Top 31 Education Apps Like JetWright CE-525 CJ - Best Alternatives

JetWright CE-525 CJ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best JetWright CE-525 CJ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Education apps that are similar to JetWright CE-525 CJ. Pick one from this list to be your new JetWright CE-525 CJ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to JetWright CE-525 CJ on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like JetWright CE-525 CJ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid JetWright CE-525 CJ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like JetWright CE-525 CJ 2025.

JetWright CE-510 Mustang

JetWright CE-510 Mustang

JetWright LLC's Citation Mustang app contains flash cards, quizzes, training manuals, course syllabus, systems diagrams and references for the Citation Mustang CE-510. It is designed to help pilots prepare for their type ratings and annual recurrent checkrides. The Learn material...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: JetWright LLC
JetWright Citation CE-525 M2

JetWright Citation CE-525 M2

JetWright LLC's Citation Mustang 2, M2, app contains flash cards, quizzes, training manuals, course syllabus, systems diagrams and references for the Citation M2 CE-525. It is designed to help pilots prepare for their type ratings and annual recurrent...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: JetWright LLC
CFI DPE Scenario Maker

CFI DPE Scenario Maker

JetWright's CFI/DPE Scenario creator creates randomized scenarios for teaching and evaluating private, instrument and commercial pilots, and for flight students to practice their skills in evaluating a cross-country scenario. The FAA has mandated scenario based teaching and testing and...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: JetWright LLC
Aviation Excuse maker

Aviation Excuse maker

Are you an aviation student, working on a pilot certificate or rating? Have a checkride coming up? Still having trouble getting everything just right? Is your instructor tired of hearing the same old excuses from you over and over?...

Price: Free Developer: JetWright LLC
CE Broker

CE Broker

Using the CE Broker mobile app, you can find, track, and report your continuing education requirements anytime, anywhere. The official CE/CME tracking app for 100+ boards, including: • Florida Board of Medicine • Georgia Board of Nursing • Louisiana...

Price: Free Developer: CE Broker
CEHQ - CE Credits for Nurses

CEHQ - CE Credits for Nurses

CEHQ (Continuing Education HeadQuarters) is the first mobile app that lets you earn nursing Continuing Education Credits in minutes even when you're on the job or on the go. You earn high-quality, affordable Continuing Education Credits by completing quick...

Price: Free Developer: CE-HQ, LLC
CE Zoom

CE Zoom

CE Zoom is an all-inclusive continuing education (CE) management system, uniquely unprecedented (or unrivaled) by any other CE platform in existence today.

Price: Free Developer: CE Zoom, LLC
CE App - Find & Track CE/CME

CE App - Find & Track CE/CME

Join thousands of your colleagues with the CE App. “I am so happy there is finally an app to keep my CE organized in one place!” The app’s intuitive interface ensures you can track all your continuing education (CE/CME/CEU/CLE/CPD) hours...

Price: Free Developer: Advanced Continuing Education Association, Inc.
CE Lock

CE Lock

Are you tired of fighting thru the crowd to get your continuing education units (CEUs) collected? Are you sick of pushing to the front to attempt to scan a QR code? Do you just want to get your CEUs...

Price: Free Developer: Turtle Jump Technology LLC
ABAI CE Scanner

ABAI CE Scanner

New for 2017! ABAI is pleased to release the CE Scanner, which allows you to scan in and out of CE sessions using your smartphone. Quickly fill out your user profile and select which types of CE you wish...

Price: Free Developer: Flight Path Creative LLC
Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Motto: Pregatiti-va copiii pentru succes! Parcurgând acesta poveste copilul invata sa isi gestioneze emotiile! Stim ce greu se dezvolta rabdarea. Traim intr-o lume in care totul se intâmpla rapid, in care orice problema trebuie rezolvata cât mai repede (pentru ca alte...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Permis C/CE - Examen camion

Permis C/CE - Examen camion

L’application « Permis C/CE » vous permet d’apprendre et de réviser rapidement les fiches "écrit" et les fiches "oral" du permis C et CE correspondant respectivement au permis poids lourd et au super poids lourd. Vous y retrouverez :...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: koehrlen guillaume
CE Webinar v3

CE Webinar v3

The CE Webinar v3 app has developed to assist students access their prep or review course as well as any supplemental review materials for which they have registered. It has been designed to give students a mobile device experience...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Communications, Inc.
Shemrock Audio

Shemrock Audio

SHEMROCK is India’s 1st Playschool Chain, which is credited with revolutionising the concept of early childhood education since 1989, by pioneering a vibrant and child-friendly system of learning. Today, with more than 3,50,000 children already having received the foundation...

Price: Free Developer: Pegasus
AÖF Felsefe 4. Sınıf (Kredili Sistem)

AÖF Felsefe 4. Sınıf (Kredili Sistem)

AÖF Geçmiş Yıllar yazılımının bu bölüme ait tüm testlerin internet gerektirmeyen içerikli halidir. Facebook girişi gerektirmez. Yeni kredili sistem dahil son 14 yıldaki tüm testler ve sorular mevcuttur. Bu bölüme ait 674 test / 17820 soru bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca AÖF...

Price: Free Developer: Gursel Gurel


Be ready for your next checkride, interview, type rating course, revalidation, multi-crew coordination course, ATP/ATP license, or transition training with AirCards! AirCards are a series of aircraft system and procedure reviews covering most Boeing and Airbus airliners, business and...

Price: Free Developer: Dauntless Software
Driver's Ed Lite

Driver's Ed Lite

Prepare to pass your DMV permit test with your iDevice. PREPARE BY TOPICS: You can study the laws by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers. Accidents Alertness Attitude Documents Hazard Awareness Motorway Rules Other Types of...

Price: Free Developer: Webrich Software Limited


Find your way around the new 525,000 sqft. Zachry Engineering building with the EngiNEAR ME App. Integrated with beacons around the building, the app provides search functionality and indoor turn-by-turn directions to your destination. The blue dot tells you...

Price: Free Developer: Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Little Red Coding Club

Little Red Coding Club

Can you help guide Little Red Riding Hood on her journey through the forest to Grandma’s house in an unparalleled augmented reality experience? Joined by the Woodcutter, you and your friends can navigate your way through the challenging forest...

Price: Free Developer: Twinkl Limited


内容已更新至PMBOK第六版!! ==================== ◈这个App适合哪些人?◈ 请先问自己一些问题: 1.你正在准备PMP考试,每天都在为那些容易搞混的输入输出工具而发愁? 2.你正在准备PMP考试,希望快速定位到PMBOK书上某个关键词的位置,查看上下文,更好的理解某个知识点? 3.你已经通过了PMP考试,但是经常要向一些你的客户或者同事展示你的专业水平,解释一些专有名词? 如果有一个答案是YES,那么这款“幸运PMP”会很适合您! 1.你对PMP毫无了解,完全不知道PMBOK为何物 2.你对PMP了如指掌,牢记于心,倒背如流 如果有一个答案是YES,那么很抱歉,这款App很难帮助到你 ◈这个App有什么用?◈ 幸运PMP这个App以PMBOK第五版为基础,把整本书按照章节分解开来,让您可以快速定位和阅读。同时列举了全书中的10大知识体系,47个过程组,193个输入输出和工具,525个术语解释,和47个英文缩写,您可以检索某个关键词,查到名词解释和这个词在书中的位置,进而阅读PMBOK中关于这个词的解释的段落。 ◈主要功能◈ - 名词解释——知识体系,过程组,输入输出和工具,术语解释,英文缩写和书中图表 - 搜索——检索名词解释 - 考试信息——同步更新PMP考试中国官方网站新闻,第一时间了解最新考试信息 - 知识结构图——知识体系包含哪些过程组;过程组包含哪些输入工具和输出;输入输出或工具和哪些过程组相关联 - 横屏支持——便于阅读 - 阅读模式——日间,夜间,护眼三种模式 ◈联系我们◈ - 意见反馈 [email protected]

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: LuckyTR
Real Time Wildlife Sightings from the Path of the Jaguar

Real Time Wildlife Sightings from the Path of the Jaguar

This app is optimized for iOS 7. The photographs presented through this app, are part of a monitoring project of medium to large mammals, developed by Panthera to support the Environmental Management Plan of the Reventazón Hydroelectric Project (RHP) of...

Price: Free Developer: Mr Rabbit
CJ Fallon eBook Reader

CJ Fallon eBook Reader

The innovative eBook Reader (myCJFallonReader) provides access to a growing number of Primary and Post-Primary eBooks and their digital resources. By making our textbooks available, students, teachers and parents can access high quality digital versions of CJ Fallon titles....

Price: Free Developer: CJ Fallon Limited
CJ Auto Ecole

CJ Auto Ecole

L'application "CJ Auto école" vous offre la possibilité de consulter toutes les infos utiles de l'auto école (Tarifs, carte, avis…) mais aussi de recevoir leurs dernières News ou Flyers sous forme de notifications Push. Caractéristiques de l'application : - La...

Price: Free Developer: AppsVision
CJ - Moses

CJ - Moses

This ChaseJesus App for kids brings the bible to life in a fun interactive and cool way for any kid. This series on HERO’s will inspire and empower your kids that they can be HERO’s for God too. In...

Price: Free Developer: Ashoka Bantumilli
Patrick Crossing

Patrick Crossing

This is the official Patrick Crossing application. When you download this FREE app, you will have access to encouraging messages by Pastor CJ Alderton. Check out all kinds of content that interests you, including sermons, CJ's Blog, and events....

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
PILOT Notebook

PILOT Notebook

PILOT Notebook contains 1,000's of pages of aircraft notes and study material. The most commonly asked questions and answers about airplanes on check rides and type ratings. featured aircraft: SINGLE-ENGINE AIRPLANES •Bonanza BE-A36 •Diamond DA-20 •Cessna 152 •Cessna 162 Skycatcher •Cessna 172N •Cessna 172SP •Cirrus SR20/22 •Piper Warrior •Piper Archer •Cessna...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Pilot Jet Apps
Active Science

Active Science

The Active Science app is a free app that accompanies the Active Science textbook. Aligned with the new Junior Cycle Science specification and created by teachers, this innovative and exciting interactive game features over 1200 questions, divided into four...

Price: Free Developer: CJ Fallon Limited


Citation-ology: sī'tāSH(ə)n äləjē/ verb: Citation-ology 1. the study of Cessna Citation aircraft systems, limitations, and memory items. 2. the BEST way to review hundreds of details about Cessna Citation aircraft. Citation-ology is a series...

Price: Free Developer: Aeromania


Mencal is an app help you expand your ability to mentally solve math problems. All of us can do simple addition and subtraction of one or two digit numbers without a calculator.Now mencal is here to kick that ability...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: INSTANT.CJ
Quantum Galaxies AR

Quantum Galaxies AR

Quantum Galaxies AR requires compatibility with iOS AR. Use a second device to display a control character to the AR camera. Or, print to page from a single device (see screen shot). The Apple Store has a...

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Jerke

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