuació apareix un menú amb diverses opcions: secció de...

Price: Free Developer: David Ruiz
Ave Cor

Ave Cor

In this era marked by the consumption of material goods, we wish to offer our visitors a participation in the prayer experience of this great master of the seventeenth century: Saint John Eudes. His writings very often lead, in...

Price: Free Developer: Jean-Pierre Deshaies
Grupo Lápis de Cor

Grupo Lápis de Cor

Conexão direta entre escola, pais e alunos com o Wello. Através do aplicativo, a escola enviará comunicados, ocorrências e lembretes individuais, para grupos ou turmas inteiras, simultaneamente, gerando uma nova dinâmica no relacionamento e aproximando ainda mais pais e responsáveis...

Price: Free Developer: Wello
Hantsjes yn ‘e hichte

Hantsjes yn ‘e hichte

Hantsjes yn ‘e hichte, Friese kinderliedjes Sykje it plaatsje op yn de trije sykplaten. Fûn? Sjoch nei it filmke mei in lietsje en doch mei! De Fryske lietsjes, 5 nije en 10 tradisjonele, wurde songen troch Janneke Brakels mei begelieding...

Price: Free Developer: Afûk


MAUÁ means technology for the enlightened, and this is app is one of the tools that ties our hardware and software together. The aim of this app is to provide the user with information about his community, the world...

Price: Free Developer: MAUÁ Srl.
Stone Ridge AR Tour

Stone Ridge AR Tour

Utilizing cutting-edge mobile technology, augmented reality (AR), you’ll be able to experience the new Student Life Center like never before! Explore inside the new building and get a tour from our students in 3D. Now, you can be a...

Price: Free Developer: Country Day School of The Sacred Heart, Incorporated
laNetApp per Jesuïtes Educació

laNetApp per Jesuïtes Educació

Aplicació de comunicació i serveis per als alumnes, families i educadors dels centres de Jesuïtes Educació.

Price: Free Developer: Fundació Jesuites Educació
Children's Classics.

Children's Classics.

With adorable animals, playing the greatest musical creations (Swan lake, Nutcracker, Lullaby...), "ZOOLA children's Classics" will not only introduce your child to classical music, it will make your child fall in love with it. "Zoola – Children’s Classics is most definitely the best children’s...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: INBAL Tal


Franziskanisches Engagement für die Armen hat in Bayern eine lange Tradition. Bereits vor über 100 Jahren wurde der Franziskaner-Missions-Verein in Bayern gegründet, der soziale, karitative und pastorale Projekte vor allem in Bolivien förderte. Unglaublich viel ist geschehen in dieser...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Jacob Kalayil

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