Top 10 Education Apps Like Nirmane Ami - Best Alternatives

Nirmane Ami Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Nirmane Ami alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to Nirmane Ami. Pick one from this list to be your new Nirmane Ami app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Nirmane Ami on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Nirmane Ami - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Nirmane Ami alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Nirmane Ami 2025.



Ami VNUA là phương tiện giao tiếp giữa nhà trường và sinh viên tại VNUA Ami VNUA là ứng dụng di động được thiết kế dành riêng cho các sinh viên tại Học viện Nông Nghiệp Việt Nam. Với Ami...

Price: Free Developer: BMG Ami Technologies Joint Stock Company
AMI Filangieri Smart Museum

AMI Filangieri Smart Museum

AMI Filangieri Smart Museum is the first App of the Filangieri Museum for the use of visit routes through the use of IoT sensors. A new model of interaction between the user and the museum environment is defined, whose...

Price: Free Developer: Naos Consulting srl
AMI Namibia-

AMI Namibia-

This application keeps you informed about the activities of the church of God. Alleluia Ministries is a bible believing christian church with a vision to conquer the world for Jesus Christ. Our general overseer is Pastor Alph Lukau.

Price: Free Developer: Leslie Mavonyani


"WALL: Breaking Walls. Building Futures" is a project developed by AMI, which was selected to represent the "No More Bricks in the WALL" campaign in Portugal. Answer the quiz and try to guess the nationality of each person portrayed. Use...

Price: Free Developer: Preflet Lda


Hermann Marika és az AnyaMesé csapata azt a feladatot vállalta magára, hogy ne legyen olyan gyermek, akinek esti mese nélkül kell lefeküdnie!...

Price: Free Developer: Angry Cat Kft
Arts Play Card

Arts Play Card

Everywhere, Anytime Make it, Dance! 하루 5분! 아미, 코미의 움직임을 따라 나의 춤을 완성해보아요. 53가지의 동작카드를 마음대로 조합하여 만드는 나의 춤을 카메라에 담아보아요. 아미,코미 움직임이 춤이 되어요! 표현력 Up 다양한 색과 모양으로 구성된 아츠플레이카드로 상상력 Up 53가지의 이미지카드와 무브먼트카드를 조합하며 창의력 Up *주요기능 아미, 코미의 Arts...

Price: Free Developer: insang kwak
Hála app

Hála app

Az emberek nagy többsége tele van panasszal és mi is gyakran azt emlegetjük, ami nincs, ami hiányzik a maradéktalan boldogsághoz. Vajon elégedettek lehetünk-e így valaha? Aligha. Mindig lehet többre, jobbra, szebbre vágyni...és aztán még többre, még jobbra, még szebbre....

Price: Free Developer: Kare Training&Trading kft


We believe every child is the future of mankind, and it is our responsibility as parents and educators, to provide every child with the support, resources and knowledge they need to fulfill their destiny. Our mission is to empower Montessori...

Price: Free Developer: CocoTech Consulting CO., LTD.
Food Defense (English)

Food Defense (English)

Training is an important part of a company’s food safety program. This training App is brought to you by the American Mushroom Institute (AMI) and focuses on the different activities that employees need to follow to help prevent the...

Price: Free Developer: Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC

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