Top 25 Education Apps Like MME - Study Abroad - Best Alternatives

MME - Study Abroad Alternatives

Do you want to find the best MME - Study Abroad alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Education apps that are similar to MME - Study Abroad. Pick one from this list to be your new MME - Study Abroad app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to MME - Study Abroad on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like MME - Study Abroad - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid MME - Study Abroad alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like MME - Study Abroad 2025.

Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

L’application mobile éducative des Virtuels utilise la réalité augmentée pour donner vie à une équipe de super-héros qui inspirent les enfants à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Voir la vidéo (en anglais) : Tout en étant émerveillés et...

Price: Free Developer: Juan Carlos Pizarro Ribera


Nem tudod milyen madarat láttál? A megfejtés csak néhány gombnyomásra van! Magyarország első madárhatározó alkalmazása a Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület (MME) és a Farkaskölykök Ifjúsági Egyesület közös munkája. A határozó a hazánkban előforduló közel 157 leggyakoribb madárfaj beazonosításához nyújt...

Price: Free Developer: HPS Experience Ltd.
LFIGP Pronote

LFIGP Pronote

Un établissement homologué Le LFIGP dispense à tous les niveaux un enseignement conforme aux objectifs, programmes, méthodes et instructions fixés par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale français, et prépare les élèves au Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), ainsi qu’aux 3...

Salat - Ali et Sumaya

Salat - Ali et Sumaya

A aidé à enseigner plus de 200 000 enfants à prier #2 Le meilleur programme d’éducation vendu dans Appstore UK Les 10 premiers d’éducation dans Appstore dans plus de 10 pays "Salat - Ali et Sumaya" Ali et Sumaya est la première vidéo...

Price: Free Developer: Imanimation Studios
Les Conjugaisons Françaises: The Basics

Les Conjugaisons Françaises: The Basics

-Cette application iOS a été spécifiquement conçue pour mon (Aurelien Meray) projet d’ITGS IB. -Cette application a été créée avec l'objectif d'aider les étudiants français de Dominique Lochet (client) pour mieux apprendre leurs conjugaisons. -Mme Lochet a été le professeur de...

Price: Free Developer: Aurelien Meray
Shovel - Study Planner

Shovel - Study Planner

See into the future with the Shovel Study Planner. Shovel is not just another to-do list or a useless calendar. It is a Real-Time Study Planner, built from the ground up with only students in mind. Shovel knows exactly...

Price: Free Developer: How To Study Smart, LLC


Study.Net for iOS provides easy and convenient access to Study.Net course materials. FEATURES - Download and save your Study.Net course material files to your iOS devices - Annotate PDF materials - Save PDF annotations to the Study.Net Cloud Service for backup and...

Price: Free Developer: Study.Net Corporation
Asvab Test Prep |

Asvab Test Prep |’s ASVAB Test Prep app is the perfect way to quickly and easily prepare for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam. Become a member to watch short, engaging video lessons created by our subject matter experts to...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
Clep Exam Prep |

Clep Exam Prep |

With’s CLEP Exam Prep app, you can prepare for over 30 exams to help you earn college credit outside of the classroom. Become a member to watch short, engaging video lessons created by our subject matter experts to...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
GARP Study Center

GARP Study Center

The GARP® Program Study App: FRM® is designed to help the tens of thousands of candidates who enroll in the rigorous FRM certification program succeed. FRM candidates report that they spend over 240 hours preparing for each FRM Exam...

Price: Free Developer: Global Association of Risk Professionals
Praxis® Test Prep |

Praxis® Test Prep |’s Praxis® Test Prep app is the fun and easy way to prepare for your Praxis® exam. Become a member to watch short, engaging video lessons created by our subject matter experts to help you learn even the most...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
Study Edge

Study Edge

Stressed about your college classes? Not fully getting the concepts? Need more practice problems? Or just really need to make sure you get that “A”? We can help! Study Edge is simply the best way for college...

Price: Free Developer: Study Edge
Study for iPad

Study for iPad

Study brings flashcard learning to your iPad – carry them with you wherever you go. Be it vocabulary, historical dates, capitals or any other topic, you’ll memorize them with ease. Study helps you collect and memorize knowledge bits. You’ll juggle...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Georg Claudius Brueckmann

The app will help you learn any academic subject on the go. Our short, fun video lessons, taught by expert teachers, provide homework help for difficult topics from your classes with easy-to-understand examples and animations. Become a member...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
My Study Life - School Planner

My Study Life - School Planner

My Study Life is a cross-platform planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make your study life easier to manage. My Study Life allows you to store your classes, homework and exams in the cloud making it available...

Price: Free Developer: My Study Life, Ltd.
McGill Abroad

McGill Abroad

McGill Study Abroad app helps you find key resources, get push notification and easily connect you with other students participating in the McGill Study Abroad program in nearby regions. You can access orientation schedule, checklists, safety information, health resources,...

Price: Free Developer: Ready Education Inc.
Educare Abroad Consult

Educare Abroad Consult

Educare Abroad Consult Pvt. Ltd. is an educational consultancy in Kathmandu, Nepal. The consultancy has been giving excellent services including abroad study counseling and VISA processing. With the Educare Abroad Consult app, students can now browse from these amazing features: -...

Price: Free Developer: Aditya Shah
Practice Spanish: Study Abroad

Practice Spanish: Study Abroad

¡Bienvenidos a Colombia! Practice Spanish: Study Abroad immerses you in a 3-D virtual study abroad experience, where you interact with other characters and sharpen your introductory Spanish skills. Within each Quest, you’ll be given objectives to complete as...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
GradTrain - Study Abroad

GradTrain - Study Abroad

GradTrain is an AI-driven guidance platform for people who move to study abroad, connecting them with services, schools, jobs and mentorship. On the GradTrain platform, prospective students use predictive algorithms to gauge their chances of acceptance to universities and...

Price: Free Developer: Jacob Bacon
Practice Spanish Study Abroad

Practice Spanish Study Abroad

This app delivers just the Mini-games in Practice Spanish: Study Abroad. Mini-games are fun, mobile, fast-paced, skills games designed to help you master the introductory-level vocabulary and grammar topics you will use to play the immersive 3-D Quests...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
TCSI - Study Abroad

TCSI - Study Abroad

Study Abroad, Study in Canad, an International Students portal. One stop shop for finding the best institution for education goals.We work for our clients not for Institutions, Finding the best Institutions that fits your Dream Program to fulfill...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Consulting Services Inc.
Go Abroad

Go Abroad

Go Abroad是一款专为留学生和喜爱国际化社交人士打造的大型全球性平台,是国内第一家做留学机构集成的平台。包括留学学前准备、留学生活服务、留学生间交流与交易、国际化兴趣交友等一系列国际交流服务。以留学为出发点,对于留学用户,为出国中介和意向用户搭建平台,对中介的真实性和正规性进行统一考量,为用户省去考察中介真实性的时间,同事对各中介的擅长领域进行总结,统一宣传统一推荐,量体裁衣,让用户选对中介,让中介找对用户,对于非留学用户,以兴趣划分国际化交友圈子,搭建国际交友与文化交流圈子。本平台致力于国际市场,努力为国内外交流搭起桥梁,渴望打造“以华为桥、全球能聊”的国际化市场。

Price: Free Developer: 成都阿达科技有限公司
RIEC Study Abroad

RIEC Study Abroad

RIEC is the one stop solution for all your international study and Migration needs. The core activity lies in assisting students to make the right choice with regard to pursuing education in overseas educational institutions. RIEC provides information regarding...

Price: Free Developer: gagan rai
ShreeHari Abroad Education

ShreeHari Abroad Education

This App is a 'One stop' solution providing an enhanced communicating and interactive experience to parents, teachers and students. Our focus is to connect different dimensions of education with the right technology that is easy to use. This...

Price: Free Developer: Ruchir Brahmbhatt

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