Top 39 Education Apps Like Digital Intern Insulin Ed - Best Alternatives

Digital Intern Insulin Ed Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Digital Intern Insulin Ed alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Digital Intern Insulin Ed. Pick one from this list to be your new Digital Intern Insulin Ed app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Digital Intern Insulin Ed on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Digital Intern Insulin Ed - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Digital Intern Insulin Ed alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Digital Intern Insulin Ed 2025.

Livros Digitais SAE Digital

Livros Digitais SAE Digital

Os alunos das escolas conveniadas ao SAE Digital tem acesso a um amplo conteúdo digital acessível com este aplicativo. São exercícios, vídeos e outros objetos digitais que aprimoram a experiência do aprendizado. Para mais informações, entre no site do SAE...

Price: Free Developer: SAE Digital
Questões ENEM - SAE Digital

Questões ENEM - SAE Digital

PENSADO PARA VOCÊ Através do App de Questões ENEM - SAE Digital, desenvolvido pelo SAE Digital você tem acesso a diversas ferramentas de estudo através do seu smartphone. É útil. É simples. É grátis! RESPONDA QUESTÕES • Encontre...

Price: Free Developer: SAE Digital
Editora Geração Digital

Editora Geração Digital

Coleção de livros didáticos em formato digital para as escolas de ensino médio no Brasil, disponível para tablets iOS. Abrange todo o conteúdo desse nível nas disciplinas Filosofia, Geografia, História, Sociologia, Biologia, Química, Física, Matemática, Artes Cênicas, Artes Visuais,...

Price: Free Developer: Curso e Editora Geracao Digital LTDA- EPP
Aplicativo Peper Digital

Aplicativo Peper Digital

Este aplicativo permite o download e a habilitação da Carteirinha Peper Digital, um documento de identificação escolar importante e que também vai facilitar o acesso à utilização dos diferenciais e serviços adicionais proporcionados pelo Peper Proteção Escolar Permanente, sempre...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma Digital Tecnologia e Informatica Ltda.
Digital Citizenship Curriculum (Digital Literacy)

Digital Citizenship Curriculum (Digital Literacy)

App will help students use devices and technology appropriately and responsibly. Digital Citizenship Curriculum is a fun and easy-to-use app built on a framework of learn through informative chapters, assess through quizzes and improve score and earn badges. Lessons include...

Price: Free Developer: ToNewDigital
Digital Cookie Mobile App

Digital Cookie Mobile App

Free to use and designed for Little Brownie Baker Councils participating in the Digital Cookie Platform's Digital Order Card, this app guides the girl along as she takes a customers cookie order. Remember, use of the app may require...

Price: Free Developer: Girl Scouts of the USA
Digital House

Digital House

Digital House nace de la pasión por formar talento en tecnología y disciplinas digitales. Y creemos que estas nuevas habilidades se aprenden practicando, haciendo y experimentando. Nos proponemos desarrollar las nuevas generaciones de coders y profesionales del mundo tecnológico, para...

Price: Free Developer: Digital House
Avatar - JoinMax Digital

Avatar - JoinMax Digital

Avatar - JoinMax Digital, developed by Guangzhou JoinMax Digital Technology Co., Ltd, you can use mobile phone control network equipment. After installing the software, connect to the specified network via mobile phone WIFI, click the connection button at the...

Price: Free Developer: JoinMax Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
Stepping Stones Digital Books

Stepping Stones Digital Books

Digital version of the printed student workbooks to accompany the ORIGO Stepping Stones core mathematics program. This student book app allows students to complete their school work on iPad, save and submit electronically to the teacher. The student Journals...

Price: Free Developer: ORIGO Education
Pentrepoeth Digital Leaders

Pentrepoeth Digital Leaders

Pentrepoeth Primary School is the home of the South East Wales Apple Regional Training Centre. Find out more about the Digital Leaders who help with Apple technology across the school. Watch the videos the pupils have created on iPad...

Price: Free Developer: martin jones
Med. Intern Logbook-Supervisor

Med. Intern Logbook-Supervisor

Mobile App version for the Medical Intern Logbook ( Support Supervisors to view and sign Interns' Logook record. ***** CAUTION ***** This app is for Supervisors ONLY. Intern Student please download the Intern version at : ********************

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Medical Intern Logbook

Medical Intern Logbook

Mobile App version for the Medical Intern Logbook ( Support Intern to write and submit activities logbook to their Supervisors.

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong


App-en benyttes for å kunne lese digitale bøker (d-bøker). I d-bøker blir den tradisjonelle boken kombinert med styrken som ligger teknologien. En d-bok kan være beriket med lyd, video, bildespill, lenker og interaktive oppgaver. Denne d-bok-leseren gir deg i...

Price: Free Developer: Forlagshuset Vigmostad & Bjørke AS


Wann habe ich wo Unterricht? Was gibt es heute in der Mensa? Hat die Bibliothek eigentlich noch offen? Wie war nochmal die E-Mail-Adresse meines Dozierenden? Die Antworten auf all diese Fragen und noch viel mehr können Studierende und Dozierende...

Price: Free Developer: BFH-TI Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik
Amino Acid Codons Tutor

Amino Acid Codons Tutor

Amino Acid Codons Tutor is an app designed to help you memorize the mRNA codons of the genetic code that correspond to the twenty amino acids and the start signal methionine and stop signal codons. The app is designed...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Joseph Kodet
AR Adventure in Space

AR Adventure in Space

AR Adventure in Space is here to give you an experience of being an intern on the ISS! Create your badge, choose your avatar and you’re ready to go! An In-Depth Exploration Using Augmented Reality, you will be able to place...

Price: Free Developer: Octagon Studio Ltd
Berkshire Residents

Berkshire Residents

This app contains topics prepared by residents in the Berkshires, with information about the presentation, exam findings, diagnostics, management, and more for common illnesses an intern will encounter. It also contains easy access to Phone Numbers, Email, Forms, Policies /...

Price: Free Developer: Jason Touhey
CCTC Credential Tracker

CCTC Credential Tracker

The California Center on Teaching Careers is tasked with helping to eliminate the teacher shortage in California. To that end, we have created the Credential Tracker App. Our initial effort is to help those teacher candidates that...

Price: Free Developer: CEDR Systems
Dr. Guts EDU

Dr. Guts EDU

Enroll as a research intern to the curious Dr. Guts, a specialist in human physiology with rather... unusual methods. Perform experiments on organs in the digestive system, the respiratory system, and other body systems, making connections and solving problems...

Price: Free Developer: Filament Games
Diabetes Nurse

Diabetes Nurse

Having your own diabetes nurse ( or educator, if you wish) always with you... The app Diabetes Nurse gives advice on how to use various devices which are used for injecting insulin, Glucagon and GLP-1 analogues. There are more than...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nemanja Stojanovic
Help Shrink Belly Fat

Help Shrink Belly Fat

Some obese people with large amounts of belly fat are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance. In this game, we invite you to move the insulin towards the cell receptors so that they glucose...

Price: Free Developer: Fundacion Privada Instituto De Recerca De La Sida - Fundacion Irsicaixa
Diabetes Academy

Diabetes Academy

We have done it, yet again. As the creators of gluQUO: The best assistant for your diabetes we wanted to contribute even more to the diabetes community. To improve your knowledge about nutrition and diabetes, with Serafín Murillo’s help,...

Price: Free Developer: QUO Health SL
Hypo Program

Hypo Program

The Hypo Program is the world's first and only structured education program focused on improving hypoglycemia awareness. The Hypo Program has personalised streams for: * Patients with insulin-treated diabetes * Parents of children with type 1 diabetes * Teachers of children with...

Price: Free Developer: Diabetes Digital Media Ltd
Islamic Inventions

Islamic Inventions

CUSTOMER REVIEWS: ✓ "5/5 - Awesome - Awesome app extremely well researched and presented. Civilization owes much to early Islamic pioneers" - Australia ✓ "5/5 - Great - This is great history of Muslims that even very few Mulims know" -...

Price: Free Developer: ARE Apps Ltd


Explore the fascinating world of biological macromolecules: iMolview lets you browse and view in 3D protein and DNA structures from Protein Data Bank, drug molecules from DrugBank, and small molecules from Pubchem. Search for drug names like 'ibuprofen' or...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Molsoft
iMolview Lite

iMolview Lite

Explore the fascinating world of biological macromolecules: iMolview Lite lets you browse and view in 3D protein and DNA structures from Protein Data Bank, and drug molecules from DrugBank. Search for drug names like 'ibuprofen' or 'gefitinib' in DrugBank, or...

Price: Free Developer: Molsoft
Biochemistry One

Biochemistry One

• Learn and practice the molecular structures and biological features of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids, 15 selected peptides and 15 important proteins. • The app is divided into 3 parts: Introduction, learning unit, exercise unit. • In the introduction you...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Volker Egelhofer


With Diapets, your child can learn about the Type 1 Diabetes treatment by having fun! In this engaging game, kids take care of a baby dragon character who was just diagnosed with T1D. To make this mischievous dragon happy...

Price: Free Developer: Giancarlo Cavalcante


Hello from Cell-Ed! We are so glad you are here. We know you are busy and always on the go. From job to kids to daily life. So we designed Cell-Ed for you. With Cell-Ed, you can learn the...

Price: Free Developer: Cell-Ed LLC


Post-Ed is a new community resource for post-secondary students. Through a streamlined iOS application, students can get curated, fluid access to all the community events that interest them, and financial aid which they are eligible for. Student leaders on campus...

Price: Free Developer: Post-Ed
Ask Ed

Ask Ed

Does your child have worries, anxieties, tantrums? Imagine if an app could teach your child to voice their problems, express their feelings and decide on a plan of action. Ask Ed is designed to help children deal with real life...

Price: Free Developer: Insightful Systems Pty Ltd
Drivers Ed

Drivers Ed

Take your online drivers ed with America's #1 Driving School. The app is the easiest and most convenient way to take your drivers education course. Whether it’s earning a driver’s license, clearing a ticket or lowering insurance rates,...

Price: Free Developer:
Drivers Ed - Texas Parent-Taught (PTDE)

Drivers Ed - Texas Parent-Taught (PTDE)

Get your permit and earn your license with Texas parent-taught drivers ed! Everything you need in one fully state-approved official course app. Switch between the app and your computer anytime: we save your progress across devices. DPS/TDLR-APPROVED PARENT-TAUGHT DRIVERS...

Price: Free Developer:
Drivers Ed California

Drivers Ed California

The road to your driver’s license starts here. The first step is to get your hands on our California App. It complements our online course, making it more mobile-friendly from start to finish. No trips to class or...

Price: Free Developer:
Texas Drivers Ed--for ages 18-24!

Texas Drivers Ed--for ages 18-24!

With this app, you can EARN YOUR TX DRIVERS LICENSE. Sign up now, take the course, and skip the permit test! TEA-APPROVED ADULT DRIVERS ED If you're under 25, you are required to take drivers ed to get your official...

Price: Free Developer:
Hero by LINC-ED

Hero by LINC-ED

Hero is a unique web app for NZ schools that is designed to be simple, secure and stylish. Our children are growing up in a world where their work will be produced digitally, shared digitally and their learning will be...

Price: Free Developer: LINC-ED
Texas Drivers Ed

Texas Drivers Ed

NDT Offers Drivers Ed for Texas Teens & Adults from the convenience of their mobile device. Curriculum includes online testing & industry exclusive in-car driving guide. Our driver's ed programs for Teens and Adults in Texas is designed to walk...

Price: Free Developer: National Driver Training
Learn Mandarin - Ed-Wonderland

Learn Mandarin - Ed-Wonderland

Ed-Wonderland is the No.1 Mandarin Chinese learning game for beginners! Featured on the App Store in New Apps We Love! ED-WONDERLAND'S KEY FEATURES • learn Chinese with fun, bite-sized essential daily usage lessons, • provides both Easy Mode and Challenge Mode for learning, •...

Price: Free Developer: Kuo-Hsun Hung

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